

I thought you guys would like this:
Yes I have and it is not that bad;If you were closer My wife and I would invite you and yours to our wild game feed we have every year:Last year we had: deer,rabbit,coon,frog legs, mountain lion,wild hog turkey,raddle snake,allagator,bear, mountain goat: and all of the meat was cooked many different ways:soup,meat loaf,Bar-B Q,smoked,FRIED. and will serve between 100 to 150 people.and it is all free will donation.

ST-Charles Iowa: south of DES MOINE IOWA about
45 miles and 19 miles west and south on the gravel road: But we do the cook off in truro iowa and is 15 miles south of where we live YET.
When we set the date this year I will send you a
e-mail, hows that.
I'd make that trip !! Benn there for a wedding years ago . Buddy lives down that way . Works for Quarry . I'm headed to DesMoines sat am for Pheasant Fest !!!!
I had some this year for the first time.Farmer down the road shot it in Alaska on a hunting trip.It had a 68" spread on the rack.Had a liver taste to it.Animal was kinda old.

sounds good I WISH i could try it By the way, I want to apologise for getting upset with you I TOTALLY made a mistake about your response regarding my dads 2010 john deer after i read some more of your posts I knew I was wrong. Please except my apology. larry@stinescorner
Ive eaten moose a couple times now. Theres a reason they callem swamp donkey. Tasted like , well, swamp i guess. Probally depends on how ya cook it.
I run upon one I think was in Yellowstone. Thought he was gonna eat me! Biggest darn deer I ever saw! Run all over UP in Mich one time, think it was Fayette, never saw any. I think thats the place they airlifted them into. Dave
When we used to live up in northeastern MN, I saw moose quite frequently. This was especially true in the spring when they were moving around more. Some of the 'closer' encounters were quite memorable, and I'm remembering a couple of them right now.

slightly off topic...

Someone here in Atlanta got to deal with Buffallo for supper...

Trucker lost a live one in the middle of I-20 in afternoon rushhour...

Someone hit it... they had to put it down...

Trucker got a ticket for failing to secure load... haven't heard details of how bad whomever hit it got hurt.

Last week it was Zebra...
We never BBQ moose. Usually we stew it with onion, tomato pasta sauce, worcheter sauce, fresh ground pepper and what ever else is laying around.
Simmer for an hour or two or three. Let cool and place in fridge overnight. Warm up and enjoy.
Left over sauce makes an awsome dip for bread.
My neighbor shot one in NS back in 1962 and gave us some of the meat to eat. It was very good. Hal
i figured it was how you cooked it. After i posted my last one i thought why would people shootem if they don't taste good. Ill have to try it again and hope for the best. Thanks.
Certainly better than venison. Have to be careful if going without for some time. Then having a good feed of moose. The digestive tract needs to be gently aclimatized to moose meat.
We were visiting relatives in Sweden about 8 years ago and were treated like royalty to fabulous dinners. At our cousin's home we sat down to a fine dinner, and ate some of the finest tender, no-fat meat. Evy asked if we knew what it was a moose that she (about 110 lbs) shot herself with her Husquvarna rifle. After dinner she showed us her gun cabinet many fine meals had come from.

Don't any of you guys get any wild hair ideas about messing with Swedish women!! They shoot to kill! And they cook their trophys!! It must have been quite a sight to see her driving that Volvo home with a gutted out moose draped over the trunk lid. The Volvo is their "big" car.

We loved the moose with mashed garden potatos and some fine home made blackberry wine to cap the meal off.

Paul in MN
I doubt she tossed the moose on the car fender or in the trunk.
After the shooting is done.One realizes there is 700-1100lbs of long legged warm floppy meat in the middle of a marsh. Bog too thick for a boat and not thick enough to drive or walk on.
The moose needs to be field dressed and cooled before it spoils.The hide and hair insulates from the outside. The thickness of the quarters prevents the meat from cooling from the inside.
It takes a robust man to pickup and carry a front moose quarter.
At the time I thought that maybe the moose found in northern Sweden are smaller than what we find in northern MN or Wisc. But she does have 2 very strapping sons, a strong daughter, and a husky Swedish policeman for a husband. Maybe they cut it up and began hauling the meat to the car. But my mouth was full and enjoying the feast, so I didn't have time to ask. But to give the hostess proper due respect, the family are all avid hunters and even go to Poland to hunt Boar.

I have had 2 close encounters with a moose in the Yukon and one in northern MN. Our North American adult moose are huge!! And in the swamps, they can run like a horse on dry land. Supposedly their vision is not good, but they have keen hearing and smell. I prefer to watch them from a good distance with binoculars for the close-up view.


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