Best friend

I lost my best friend as well as my dad today.He finally lost his battle with old age and lonelyness.He has been lost without my mom who died in April after 61 years of marriage.We used to go to tractor shows together and talk about antique tractors and machinery that he grew up operating.I miss him already and will continue to miss him in the years to come.Remember;cherish what you have because you never know how long it will last.GOD BLESS EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU!

Keep your head up.... Sounds like he had a good life.

Sure he'll be around when you're working on the old stuff or lookin at it at shows.

I have been down that road a few years ago Doug, I know how you feel. Nothing can take the hurt away but it does get eaiser as time goes on. Just remember all the things you dad taught you and continue to make him proud. And always remeber the good times and his values. Take care.
WE KNOW WHAT YOU ARE GOING THROUGH. LOST MY DAUGHTER TO OVARIAN CANCER THE 8th . Miss her terribly. She had a saying when we kidded each other, that still sounds in my ear. "LIFE GOES ON" .It surely does but with a empty HOLE THAT cannot be filled. MABY in time. Trying to adapt her saying to my everyday life. Gotta try. Bless you in your time of loss. Warmest reguards. LOU & VICTOR
Thanks for the blessing. I lost my Dad at an age when I was less than appreciative of what he really had done and was doing for me. My Mom is hanging in there and never even looked for another partner in the last 23 years. What a wonderful feeling that must be to know that you were "made for each other" and that there was never an option to "til death do us part". I think about Dad every day and I think he still checks in on us once in a while...

Sorry for your loss,
As strange as this sounds, I have been going through the inevitablity of this same thing as my own father is slipping. I hate to think about it but it will happen. Its hard to think that we walk with men who went from horses to jet travel. Little old men who stormed beaches or as my father, piloted a B-17. A small old man who never really liked to ride a bike but was able to parachute out of a plane. As he shrinks with age he said a few years ago that he feels like they took out three inches of his chest when they did his bypass. I'm sorry to hijack your post, my prayers are with you.
We just lost a friend as well passed on the 14th Was viewing today , and being buried tomorrow.

I want to share this poem from the guest card you find on the stand that has the guest book on.
God"s finger touched him,and he
slipped away from earths dark shadows to a brighter day;
God saw the road was getting rough, the hills were hard to climb;

He gently closed his weary eyes , and whispered "Peace be thine"
To a beautiful garden this friend has gone
To a land of perfect rest.
Though he is gone-he still lives on in the garden of memory.

Want you to think of this when you are out in fields or garden. His spirit will always be with you as long as you keep him in your heart.
My deepest sympathy go out to you and your family, particularily at this time of the year. As others have said, after the hurt diminishes you will always have many fond memories of the things you and your Dad did together.
My Dad is real close to 90 and still in pretty good health - but I sure will miss him when he's gone.

My prayers go out to you. I had the same relationship with my grandfather. We would farm together and it was the best time of my life. It sure hurt when he got to the point he could not get out and help and hurt even worse the day that he passed on. But, as they say time heals, and it does get a little better.
My father passed away 2 years 9 months ago and I miss him as much as the day we said our final goodbyes.Thankfully most of the family was at his bedside when he passed.I was his birthday present so that day is always difficult.It comes up in 2 days.

Sorry to hear about your loss and may God bless you.

Deepest sympathies. Dad's been gone 2 and a half years now. We worked together right up til he was just shy of 75. He spent his last years wishing he could still work. Got pretty misserable sitting around not able to do much. You never get over it. It just gets a little easier.
I lost my best friend in September 2005 and there is not a day that goes by that I don't think about my Dad. He was by best friend my business partner and my father I'll never replace him but you just have to go on and remember and live all the wonderful times you had with him,you'll never forget him.I'm sorry to here of your Dad's passing and your in my prayers. Tony
Lou, Sorry to hear about your daughter I knew she was ill from your posts but I didn't know she passed. I'm deeply sorry, you and your family are in my prayers. Tony
I'm sorry for you loss, It is never easy to lose a loved one.
So sorry for your loss. You are an extremely lucky man to have enjoyed the years you have with your best friend. Many never had the opportunities you've had with your Dad. Be thankful and take good care of yourself and family. God Bless.
Sorry for your loss, Doug. May God give you strength for this difficult time.

I lost my best friend--my dad--in 1991, and I miss him every day. Cherich your memories of times spent together, and may God comfort you in this time of loss and sorrow.
Boy, that's tough to take. Pa has been gone eighteen years now. I live on the home place and every day around the farm I run across a reminder of him and at first that would bring a teer to my eye but now it puts a smile across my face. It does get easier. You have my sympathy. The Flying Belgian.
Doug you have my sympathy. I'm fortunate to have dad around to talk to and I really feel blessed. We've always been best friends and always will be. He's 85 and not the sharp person he used to be but he's still here. Jim
Sorry to hear that Doug. I was just over at my parents helping them with their tree. My Dad is not in too good of shape, and I am worried. I'll say a prayer for you . Its always a day that no one want to think about.
My dad died 14 vears ago at age 95. Not a day goes by that I don't think about him and some of his advice. I thank God for his presence, but we all have the opportunity to pass this stuff on to our kids and grandkids.
Lou, I was in your shoes seven and a half years ago, and the words you speak in your post are so familiar to me. Hang in there, with time the heaviness will leave, but the hole never does. It doesn't hurt to talk about it. The relief valve has to pop off once-in-awhile, to put it in tractor terms. God bless and my deepest sympathy goes out to you and your family.Jim
My dearest sympathy to you.I lost my Dad 46 years ago and still always miss him. He was only 63 and had brain cancer. He's in a much better place now.
Doug, like others said, my thoughts and prayers are with you and your family. I fear the day that I lose either of my parents as they also are two of my best friends. I have been blessed - still have both parents and all four grandparents. It will not be easy when that day comes. At least I know they will be in a much better place than even the best place here on Earth.
DOUG i am sure sorry for your loss. IT SUCKS! i know how ya feel i lost my best friend, an father, this year in August. We were at a tractor show an he got sick on sunday an passed on tuesday. you will never forget, an shouldnt. i think about my dad many times a days.
Going on 10 years since I lost my Dad, seems he left way too soon, but I am thankful for all the time we had.. Holidays still make me really miss my Mom and Dad..
Doug, sorry for your loss. I'm fortunate to still have both my folks, so I can only imagine how you feel. God bless you, and your family.
Sorry to hear about your loss Doug. I know how your dad felt about losing a wife and a friend. My wife died in Dec 04. Since then I have lost interest in a lot of things. Holidays just don't mean anything any more and I get real cranky in December. We were only married for 32 years. I do miss her very much. The best thing you can do is think about all the good times you had with them. I remember my wife would drag me kicking and screaming to the malls. I hate shopping and she would always ask me questions about decorating the house. I never did get the correct answer.

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