Way OT: How Many Have A Wife That Checks YTMag?


Well-known Member
Outside of James Howell, just wondering how many of your wife check YT. Caught mine last week checking on the board.
Just assumed since my birthday is coming up next month that she was going to get me another tractor - then I figured out that it's the tractor I already have! Maybe looking for some parts or ELSE trying to figure where glennster and the horses are at?
Guess she should have been cleaning!
Id be worried that she had pictures of my tractors and was listing them for sale!! That could be the only reason I would think of to find my wife on the site.
far as i know, mine doesnt. but then again wimmens are sneeky!!! sure hope James and Nancy are enjoying them "new to them" trusty steeds!!!
Mine gets on YT once in a while and peeks around a little.Never posted or replied.Usually chuckles 'bout sumthin'.

She did use the YT search engine when looking at anti-virus download options,said YT was helpful.

I sit her down and have her read some stuff that all women should know.Recently it was the post about the Amish heater scam.
Welt,she looks over my shoulder now and then. Don't know if she checks it herself. Maybe she'll let me know if she reads this. And then the fight was on...
Might want to check the classifieds [b:654c4848f0]Kruser[/b:654c4848f0]; that's a pretty good looking tractor.

If YT ever sets up a forum especially for "YT Wives, Girlfriends, and Significant Others", we'd loose half the guys on this forum.

Guys would be "sneeing a peek" at the women's gossip on the sly, changin' their alias to female names like Jamie Howell, glendaster, Mary A. Trackter, MN Josephine, kyploygirl, davida2, etc. and posting pictures of pies, cakes, or horses.

It's to late for me, Nancy owns the computer at home; best I can do is post during lunch time or after hours at work.

Just remember to be mindful of Red Green's Man's Prayer: <big>[i:654c4848f0][b:654c4848f0]"I'm a man, but I can change, if I have to, I guess."[/b:654c4848f0][/i:654c4848f0]</big>
Mine never unless I am showing her something. But if some one was to come to my place and say I sold them a tractor and I was not home she would not let them have the tractor and might even call the cops if not walk out with her SKS and ask questions
If I ever found out my wife was on here I would go to the classified section and see what she found in the barn that needed to be posted for sale.

I showed mine the post about cleaning tractor parts in the kitchen dishwasher and all of the replies to remedy getting the gray film out before the guy's wife returned home. That was a classic! What ever happened with that? I can't find the thread.
"Don't" think she can start them - or she might look worse than Dave2!

Course, I don't mess with her horses till the glennster tells me it's time to go!
Tell me it ain't so! Always thought you were a Deere man - Where did the red come from?

glennster brainwash you?
My wife used to check out every site, every post, that was in our computer's history. I don't know if she thought she'd catch me romancing someone on the computer or what, but I got enough troubles in life without starting some cyber-soap opera.

But the wife got interested in some of the posts--especially the funny ones and the prayer requests--and now she comes here and posts every now and then, usually over on Tales.
I do not have a wife, but I am a wife. Does that count?

lol.....I sure wish I had a "wife" sometimes :lol:
ya had to go and do it !! ya pulled me out of the wood work -- Ya know I get tired putting back up the curtains I need a bigger computer room.---LOL

I don't even have to include her name in my "handle", as some do!
My wife thinks I'm always cheating on her , she tries like heck to catch me on some x rated site but always see's YT and ebay when she runs up to the computer to look to what I'm up to. I think a girlfriend would be cheaper than this darn tractor habit. Any hotties out there with a JD 420 high crop? please send photos
Whenever my wife comes in the room and I am on
YT, I tell her I am on craigslist looking at
"women seeking men". The scary part is she
usually says I hope you have good luck.

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