Bad Weather

Much colder, and getting windy, but just a skiff of new snow where we're at in NW Nebraska. I think, and hope, that the worst of the snow is going to be south and east of us. Some area's are going to get pounded again the way it looks, and I wish good luck and thoughts to the folks in those places. Merry Christmas to all!!! :wink:
Looks like you guys in the mid part of the country will be hammered for the next few days. We have just had 3 nights of frost. Still haven"t had a killing one here in SE North Carolina, however I"m about 1/2 away from the coast. Usually we have a killing frost in mid October. I"m not complaining, it has kept me from having to put as much feed on the honey bees this fall. Strange year lots of rain, just under 60 inches for the year.
May you all have a Merry Christmas and a happy New year.
Snowing hard, big wet flakes just off of freezing rain. Central MN. Looks to be 8 to 10 inches here through 25th. Maybe more. (about 8 O'clock local), Jim
Freezing mist and very light drizzle followed by a couple of inches of snow here in NW Iowa. Weatherman is still talking 12"-18" of snow with wind by the time it's over Saturday. Temps are predicted to be in the 20's until Saturday night. Then lows around 0.

If we do get 18" it'll be the most my 31 year old son has ever seen in one shot. He's never seen a roaring three day blizzard. We've been lucky and haven't had anything that big since the seventies.Jim
Had rain and 33 degrees most of the day in Omaha. LOTS of run off and snow melt-puddles everywhere as the storm drain inlets are mostly blocked! They are predicting 12"-17" of snow with 45 mph winds. The warning is from 6am Friday thru 6am Sunday! Now the news has actually mentioned power outages possible-I have been preparing for that all week! Greg
The weatherman here predicts you guys west of Lake Michigan will get your fare share of snow and lots of it. Freezing rain here tomorrow and just rain on Christmas Day,.. turning over to all snow by Saturday. Have fun out there in the white stuff guys and Have a Merry Christmas.
It is forming up here in Olahoma. No moisture her in east central bit they say it is on the way.
Boy did I eat crow !! I'm always bragging about the nice weather we have here in SE AZ. Well, this morning we woke up to about 2" of snow. Covered everything. It was horrible!! But, gone by early afternoon. I really feel for all of you that put up with so much snow. I just couldn't do it. Merry Christmas To all you good people.
we're under tornado watch till 6am here in south central Tx...chance of snow after front comes thru...crazy
Just starting to snow in northern Wisconsin in the past hour. We're in for a few days of abundant snowfall. Estimates range from 11 to 18 inches Thursday and Friday and continued snow into teh weekend. Travel plans have been canceled, plow is on the truck and I know what I'll be doing in my spare time for hte next couple days.
got about 4 inches right now in northern wi could get up to 20 inches with wind gusts up too 50 miles per hour
They have changed the forcast from 6 inches of snow and wind chill of -20 to 2-3 inches of snow and wind chill of -20.
I guess I should count my blessings. (Kansas)
Yes, don't you know the amount of inclement weather is directly related to how much noise, activity, and press these idiots like what just met in Copenhagen cause.
Left for work at 5 am and it was raining and 34. An hour later it was sleet and snow. It is still snowing an we have in some places over 15 inches.. Not too bad for Wichita Falls, TX. We will have a "White Christmas" this year. Merry Christmas All and remember "Christ was"
I am in NE Minnesota, almost in Canada.
Last night they forecast a bad day for today. We only got about an inch of snow today, but about 100 mi south they got 7". Tonight and tomorrow 8" to 16" is what they forecast. They are forecasting snow tomorrow night and Saturday, but aren't saying how much.

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