Toothache ???? advice.


Well-known Member
Miss Karee is in misery. She's got a toothache that's been coming and going all day and getting worse. Trick is there is no tooth where it hurts, just a gap where the had one out years ago, that has never bothered since. I've been in there with a light and a finger and don't see anything swollen or looking at all inflamed. No visible swelling on the outside. The pain is lower jaw and quite sharp, so I'm not suspecting sinus.

The customary pain killers are having only a limited effect. Poor girl's been in and out of tears all afternoon. Any ideas? Does one use ice or heat on such a thing?
Not trying to be funny, but I had a wisdom tooth removed a long time ago and was given tylenol 3. Only way they worked was have them with a beer. After the 1st few days to a week, gargling with warm/hot (generous) salt water kept things comfortable. Plain listerine may also help.

Good luck,

The wife says Oragel,clove oil or whiskey. Trust her,she's a nurse. I think the whiskey goes interrnally by the way.
I have had my share of tooth problems, but have not had an ache where there was no tooth. I would see a dentist ASAP. I have had root canal problems, that was pain nothing could control. Unless the dentist did not remove all of the old tooth he pulled, it could be root problems with an adjoining tooth. That was a throbbing pain that kept getting more intense, no asperin could control that.
I have been fighting an ear infection for weeks. Yes I've seen the doctor and dentist. Sinuses can hurt terrible. I have jaw pain that moves around top to bottom. Dentist x-rayed everthing and saw no problems.

Doc put me on Darveset. Dentist gave me tylenol 3 w/codien. I usually just take 3-4 advils every 4-6 hours as needed for pain.

I know how much it can hurt, I've almost been in tears.

Going back to Dr. on Tuesday. This stuff is getting old.
It sounds like it is refered pain (from another tooth). Try some Oragel,even on some of the other teeth. Wish her well.
If its on the uppers then its sinus inflammation putting pressure on the nerve. I get it all the time try something that will clear up her sinuses. A good nose spray will work sometimes but I suggest a good allergy pill like Claritine. Or see your dentist and explain that its not a cavity its a tooth that has been removed. There could also be an infection in the nerve end which will need some other meds to cure it. Either way if you can't take it down with what I said in 24 hours then go directly to the Dentist.
Do you know a good chiropractor? Mine does a little jerk on the lobe in a "j" motion that you can feel the ear open up and any fluids will drain.

Works great. She has a clientele of small children that she sees regularly to do this. They never get ear infections and never need to have the tubes put in their ears.
Years ago I had a lower tooth removed (the one behind the canine) and it never stopped aching. Turned out to be the wisdom tooth causing all my agony. Took the culprit out and had instant relief. Update: I just had the oral surgeon remove the last nine uppers on Friday. Still stitched up and eating soup and baby food. Good luck getting relief, nothing is worse than a toothache.
My dentist prescribes Ibuprofen, 600 MG, (every 8 hours) when I have dental pain. It has always been very effective for me.
If it's in the uppers--then I'll "Bingo!" what walterdavies says below. A sinus issue can make you think you are going to have every tooth in your mouth explode.
My Dad always swore by pure vanilla extract. Put some on a cotton ball or Q-tip and dab it on the area.
I have a "cold" right now and sinus pressure in the sinus cavities on the right side. My teeth on the right side, both upper and lower, ache and feel hot.

Sinus infections can cause major teeth problems. I have a friend who had lots of allergy/sinus problems over the years. The infection drained into her jaw and she now wears full dentures.
Aleve worked great on my tooth pain till i developed an allergy to it...then i got that sucker yanked out...i got tooth sitting on a shelf where it can hurt all it wants to.
I learned to like Aleve. It takes longer to kick in that ibuprofen but works much better for me.
Unfortunately, my stash seems to have run out. We're getting by reasonably well on the recommended dosage of Advil until morning.
The pain is lower jaw and quite sharp

Be careful. That's one symptom of a heart attack. David..................
Had that prob for a while on one that was pulled. It was growing out sorta sideways, out of the gums, so had it pulled. Ached at times and still does now. Healed over but very shallow. I use "Anbesol" on a swab and it numbs it immediately, for a while. Advil for overall long range relief.
My daughter had a tooth that she needed a root canal done to. The dentist couldn't get to it for a week. She was put on antiboitics for the tooth until then. What he told her to do for the pain was to place ice wrapped in a plastic bag on the flap of skin between her thumb and pointer finger on the hand on the same side as the tooth, and leave it there until that area was numb. There is a nerve in that area that runs up the arm and along the jaw to the top of the skull. She did this and the pain was gone. everytime she felt pain comming on she reapplied the ice. Worked like a charm. go figure!

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