OT: Cold Weather in Texas

James Howell

Well-known Member
Tomorrow night an "Arctic Blast" is predicted for the DFW metroplex.

Temperature on Thursday morning around 15<sup>o</sup> with a windchill of 0<sup>o</sup>; not much better on Friday.

Since I'll probably call in sick on Thursday, thought I'd take this "once in a hundred years" opportunity to say <a href="http://www.yuksrus.com/weather_coldtemp.html"><big>[b:654c4848f0]It"s so cold . . .[/b:654c4848f0]</big></a>
My wife has relatives in Dallas area that came from here in "God's Country" They too think it is cold! We had +10 above here today and thought it was tee shirt weather. Is far better than the -28 below and -60 wind chill some areas have had. This weather helps keep the mosquitoes down. We're glad to share!
I'll trade your weather for mine and mine still isn't all that cold. When it gets this cold I just think back about 30-35 years ago when I was in the arctic circle and it is not even as close to being cold. So yep to me at least it is not all that bad but sure don't like it seems as a person gets older the cold hurts more
Being from and living in North Florida, with some of the most humid, miserable, oppressive Summers one could imagine, I love it! I feel like I can always get warm with more clothes, but it's illegal to run around naked in the Summer, plus things would get sunburned! I sure do feel for all you folks who deal with that snow and ice, though. It's clear and 24 degrees here in Columbia County FL
That sounds like a heat wave .. it's been Below zero { at nite } here for the past 4 days with high in the single #'s .... SNOW wed { 4 - 7 inches } and high winds Thurs. ... Fri the HIGHS are going to be - 4 ....
Next week a heat wave ... in the 20's { YES above zero }
It's Winter in Ia.

As a fellow Minnesotan, I will second that! If all works out and we get another heat wave-possibly into the 20's? I may be riding my motorcycle to school next week! Last day I rode it was 7 degrees in the morning. 3rd snowfall was in the forecast and it was an eerily slippery ride home on two wheels. (And a wet one!) Figured I better get off the bike before I get hurt.
James,,, suh! the boys up North will make fun of us and our so-called-cold weather at 15 to 20 degree. When some of them haven't seen above 10 degree weather since Sept, no, no,in Oct sometime! Here in the South Central Texas area, N. of Austin our guy said on Thursday,and lows of 16 to 20s, highs of mid 30s, low of mid 20s,& high mid-30s on Friday. But Yes, it is Cold for us!
John A,
The next couple of nights it is going to be slightly below zero here in southern MO. Now I remember what I like best about Minnesota winters...no, seriously I love it when it gets cold. My wife and kids all think I'm crazy, but oh well.


P.S.- It really helps when the livestock are all well bedded and fed.
Last year in the spring I saw 2 different stations on TV with 2 different programs predict this cold for this winter. I hoped they were wrong but I did cut extra wood because of this prediction. What they base the prediction on was the gulf stream that runs north and south along the east coast. What"s happened is the ice in the north has melted and that part of the ocean is 90% fresh water. The salt has been pushed south and the % of salt is much higher than normal to the south. They showed the salt and temp sensors that were used in the ocean to record over the years and showed the change in both. The gulf stream sends warm water up north at one level of elevation in the ocean and comes back at a lower level. The lower level is where the salt is being pushed back south out of salt water being replaced with fresh water.

Now I"m not one to believe glabal warming is caused by humans but I am old enough to see for myself how much the weather has changed in the last 50 years. This winter is much like we use to have back in the 50"s 60"s and early 70"s. I think it"s a natural event but none the less it"s a change. Just glad I have the extra wood to make it through this winter. I already know of folks that are running out of seasoned wood now. Have seen the price jump $30 a pickup load.

From what was predicted last spring and what I see now I plan to have even more wood ready for next winter. This may be a new winter trend. I see oil has already gone to $80 a barrel. I"m sure the cold weather across the country has speculators running that up right now.
The weather man says we're going to have a low of 9 degrees and winds from the north 20 to 40. I don't like the cold but it sure is better moving hay after the ground freezes. We usually slop through mud all winter.
I brought it with me from PA. Came to San Antonio with my daughter this week since she was selected for the All-American Marching Band this year. Anybody in the area?

Only -26 here yesterday, and a balmy -14 here right now. When it gets to -30 they close the schools. And this is fahrenheit for you metric system guys. at those temps the cows hair all stands on end and it looks like they gain about 100 pounds, they handle the cold well as long as they can get out of the wind. Had to start the old WD45 to feed them on sunday -12 then, but with a little coaxing she fired up and ran fine. Wont be long we will be complaining about the heat. Have a great one all!!!
James in my part of sunny south east Texas they are calling for 15 in the morning. Guess I will stay in the house. See you guys are getting another hotel in town.
J. Howell,
The weather report is predicting 15 for Saturday morning just north of Houston. Those Yankee's think that we are having a heat wave, but to us southern folks, that's cold. They should have been here last summor with the temp around 102 to 105 for most of the summer. The humidity was 90% plus most of the time, too. I have to be out in it Friday morning briefly, but not for long. Don't have the clothes and boots for it. C.L.

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