Sham WOW, Billy Mays would be proud!


Well-known Member
After 24 hours Sham WOW and the sock produced positive results. To detect the presence of moisture in the sock and Sham WOW I put them inside a large clear mug. Turned the mug up side down in the microwave. Within 15 seconds, the inside of the mug was coated with condensation, steam. Left it in the microwave for another 30 seconds and the presence of moisture in the sock was very obvious. Did the same with a second sock and Sham Wow that was left inside my house. NO CONDENSATION and no moisture was produced after 45 seconds in the microwave. To prove where the moisture came from I'm conducting a second experiment. Made two cylinders using 4x20 inches of Sham WoW. Covered only one end with tape and made both of them weigh 16.8 grams. I taped the ends so only moisture can be absorbed from the open end. One was put inside the hydraulic fill plug opening and the other was placed on top of the transmission. After running the tractor at 1200 RPM's for 30 minutes, the hydraulis oil reached 72 degrees. Beginning temp was 45. The Sham Wow on the trany still weighed 16.8 grams. The Sham Wow inside the hydraulics gained .2 grams in just 30 minutes. I realize that .2 grams isn't much. It will be interesting to see how much moisture the cylinders collect in 24 hrs. I can confirm that Sham Wow and cotton will absorb moisture from the air.
I am lucky if I can get the big leaks to stop

my wife would tell me that I've gone round the bend if I started trying stuff like that
and if you forget and leave the shamwow there as it cools down, it will return moisture to the cooler surface, ie the oil and metal... so you have a "wick" to bring in moisture to the tractor... heat to collect it out of the air, cool down to condense it.. pretty soon your tranny will be full.
reminds me of test we were doing with diesel oil and centrifical oil filters. At high rpms the spinning centrifical filter would collect the particles out of the oil...

wow!!! great!!! fantastic!!!!

at low rpms, the cleaning and suspension agent in the oil would clean the centrifical oil filter spotless and keep the material suspended back into the oil...just like it was designed to do....

oops.... didnt see that one coming... shucks... dang it..
I have another experiment to conduct that may satisfy all skeptics. Keep you posted. As for a hobby, this is what retired people do for fun, along with playing with tractors. And on behalf of all retirese we would like to thank the working people of this country for paying into the social security system to allow us to have fun! Have a great day.
I still can't see the sham wow thing without thinking about this picture.

Billy Mays hawked the Zorbeez, not the Sham Wow. Guess you're going to have get some Zorbeez and see if they work better than the Sham Wow. Maybe you should apply for a Gov't, research grant? You might be onto the next big thing since the Segway. Did you test if it solved your frozen control lever problem? Dave

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