older guys and thier critisisum

Anybody ever notise how that if a young person dosnt do something right, they are critisized beyond all belief. an if a middle aged or older guy dosnt do somethin right, its not his fault. EXAMPLE today me and my father picked up a truck from the tire shop and run it home. dad chose the dodge, so that ment i was driven the mack. this is a bodytank and puptrailer water truck setup. the mack has a 350 horse motor with an autoshift tranny(dad just had to have it). i go to pull out on the highway and thr truck starts to spin. icy aproach. i let off and it does its fancy reve and downshift trick.i push lightly on the pedal, it spins, upshifts, i let off, reves and downshifts( making me look like a complete idiot who dosnt know how to drive). i finally catch traction and get goin down the road. while the autoshift was doin its fancy trick i notise a couple older fellas glarin at me and shaken their heads from the side of the road. MY point is that if it was an older fella driven, they just would have said that it whas just icy, not his fault. since its me(young guy) they look at me with discaust. anybody ever notise this thing before?

I posted a question yesterday after a rough day- seeking the advice of experienced men. I got alot of great advice. I don"t know how old you are, but I think some of our "counterparts" have not put us in a good light with the older crowd. There is some truth in your statement due to the actions of our piers.

The fire dept. I belong to has a Pierce Contender Series pumper on a freightliner chassis. The 5-speed automatic has an engine braking system that sounds like what you are talking about. I have not tried it in winter as we were warned not to (I could see why). There is a switch on the control panel to override it. Maybe the Mack's system can be overidden too?

As for the criticism - sometimes a guy just has it coming. I know I have! Maybe you ran your mouth one or two times an Pop just wanted to give you some humility?

Good Lesson,
I caught flack from all the old guys when I first started to plow snow at the airport. I also got it when I was in the Navy working on the Flight Deck. I bit my toungue and took all the criticism in stride. Guess what? They were right ! Chalk it up to a learning experience,...you too will be old someday and I am sure you will tell your son some words of wisdom to help him out.
Ethan, I feel your pain, dad and I farmed side by side for many years;

I can't rememember a time that we agreed on ANYTHING...

But now when we talk about "those" days, he remembers how well we worked together, it was truly a bigger deal for me to make his approval. I felt like he never approved, he remembers being proud. It's all in how you look at it...I felt like I could never "live up", he sees it just the opposite. I let him remember the way he saw it; I've never mentioned a word, and I'll be glad I didn't when he's gone. Good luck, and don't be so hard on yourself. (he's not)
JBM you hit it right on the head! Accuse us ole "duffers" of"profiling" if you want. We can do that. Young people make it very easy. And yes , we were there once too , and our elders did the same with us. I guess it is just "LIFE"! Your day will come and you will do the same thing. Most young seem to think with the wrong set of "brains" most of the time. If it weren't for the "medeling" of us ole duffers a lot more "young studs" would be in jail than there are.
yep some young guys do make it easy to find fault, others have a head on their shoulders, plus some of us see something like that truck and remember, when we did almost the same thing ourselves, back when we were young, also we have learned the lesson of life, when your 16 you think you know it all, when your 20 youre sure you know everything, when your 25, you have doubts you know everything, when your 30, you find your dad did know something after all, at 35, he's getting smarter everyday, by 40 you usually ask his advise on serious stuff, [even if you dont follow it] by the time your 50, you miss your dad, and wish he was still around so you could ask him about things, and you have a 20 year old who already knows it all
Ethan, maybe you read them wrong. They might have been shaking their heads at the truck, not you the driver. Jim
I think, based upon the nine lines of description you typed, that you think way too much about what other people think about you. Like Gene says, live and learn, to all others, you don't give a flying shiit
Just wait, as fast as a lifetime passes soon enough you'll be the grumpy old guy picking on the young'uns.

What goes around comes around!
What I was going to say, Bob. Just so.

Don't suppose the fella ever looked at an old person in a car & shook his head about driving so cautiously either, eh?

There are a few old guys here that make fun of everyone.. Most are miserable old cusses that never were very sucessful, and have wives that nag at them (often for good reason,LOL) They take their frustrations out by making fun of others, and spreading gossip, like a bunch of old spinster women.. One old man comes to mind, he is always spreading some type of untrue rumors about me and several other people.. He refers me as a "Boy", still, and I am in my 50's.. Funny part is.. he is the one that everyone laughs at.. We all get a kick exchanging the stories that he tells about us..
Yep, BTDT! My Dad was one of the worse. But prove him wrong and he stayed mad for a few weeks, and then got over it. (Sounds alot like some on here, doesnt it?)
Ethan, actually the correct grammar would be "My father and I", not "my father and me" How's that for criticism? An older fellow would know what to do on ice, he just might not see it! See how that works? Just let it roll off your back!
You should've spent more time in your English spelling class. My granddad had a good saying "Don't worry about the mules going blind, keep loading the wagon". Hal
as it's suppose to, you'll get there before you want to. it hardly seems like yesterday when I was saying things just like you
That is because us old guys can get away with it. No one wants to pick on an old guy. Just wait your day will come.
Ericlb- boy, that there is the words of wisdom. I might add, I was a lot better with the ladies when I was 20 too, but the older I get the less I seem to appeal to them! Ha ha

