Boy does this weather suck


Well-known Member
We have mist/rain right now. Hope the temp. stays up above freezing. Right now it is about 34 out so that is right there at the point things could get bad. Just a little over 3 years ago we have that ice storm that left many people with out power for a week or more sure don't want to do that again this year.
So how is it where you are??
Clear and Cold--O in Central Montana; just over 12 inches of snow on the ground and just a week ago it was 50 degrees.
The Weather Channel said something this morning about some areas getting an inch of freezing rain. Hal
Midcoast Maine it's 30 something but starting to get cooler.

Sunday we had a beautiful winter day, high 20s and sunny. By night fall we had freezing rain. Monday was a complete wash out with 2" of rain, highs around 50 and big time wind.

I'll take 3 foot of snow over an inch of rain during the winter anytime...

Today we are clear and about 65 degrees, but weatherman says we will have around 1 to 2 inches of ice & sleet and then 8 inches of snow on top of that by Friday morning. They predicting 20 inches for Amarillo out of this storm. Back in Feb 98 it dumped about 24 inches of snow on us here in this area.
Well, here in old NorthWest Colorado it is MISERABLE! Haven't seen the sun for more that about 10 minutes in weeks and the high maybe gets to freezing some days. Very little snow "it could be worse".
Oh, for you southern boys, snow can get hard! I"ll see if I can post a picture of my 4255 FWA that I drove right up on this snowbank, and carefully back down!
Not terrible in mid Michigan,but supposed to get worse. Cold as a well diggers backside,19 right now with a windchill around zero,but the sun's shining. Next 3-4 days are supposed to be worse. I was just darned glad to get the feedlots cleaned today before the manure freezes to the concrete. Weather guy on Ag Day said middle of next week the cold is gonna be coming right off Siberia,so whatever comes out the backside of the cattle,might be stuck there for a while.
Hey Old, I have some cheese and crackers ta go with that

It's 47* and raining in NE Oregon.

PS. I still haven't received any of that jerky..hhhhmmmmmm...Looks like a trip might be in order and I can pickup the 88 at the same time.

Keith & Shawn(Gold Medal Winner)
Got 3 pans in the oven right now and another batch in the fridge to do tomorrow or Friday. Also had Venison steak and eggs for lunch eggs not but maybe 3 days old if that old.

Channel 3's weather said that now that the storm is onshore they will get better data and have a better forecast tonight for the 6 O'clock weather. I think they are talking about five inches of snow for my location 20 miles north of Springfield. You should have less. Both sides of the MO/ARK boarder is forecast to be NASTY.

I hope it doesn't get to bad tonight and tomorrow morning. I have to drive down the Lebanon 25 miles one way from me and sure would be nice if the roads are clear
About this time last year, we had over 4 feet of very compressed snow around here. I had to have a neighbor come over and widen my driveway with his tractor mounted snow blower because I just didn't have any more room to push snow anymore.

This year we don't have any snow at all. I have not plowed even once all season. The temperatures have been really mild except for a week of cold weather a couple of months ago, which caused the ground to freeze pretty solid. Since the rain we have had could not go through the frozen ground, it has not soaked in very well. We have lots of mud--more like March than the end of January. I would not dare to drive anything off the gravel right now.

I went to Jacksonville FL the first week of the month and it was lots colder there than I expected. It was actually warmer in Seattle during that week and about the same as in Spokane. Wierd! I was sure glad I took a winter coat on my trip, or I would have needed to buy one.

I am sure hoping we get some more precipitation. We are way lower than average. The fire season could be real bad, as could the dryland crops.

2008 and 2009 were heavy snow years. So far this is the lightest snow season I have seen here in more than 50 years. El Nino?
hovering around freezing. 4 inches of snow last night and expecting 8 this evening and tomorrow. Almost more snow than I've seen since I got here 20 years ago. Horses are lovin it though. They get to stay outside and the idiot carries water so they don't get their nose cold on the drinker tab :roll:
Got a baby due in 4 weeks so mama enjoys moving around outside the stall.


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