OT: Who here has a hot tub?

Gun guru

Well-known Member
The reason I ask is because I finally got mine running again and I have been using Bromine for the chemical, but I guess you can use Chlorine instead.....But Which is better? I would like to switch to chlorine but I dont know if it would smell worse in a hot tub or would bromine smell worse?

The wife is happy the tub is running now, mine is inside of a sunroom.
Some folk run salt water and one of those chlorine generators.

My co-worker just cringes when his teenage daughter fills his hot tub with her girl friends. The hot tub lifts all the old makeup and loose skin cells. Then it takes hours of work to clean the tub and filters.
We have a sundance hot tub. We use bromine in ours. The big problem we have is the soap foam. What a pain, that can ruin a new filter in just one use. Doyle
We had a hot tub for over 5 years. It finally just got too expensive for us to justify. So we drained and shut it down.Electricty ran about 35.00 per month. We used a bromine cartridge in the filter.Plus chlorine granules - plus non chlorine shock treatment-PH up or PH down as needed-Suds X to get rid of foam-Scum digester- and a scale and stain preventer. Chemicals ran about 25.00 per month and the water bill to drain and refill every 90 days just became too much.
I suggest the bromine. Less smell and it handles the heat much better. Chlorine will fade much much faster at the temps seen in a hot tub... ask how I know. Mine has an ozone generator on it and it takes very little bromine to keep the free chlorine/bromine level correct. Just be careful as I added too much bromine once and for about a week I keep getting a shocking feeling anywhere sensitive such as a small cut or a short fingernail. Thought I had a electrical short somewhere but still got the feeling after unhooking the electric. Finally figured out it was the high level of bromine!
Gun Guru: as was mentioned, bromine holds up better in hot-tub conditions than chlorine, but I've use chlorine in mine since I built it (about 7 years) with no ill effects. One note, however--whichever one you use, if you switch you'll have to do a full system purge, as they don't play well together.
I know how he feels. A bunch of girls in a hot tub like that , would just tear me up too. Please give him our sympathy. We all feel his pain.
When I designed my house I told the wife, "Hey lets put in a hot tub room" Of course she said yes. Well we moved in in 2000 and a year later I bought my tub at Home depot for $1600, that was good deal cause it was no interest, 10% off etc. Well after I hooked it up I realized it would be a $1 a day in electricity. (it runs off of 120VAC) I kinda wish I wouldnt have bought it cause of the electric cost.

Mine is a 4 person tub 170 gallon or so. (Jacuzzi brand) In 2005 the heater broke and would only heat to 85f max. So I bought a new heater in 2006 and hooked it up and it still didnt work...At least that is what I thought becasue the ramp rate of the heating was slow, But I tried it again and it really did work apparantly, wife has nagged me for 2 years to get it running again. The 1 bonus of having the tub working is that the wife will be a little more frisky.
I won't get in one 'til I'm done having kids.Scientifically proven to reduce "swimmer" count at recommended water temps.
I use rain water in mine and it is wonderful! I bought it used and was scaled up bad in the heater and plumbing but is clean as a whistle now. I use either clorine or bromine which ever I have at the time. With clorine I have to add Bicarb to raise PH and with bromine I have to use PH reducer. Keep an eye on the PH as it is very important as to how it affects " chemical" smell and water clarity. Nothing like a good soak at midnight with a cold barley pop and a good woman watching the stars. The coldest temp outside I ever got in it was 6 deg F.
Hi GG,

You might want too check but I just heard some where that we didn't have a cancer problem in the USA until we started to chlorinate our drinking water.

I was looking on how to remove arsenic form water supplies when I read about it.

True or not I can't tell you as I never researched it. Might be worth a look into tho.

Besides the makeup. The lotions,potions, creams, oils,gells etc women rub on their skin and into their hair also mess up the hot tub water.

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