Re all the POOF threads

What is needed is a POOF Forum for all those flighty stories that disapear. Then those who care to read them can and those that don't will anyway so they can see what they are missing.
What do you think of that Chris?
Don from Canada
Why not just go find a forum that likes that kind of stuff and post there? Rather than trying to sneak it in between tractor/rural living type posts?
The problem with that is, He does not want this to be a political forum, and it has to be a family friendly forum. Which is why msot of those threads go poof.

But go ahead and go ask him on the site comments thread for yourself
That's what basically happened several years ago- they started another forum for the kind of stuff that's getting poofed now. It eventually became so contentious (and profane) that they poofed the whole forum. Once burned, twice cautious- I don't think it will be back.
Yep! Never can figure out why folks who have such great ideas or want to dicate to others don't just start their own forum............
I'm as guilty as anybody when it comes to the OT posts,but it just seems like there are a handful who can make something controversial out of most any country living type of post.
Us denizens of the closed-down OT Forum at YT have moved and regrouped over at the link below, thereby keeping the mess out of Kim's parlor.

C'mon over and join us (if you can stomach it)!
Its OT
Why don't y'all that don't like OTs just quit reading them.
Why do most on this forum gravitate to them, because thet're the interesting topics and most of the others are like watching paint dry.
I have my owm code of ethics for being here, if you ask a question and need help I'll do my best, but if there's some snide remark or political I figure you're fair game, because you must of not been seious about an answer.

Thats why I don't hang out here near as much as I used to...

And I never posted anything intentionally provocative... I just enjoyed seeing the debates and occasionally joining in...

As many site crashes as they have, looks like they'd concentrate more on reliability than monitoring for a while...

If any of my computer clients had this much downtime with their website/computer systems, I'd have to go back to farming...

Bob, the OT Forum would have many more users and could be taken more seriously if almost every thread didn't end up in a perverted named calling contest. I occassionaly read a few threads over there, but have refrained from joining for the reason stated above. I know of many more that have stayed away for the same reason.

It's ironic that there have been calls to ban memebers and censor them. That was one of the main complaints about the OT Board here.

You"re spot long as it is left wing abundant, pro external_link and anti right wing Conservative/nnalert generally stays put. Otherwise, it is eliminated.

The Nazi"s had similar policies. I guess the world should have"s their country and their conquered territories and they make the rules.

But the world didn"t...because it wasn"t right to do so.

It isn"t right here either, just because the view isn"t shared by the management.
If this was some kind of a public domain chat room,I'd agree with you,but it's a forum on a privately owned site. Their purpose is to sell tractor parts. They provide this forum to us as a serivce,as long as we behave ourselves. When web searches for certain subject matter brings you to this site and it isn't complimentary to their business,we're out of line. So act like you're going into somebody elses house. Wipe your feet,shake the dust off,and leave the dog outside.
The key word is stay focused myself included never say "And that"s another thing!" It is hard to do in this day and age. Just stay focused on the original OT question and I know it is boring but just answer the original question then see where it goes and you know the words like this color is beter than the other tractorwise and I think you will not get poofed. IMHO

You know guys my Grandpa told me just before he pasted away: He said, SON
If a person feels he/she need’s to use foul and disgusting language or make threats or calls names in a conversation the conversation is not worth listing to. So it better just to walk away. So I say to you If I walked in to your home with muddy chore boots, smoking a pipe, and drinking a beer and using disgusting language in front of your loved one would you like it, { I don’t think so} So if this is you and you feel you must use foul and disgusting language and tell raw dirty story’s please take it some where else and show respect for those other people that do not want to here it. MANY THANKS and have a great night: I HOPE THIS WILL NOT GO POOF and I hope I don’t get kicked off of YT. For my thought for the day.
Right ON !.., I see no harm in that, LOCK IT so That no more response could irritate the subject matter ,, have it for VIEW ONLY ... Sure would love to spend some time doing Autopsys in the POOF GALAXY . it would be interesting to see what comment thru each topic OVER the EDGE .. When ever I get offended , i just Shrugg it off and realize some folks are still in recess in their mind on the grade school play ground ,, Live and Learn , then a MAN can "Live LONG and PROSPER "
There's only about 3 guys over there that routinely do the stuff you mention.

And, the Forum has an "ignore" function.

Takes care of them pretty well.
You seem to forget that this forum's sponsor has a business. Why would any business want to be associated with inflamatory, racist or otherwise offensive speech? It's been said many times before: this is Kim's site, Kim gets to set the rules. There are plenty of other places you can go if you don't like the rules here.
I"m just as conservative as most anyone here.....and more conservative than a bunch of them. That being said, the basic premise remains the same no matter the leaning of the posts poofed. One of the very basic conservative values is one of personal property rights. To compare Kim and Chris with Nazi"s is unfair to say the least. If anyone really believes that to be true, then the best move they could make would be to vote with their feet and not darken the doors of the website. I know I would.
As a new member I'd just like to say that it is very refreshing to be a part of a forum that seems to stay on task. The wealth of knowledge that you guys have and can share with people is amazing!

I think that it is a good thing if that concept is not tainted by mean spirited debate. Props to the owners for keeping it on track.
For the people that dont want to follow the rules.
If you feel the need to run your FOUL DISPICABLE
DISGUSTING mouth on here please take it to
CRAIGSLIST RANTS and RAVES {R/R}they have plenty of room for ya ok.THANKS Have a good one.
I hope this will not go poof
(quoted from post at 07:04:16 01/16/10) Tell us all about your tractors and farm experience, tlak.

Back at ya i.r....whats your esssperience?

Mine...thousands of hours on molines plowing, diskin....harvesting. About 20 years ago....nothing much has changed

xcept the internet and the visibility that gives to the stoopids out there...

This sites neat....good information mixed with the stuff country folk like to bend an ear to and then gossip back at the next available neighbor, its called human nature and goes on at most sites....scandelous!!!

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