o/t sure is a lot of- - - - - - -


cranky people on here lately, is it the winter blues or the economy ,or what? think it's worse this year than last year!
Why cant' we get along? Some people want to pick my wallet. Some people want to ride for free.. Some people think they can solve the problems of the world with lip service.
Some people want to sell my country. Some people weren't listening on the big hill. Some people will be losing their jobs come november.
Some people are scared to speak their mind. Some people lead , some are lead. Some people want to suppress and jam stuff down our throats.
Why can't we get along????? R U serious!!! LOL

(quoted from post at 18:18:26 01/20/10) sometimes its nice to be nice !!

So sorry Larry, it's just that i refuse to be told what and how to do what i want to do. I tend to be a little independent. If you want to drink the kool-aid help yourself.... But i bet that the gov has a rule about that too, something about your own protection....

Harry wants this, Joe wants that, wife dont know what she wants, neighbor dont care, Bill wants everything, tax payer dont want anything except lower taxes, business's want business, farmers want stabilizion, lots of people want jobs, all the wants of the people. Glad I am not a politian, maybe just for the money. smile Just try to please 2/3 of the people and still be re-elected. Its a mess folks.
Seems to me things have been pretty nice around here for the last month or so. Mood sure is lighter than it was a year ago today, maybe the mood will be much better 3 years from today.

Positive thinking is the only thing that keeps me going folks. I am positive we have a 1 term pres. this time. I am positive we can reverse most of the craaap that has taken place in the last year. I am the most optomistic person in the world, that has made me who i am.
All you sheep have no fear, the government isn't going to take care of you , you will have to help yourself in the greatest country in the history of the world...
My blood pressure is very low, i take care of myself, to assure that . I now smell fear from the left, very nice feeling.
Well time to get to my other sites. Where we talk politics also, but freely....

You all take care now

Could be alot of things, gas prices, weather,maybe, god, guns, goverment.? Who knows, it dosent pay to be unhappy. :) :) smile and be HAPPY, right?
your right Jay , Isay just think positive ya know we could be under a pile of rubble, instead we are in the greatest country in the world griping about taxes. Lets be thankful for what we have not always for what we dont have.
For too many, the rule is "If I ain't got something to complain about, I ain't happy".
One thing as long a gas prices keep going the retired with get their COLA for 2011.

Tip of the iceburg has started showing in Mass.
I agree and I don't think it will be fixed this year, next year, 2012 or even 2016. It will take a generation. Our politicians think that they are sent to Washington to "fix" things and the only "tool" they have is money, yours and mine. (Remember the old saying "If the only tool you have is a hammer, every problem looks like a nail"?)

So we get the bailouts, stimulus funds (didn't do squat), cash for clunkers (no long term effect). What we need is to take a 50,000 foot look at the US and get back to the basics that made this country great. That means that the government has to get out of our everyday lives. Don't promise "affordable" health care for everyone. Everyone thinks they are entitled to state-of-the-art medical attention with EKG monitors, MRI machines, CAT scanners, blood test machines, keep-me-alive-at-all-cost machines for next to nothing. If all you want to pay is a few hundred bucks a month, then "affordable" would be a country doctor with a stethoscope and a black bag.

Our standard of living increases due to productivity increases. For example, a farmer can feed many more people today than before due to agricultural advances. Since WWII, automation, machinery improvements, computerization have all led to increases in efficiency that have allowed us to live better than our ancestors. Now that all the "low hanging fruit" has been picked, it's tougher and tougher to get those increases in productivity.

But the people who have benefitted from those increases in productivity don't want to lower their standard of living now that times are tough. We have become a country of "I've got mine, the h__ll with the rest of you".

So, you've got external_link and company shafting the bondholders and other creditors of GM to keep the UAW contracts and perks intact and sacrosanct. You've got the Senate crafting special provisions to protect Union "Cadillac health care plans". Meanwhile the rest of us will pay the bill to ensure that certain "special interests" maintain the status quo.

Anyway, Rud e, I agree, it's a mess, folks.

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