More pics of the 1973 Ford and implements


Well-known Member

a couple more pics

JAY its a clump of trees that someone planted real close together many years ago. I cleared out the middle and made a spot for a picnic table
I think I can see it now, between the tractor and the person in the garden about 1/2 way looks like a cut out spot. A nice place for a picnic table.
now that I know how to do these piics i will send you a close up. I HOPE i didnt overdo it with all the pics but I just learned how to do it today and I went a little nuts!
its a 2000 you also have those nice crawlers and those big tractors that were in your spring pics. leave me a list of all the tractors you have I would like to see it thanks!
Look for the pictures see if you can put a list together than I'll put one together for you .Just thought it might be fun.Help pass the winter days maybe.

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