Merry Christmas from snowbound Okahoma


We sure got a sample of global warming. Oklahoma City set a new record for snow with 14 inches and winds up to 60 MPH. Interstate Highways closed. Military called out to rescue people on the Interstate. Had one pile up of 50 cars. You have to realize a high percentage of the city people in the state never have to drive on snow. They have a four wheel drive so they think they can go any where. Gave the cows extra big round bales and then added a little top quality Alfalfa. They are just munching around this morning. 21 degree with high wind making a wind chill of 6 degree.
That's a pretty good dump of snow for sure.10 inches is about 25 cm's,so 14's about 37cm's?Any power outages because of it?There was an ice storm in all eastern Canada about 13 years ago,parts of Quebec were without power for as long as 6 weeks in the dead of winter.Almost nobody there had generators because they never had an outage before,not that they don't have LOTS of snow,just never had an ice storm like that.They had to import generators where ever they could find them,working or not and share them between farms trying to get cows milked.

Merry Christmas back to you gitrib--yes, it was sure blowing last night-was out at my old barn late trying to get a couple of calves & a horse & old donkey settled in--tin was blowing up & making so much noise, horse would'nt stay put. went out early this morning, looks like they made it ok--drifts better than knee high-grandson works for county & was supposed to report @ midnight. he is also in national guard & was on standby for rescue duty on turnpike & rt.66- think almost all okla turnpikes will be shut down a while longer--
Well, we lucked out here in central Kansas. No snow, just a howling north wind and the temp this morning was 6 F so I would guess the wind chill had to be somewhere about -25 or -30 F. Hope things get better for all you who got the snow. I know what you are dealing with.
14 inches in OKC? Wow, that is a lot for that part of the country.
We got up this morning down here in the Rio Grande Valley to a beautiful morning although a bit chilly for here. Supposed to be in the 60's today. Here is a picture I took just after 7 this morning of our beautiful sunrise.

But each Christmas we look back at 2004 when we had the Christmas Eve snow and woke up to a beautiful sight.....even though it was all gone by noon!

Merry Christmas to one and all from the Rio Grande Valley Texas USA!
Here in my area of Missouri we have less then an inch of snow.
Funny how people that have 4X4s think they can go and do any thing and yes they can go and that is there mistake they go like a bat out of he(( and then wonder why they end up in a ditch. Simple ya they can go but they forget that they can not stop and so they then loose it. Oh bv the way I learned to drive on snow and ice the hard way and if you made a mistake you lost every time. I learned to drive on snow on a motorcycle I learned to get good on one and found it was easy to switch that over to 4 wheels and I got good there also and went on up to 18 wheels
Here in my area of Missouri we have less then an inch of snow.
Funny how people that have 4X4s think they can go and do any thing and yes they can go and that is there mistake they go like a bat out of he(( and then wonder why they end up in a ditch. Simple ya they can go but they forget that they can not stop and so they then loose it. Oh bv the way I learned to drive on snow and ice the hard way and if you made a mistake you lost every time. I learned to drive on snow on a motorcycle I learned to get good on one and found it was easy to switch that over to 4 wheels and I got good there also and went on up to 18 wheels
My son and family in Edmund OK are trying for second time to get to our home in Matador TX.He has a 4wd Ford diesel pickup.Sure hope they make it safely.
That brought back memories for me about the motorcycle. About 40 years ago I rode my bike to school. Late that morning an ice storm came in and all the roads were iced over solid. I had to ride my motorcycle home by sliding my feets the whole 6 miles to keep up right. We have about 4 to 5 inches of snow this morning in se ok. First white chrismas I can ever remember.
Merry Christmas to you Graydon.

Will have to respectfully disagree with you about OK's city people; there's nothing more dangerous than a Texan on ice!

We had tornados about 20 miles east of the farm; only high wind around here.

Just waiting around at the n-laws for Christmas dinner.

Stay safe.
We were hit with an early snowfall last Saturday.
Said we had 21 inches. There's still a lot of it still on the ground. Suppose to rain heavily tonight and cause flooding in some areas.

In 1979 I was sent out to Tulsa OK on an EMD engine that was made by a division of General Motors back then. The company was called Unit Rig and they made 100 & 200 ton dump trucks some of their trucks used that engine. It was a V8 that only turned 900rpm's and developed 1600hp. Told me they sold a lot of those dump trucks to the Russians.

I even took my wife along. They said they usually get lot of freezing rain in the Winter, I think that's worse than snow. Hal
Years ago are 40 or so. Yep been riding at least will have been riding next month for the past 40 years. Back then I took light chain and would wrap it around the rear tire and threw the spokes so as to have a tire chain sure did help keep it up on 2 wheels but still not fun but when it was either ride it or walk to deliver the news papers it was ride and only take an hour instead of walk and take 3 or 4
Stop yer whining...its only 14 in of the stuf!Come on up fer a visit this winter and we will go skidooing in 6 feet of it. Hoss
I drive line haul for Bumper to Bumper Auto Parts Springfield, MO to Tulsa,OK. I did get to run 2 1/2 hours early Thursday. I arrived at the DC in Tulsa at about 2:35 PM and left at 3:00 PM, it was just wet when I arrived and slicker than snot when I left. It took me 1 40 minutes back to Big Cabin usually about 55 Minutes, at Big Cabin it started easing up and by the MO state line I could go back to my normal speed. I was sure glad I got out of there when I did.

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