
Oops didn't get around to checking the trans and axle in my M for water, now its 15 degrees and it won't move at all. Looks like when the wind dies down its time to get a heater and build a tent to do it the hard way. Someday I'll learn
It kinda adds insult to the nasty weather. A magnetic heater probably wouldn't be enough to thaw it out would it? maybe two? Jim
That happened to my Oliver 70 one time. It was sitting right in front of the feed grinder in the tool shed at the time. I had to skid it out,slide it into the shop,take out the drain plug and run the salamander right behind it for a few hours.
Yeah thinking maybe a heat lamp or halogen work light would be the safest. A small fire maybe faster but could get too big if you know what I mean. My own fault I bought the tractor this spring and changed the oil anti freeze and checked the level of the rear and KNEW then and there to drain the water but didn't have the time. Well I guesss I have the time now. Worst part 6 inches of light fluffy snow and 30 to 45 mph winds forcasted for tonight into tomorrow.
That is why I said something about Heet. Years ago had a problem with some gas I got. It was about 25% water and I had fueled up the tractors the day before because of snow coming in. Well when I needed a tractor the next day all the fuel sediment bowls where froze solid. I poured heet into all the tanks and with in 2 hours was able to get them running again. I did not drain any gas/water or use any type of heat
get a couple metal 5 gallon buckets, put a bag of cheap charcoal in them and slide under the trator trans and rearend, 30 minutes later it will move, then drain.
Get some hot dogs and whiskey, and go to grilling under that old girl, I have done it lots of times with customer tractors. Make a bad situation into a fun situation. Do not knock the bottom out of the whiz, until you get the drain plug out, ask me how I know that.
Gotta love it. I have a dead diesel combine in the middle of the corn field with pretty much the same conditions. I'm thinking spring!
Reminded me of an expensive one- I was about 14 at the time, and my gramps sent me down the road with one of the 706D's, in my snowmobile suit, still snow on the ground, to pull out a stuck truck. Got about 2 blocks, just cruising, then BANG...clunk...clunk...clunk... Turned it around and limped home. Turns out it had picked up a chunk of ice in the oil, and run it between the final drive gears- broke the cast-in seat for the bearing in the main housing. New case was $1000+, in 1970 dollars, plus labor to R&R the whole back of the tractor. Don't play with that ice, boyz, it plays rough
See if can rent a torpedo propane or kerosene/diesel heater or even a tiger torch(weed burner). Won't take long at all. A tiger torch costs around $75 but they are very handy to have around. They'll work off a 20# propane tank. Just be careful you don't get it too hot. Dave
Don't know what a Tiger Torch looks like, but you can usually get a weed burner torch from Harbor Freight for $20 or less. It hooks to a barbecue propane tank and is really handy for applying a bit of heat to things. I have used mine a lot.

Like the other guy suggested, be careful about getting things too hot, and since it is an open flame, you need to be prepared to put out a fire, if one starts.

A few years ago, I had to split my Ford 641 and decided to drain all the fluids at the same time. I would guess that at least half a gallon of water drained out of the rear end before any gear oil started coming out. I might have had some problems getting it to move if it had been freezing weather. Good luck, and be safe!
Iff'n its close enough to get your buzzbox welder to it, try this: Hook the ground to 1 side of the casting, and the hot to the other side of the casting, turn on at the lowest setting (must be in the 100% duty cycle area, on the panel). Check the temp frequently, by lightly touching the casting. Do not connect to anything other than the casting, in other words, do not connect across any bearings! By doing this, you are using the casting as the heating element, doesn't take long, but don't walk away and leave it, could get hot enough to pop fill caps or cause damage.

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