
Well-known Member
i put frozen zuchini onions tomato sauce and a few other vegstables in the crock pot and let it brew all day i thought it was great especilly since i grew it in the garden this summer i asked my wife if she would try some she looked at it and said no any comments?
I would not have thought that zucchini would survive a freeze/thaw cycle, but I'm glad to hear that you liked it.
My wife is the same way. I cook alot and it just ticks me off when she won't even try something new.

I made homemade pizza last night and tried a new recipe, she complained that it sounded wierd and wouldnt be any good. I just sighed and told her 'Well then don't eat it, you can just have cereal!'

She did finally try it and then proclaims 'Hey, this is really good.' in a surprised sorta way. I wanted to smack her!

Finicky eaters who make a big deal out of trying something new drive me up the wall!
My father-in-law was the ultimate picky eater, and a lot of it rubbed off onto my wife.

My wife refuses to eat venison. One time she ate some ground venison and didn't know the difference. She thought it was ground beef.

It just fries me, though, whenever I make something and she refuses without even trying it.
Riverslim: I have to agree with you!! breakfast, dinner(at Noon give or take a couple minutes), and supper 7 days a week. Lunch is at 9am and again at 3pm and since I live in Ashkum, Il. about 60 miles south of I-80 that do make me a hillbilly!! Also I still like to shell corn and I don,t believe in hand cranking a tractor that has a battery! I know I am getting O.T. but hey; I am a hillbilly!!! Armand
Hey dont feel bad buddy,, My wife wont eat beef and pork. So when I cook with them, she wont eat it, so I feel single.LOL. I made a wicked pork stew this past week in the crock,,, she picked out the meat and put it in my bowl.. She will eat chicken,,,,,, and we have 30 chickens for eggs, and lawn ornaments; yet that dosent bother her eating chicken, just not ours Go figure, woman cant live with em, cant live without em.
Reminds me of the old joke: A woman goes in the
butcher shop and the butcher says, we have calves
tongue on sale. She says are you kidding me. I
wouldn't eat anything out of a cows mouth.
He replies, we also have fresh eggs on sale.
You got it! breakfast / dinner / supper!!! Lunch was when you had sandwiches brought to the field because there wasn't time for dinner. So , yes there ARE all four and they all have a place. AND , dinner is NOT in the evening. City folk don't work hard enough to need "dinner" at noon so they have a "lunch" and call the last meal "dinner". Even when we just have sandwiches in the field (lunch) we still have supper at 6 , not dinner. You miss "dinner" at noon , ya don't get another chance , you wait til supper time. That's the way it is. Move to the city if you want "dinner" at 6 !!
I grew up eating breakfast, dinner, and supper,Most farms had a dinner bell and it was rung at noon, and as a kid I had a dinner pail to take to school. but somehow the city people took over lol.
Dinner is the "big" meal of the day- so usually during the week, its breakfast, lunch and dinner, but on Sunday, its breakfast, dinner and supper.

Wife grew up in the city, but you'd never know it- freezer is presently full of buffalo and elk, and she can sure make it taste good. Buffalo steaks are great just grilled, but she makes stew out of the tougher cuts, usually in the slow cooker. Next project is to raise about 50 chickens, then process them ourselves (with two sons and their wives, and single daughter), and split up the bounty. Everyone is enthused about the idea, including the processing, which is a little surprising. We did it once when our kids were little- I ordered 25 Black Australorp pullets from Murray McMurray, they sent cockerals instead- called them, they were very apologetic, sent the pullets pronto, told us to keep the cockerals with their complements. Good eatin'.
Thats the way I do it.When I worked on the farm we had a coffee break at 3 pm.Lunch has always been carried in a paper bag or metal lunch box.I worked at a hatchery where we always had a morning break at 9 am,I worked 6am to noon.Went home for dinner. then worked on a dairy farm 1pm to 6 pm .My wife still says suppers ready.

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