Winter Work Gloves


What kind of work gloves do you guys wear in the winter? I'm looking for some insulated, waterproof gloves that still allow some dexterity. I've got a pair of Carhartt's that are not even a year old and are still in great condition except the fingers are wearing out on the sides. I don't mind spending some money, just so long as the gloves will actually hold up and keep my hand warm and dry.
for how cold are you talking. dexterity with gloves depends on how thick they are. ive got some, and now i dont know the brand but are green wool knit with rubber coatting on palm and fingers that i like but not great for to long at 15 below.

Iv got a pair called black stallion, there yellow and blue. The are warm and water proof, seems like they have a plastic liner in them, or something. Only problem with them is they are bulky.
I mostley were thin unlined leather gloves, or none at all. Especially when Im bringing the horses in and out. Working with the halters and lead shank is hard with bulky gloves on.
Don't know who makes them, just looked but the tag is wore off to bad to read it. But any how the ones I have are deer skin insulated and they are real good had this pair for at least 4 years now. Ya they are not water proof but it is easy to fix that with some mink oil worked into them cost if I remember right was less then $15 and this is the 2nd pair I have had in the past 10 years but they can be hard to find or at least in my area they where
I live in southern NJ, it gets down into the teens and occasionally single digits, but never seen it go below zero. I work as a truck mechanic and sometimes have to do road calls. Sometimes it's big parts like brake chambers, sometimes it's #10 screws and 20 gauge wire. I know sometimes I'll have to take the gloves off to work, but would like to keep them on as much as possible. I also have to play with my kids in the snow. They want a snowman every time it snows, but a still too young to build it all by themselves.
I just bought a pair of gloves that are quite flexible from the local welding supply store . They are dipped in a latex blue lumpy material on the working side for gripping & water /chemical resistance . The top part is a jersey material as is the inside . Another guy said he wears his everyday delivering building materials . I guess Lowes has them also .They seem to be warm & compfy & snow didn"t effect them at all . HTH ! God bless
Army glove liners (Green Wool) Over them use a poly sanitary glove (throwaway), then a deer hide XXL suade work glove.
Warm waterproof, and replaceable parts! Jim
I'm also in Southern New Jersey. The coldest I seen was -8. That was around 1985. Cold is cold no matter was the thermometer says.
if it matters, I'm in IA. but these are about the best i've had in a long time. they're cheap enough that when the insides get worn, I don't mind pitching them, but they wear pretty good, they stay dry handling wet gates, and help your grip. they stay pretty warm, but when gets real cold, i have 1 size bigger than i normally wear and have a pair of polypro liners i wear inside.
I'd a been 4 years old then, don't remember that! Where abouts are you? I'm in Newport, in Cumberland County.
Kinco Heat savers, not overly expensive and I like them for cattle chores/outside work and seem to be pretty warm.
I have the best wear using the largest size Kinko leather gloves, with a pair of brown jerseys inside them.

I used to use those heavy yellow cotton gloves, with a pair of brown jerseys inside. They have changed them - guess they are made in China or something - the seams rip out before I can get to the barn. They are worthless now.

im in canada and i shoulda said thats celcious close to 0 fairenheit i think. at minus 40 are both the same and yes ive seen -40 here.

I usually wear some of the leather driver gloves. I have probably 50 different pairs in the garage and the warmest is a suede lined with a chamois type material over your fingers withsome type of soft insulation on the inside.
A waterproof glove will make your hands sweat,then get cold.The gloves will get wet in side.Had this trouble when I cut wood in january.Never found a fix.Now I quit cutting at first snow.

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