Horses, pics


Well-known Member
How about a horse pic? This is not the farm were I keep my horse and tractors in the below pics. This is another place. At one time this Thoroughbred farm was one of the biggest in New York State. Around 300 mares, about 120 foals a year, and 8 or 9 stallions. When I worked here in 08 they had about 150 mares!
Nice picture Jay.

Gotta wonder tho; you'd think that a bone-fide horse farm would know enough to get those halters off of those animals.

Coming out some morning and finding a critter dead and hanging from a fencepost just isn't a great big treat. :>(

Little feller seems to be up and at 'em in fine shape. :>)

No, we never take the halters off during turn out. If the horses happened to get loose how would you grab them? They come off when there in the barn for the knight. We also have to get the babies trained to wear the foal halter. I guess it goes both ways, take em off or leave em on, right! :)
I'm with you Allan, but I have Two breeding establishments within 1/4 mile of me and both leave halters on in the pasture. Not sure, but I think the old girls just don't get handled enough to be caught easily. I know when my kids go out to the field with a halter the horses all come running to see who gets to go riding (doesn't hurt that they usually have a carrot or 2 in the pocket.)

How's the wrist/hand feeling today?
Oh, I see; and that makes sense.

Thought they had 'em on all the time.

Sold a young gelding to a city feller up in Wyoming one time. He called two or three days later and said the little guy was dead and hanging from the fence because his wife wanted the halter on all the time.

Never forgot that sad tale. :>(

Oh, the thumb muscle is just fine. Thanks fer the thought. :>)

Went out to feed this morning and I had six head out and running up and down the road just a havin' a good old time. I called to 'em and they came right to the gate.

Idiots knew enough to get out, but couldn't figure out how to get back in to the hay. :>)

Neighbors had a jail break recently. Had 6-7 yearlings running up and down my driveway. Cute as could be, but were not about to be caught.
Jay - I think we're neighbors!
that is highcliff farm!
I live on McKinney Rd. about 3 miles from the horsefarm...
a lot of our hay actually gets sold there - indirectly - through barry myers.
where are you located?
Your Right! Must be Delanson gave it away. And I guess we are neighbors. I live six miles away in Duanesburg. I know Barry and more so his brother Kevin. I also cut the lawns for Highcliff Farm. Glad to know you!
Glad to meet you to. Nice to see some locals on here - i always wonder when i see a name that is "inNY" where they are from.
Any tractors besides the 4610? we have MF 165, 265, 1080 and an Allis model G.
Ya, will post other pics another day. A Farmall H, A Ford 1720 and a Ford 4600. You must be fimular with Duanesburg! The farm I work is located on Duanesburg Churches Road. A mini Highcliff LoL. j
Nice looking horses there! My Grandpa always had horses on his farm, usually Belgians though! He finally gave up on having his own stud, but would breed the same mare to the same neighbor's stud, so in two years he should have a matched pair. He would break them real well, then make serious coin selling them to the Amish in Missouri! He always kept the halters on, never heard of a problem with that, I guess! Greg
i thought i recognized the pole barn in the one pic, i just couldn't place it...used to drive by your house when i was commuting to the farm from altamont -
father and i restored the farmhouse on my great-grandfathers farm (here on mckinney rd.) and my fiance and i moved here 2 years ago...about a 110 acres - we only bale hay - no animals other than a golden retriever.
Can't see the halter real good on this raggetty lap top but we use halters that are called break-aways. Kinda soft leather across the head thats posed ta tear away if they get hung up. Saw one work good when the son's pony freaked out tied to the trailer one day.
Nancy, you need a faster four wheeler. If they can't find the hole they got out of they will make a new one to get in! :)

Last time I had some old cows get out I found them standing at the gate wait'n to be let back in. Never found where they got out, guess a dog chased them over the fence some where but when they are wait'n to get back in at the gate I guess I feed them too well.

Wife never leaves halters on hers- usually easy to catch, but occasionally, she gets to have a "horse whisperer" session in the round pen to adjust the attitude a bit. Chase them around the pen until they come to you- have never understood why it works, but it does. I can even do it, and I'm hopeless with horses.
We keep halters unless they are in the stall. If they get loose, it's easier to take them back to the pasture. I catch a little flack about it along with not having caps on all the t posts. But, I figure if we have an animal that would freak enough to get impaled on a post or kill itself because it's halter got stuck, it's better off with the butcher than a customer or hanging around to make the rest of the herd dumb.

That't just me though.


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