Pictures of the kids


Well-known Member
Ya I know not real good but what can I say it is a $15 wal mart cheapee. We went out to do chores and one goat was missing. Found her in the back stall of the goat house and she had 2 kids. One male which is the black one and one female which is the light colored one. The male is tri colored which is not real common. Oh by the way they are only a few minute old since the female was still wet


Thanks for the pictures. You got me to thinking last week, when you talked about your sauce and lasagna. Yep you got it. Down to the basement I went and took some tomato puree we froze last fall from our tomato crop out of the freezer. Simmed it on the wood stove yesterday, in the fridge last nite, back on the woodstove today befor chores. Put together a lasagna, baked it and now im off for dinner! LOL. Do you use a wood stove to cook it for a week? J
Wish I had a wood stove but I do not and in a mobile home it is not an easy thing to do to set one up and be safe. I did a different kind of meal tonight by the way
Why don't you get one of those disposeable cameras. They take a much better picture than that.

Because I would then have to spend $$ to get the pictures and then scan them etc etc etc. At least with this cheap one I can do tractor pictures which it works well for and doesn't cost me much plus I can take a picture and in less then 5 minutes be able to post it if I want

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