Oh, and to the original poster, when you get older you learn to just be helpful and not to care what others seem to think. Don't take it personal.
Having been raised the "redheaded stepchild" in a prominent farm family presented some very unique challenges. My father died shortly after my 1st birthday and later Mom married Dad. Dad was a 39 year old bachlor still living at home. Dad's father hated my sister and I as we 'were not blood'. So over the years I was pretty much known as Ted's b**tard boy. I always thought Johnny Cash wrote 'boy named Sue' for me. Over the years going on the advice my maternal Grampa gave me, I tried to do right by people whenever I could, and still do. Most of the old farts are gone now and I get to stand on the face of the worst one as I pay homage to Mom and Dad at the family burial plot. Funny thing is, I'm the only 'kid' from my generation in the family that stayed in the area even though I was never allowed to be anything on the farm but grunt labor. Dad's father must roll over in his grave to see that I've lived on 12 acres of the old farm since I've been out of high school (30 years).
Don't take to old guy crap seriously, just remember the is only one you need to please, and his son pleads your case on a regular basis if you let him.
dont let the crabby old geezers get under your skin. some of the old dudes are nothing but hot air,however there are some old fellas who if you get to know em are a wealth of info . when I was 20 years younger I used to get annoyed by the B.S. now the folks that gave me a hard time ask my advice
Hang in there Ethan.
I'm 60 years old.
The older I get, the better I was. . .

I probably couldn't even start the truck you were driving on the ice. Much less get it home in usable condition. . .

Another thought Ethan

When I was a teenager, I worried a lot about what other people thought about me. As I got older, on up into the thirties, I got to where I didn't care what other people thought. Now that I'm 60, I realize that they weren't thinking about me to begin with.

Jus' remember us old guys put up with a lotta sh-- fer a lotta years gittin' here, now we think it's our turn.....put up with us while we're here, you'll miss us a more 'n a little bit when we're gone.....
Welll, there is a method behind the madness of our rants and raves mine comes from the military and when my son went in he finally realized why I was so hard on him because it"s all about survival. Speaking as a dad we do what we do to keep you alive because when you go on the highway you become fair game to every idiot driver on the highway and you"re driving an 80,000# deadly missle in all types of weather. My son calls me everyday thanking me and the military for giving him the training to do what he does on a regular basis. He"s a full time truck driver, volunteer fireman and partime city cop. Honestly when I see a semi going down the highway at 65mph i"m scared to death even though I did that several years ago and there is no way I would be a cop or fireman. I"m very proud of him and of course love him dearly. So take what your dad says for what it is and that is he"s trying to make you a better man and save your life. It will pass and you"ll be a better man.PS I lost my oldest brother driving a truck years ago from driving recklessly so you can understand my ranting.
Well said Dukester, I'm 38 and have been without my father since '91 and whenever a young guy gets a cussin from his father, I tell him to appreciate it, you'll miss it once he's gone. chris
I'm only 25, but I learned a long time ago to let it roll off my back, don;t worry about what others think and keep on living life. It isn't over because you made a mistake here & there, so don't worry about it. Not much a guy can do about it anyway, except learn from your mistakes and move on.

At work they hired a guy to follow me on 2nd shift. He's in his late 40s or early 50s, and he's paranoid about everything. So much so that he's letting it get to him and it's affecting his work. He didn't claim much on his resume and he sure didn't lie about it, but he worries way too much. Sometimes I get a feeling that he's gonna take a few years off his life just from stress. I'm trying to teach him to not worry so much, as well as a few others in the shop but he's a difficult case. Just reading his notes in the morning were depressing. They've been getting better, but not completely. Kinda feel bad for the guy.

Then we've got another newer guy, who happens to be black. He's younger than me, and he's the most easy going guy to work with. Always a smile, cracking jokes (even ons that would offend Al Sharpton and his buddy Jessi). Gets along with everyone, don't care what others think of him, and doesn't sweat the small stuff.

That's pretty much been my motto for a while now.

Don't sweat the small stuff! Life's too short to be worried about what might have been or could become.

Donovan from Wisconsin
Quitchur' b*tchin' and stop drivin' like a maniac before I plant my boot up yer backside! Just kiddin. We have to take a pill to eat spicy stuff, cr*p anything, sleep, and be romantic. Grumbling about "kids these days" is about the only assistance-free thing we've got left. For that matter, I've made driving mistakes in my 40's and got h*ll from 60-70 year olds.

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