O/T Heads Up..............


Well-known Member
The following was printed in the Lincoln, NE Journal Star, but it should be a heads up for everyone in the country.

"By the Lincoln Journal Star Posted: Wednesday, March 10, 2010 7:39 am

Census forms are beginning to arrive in Nebraska mailboxes, and the once-every-decade population tally will bring census workers to local doorsteps as well.

Lancaster County Sheriff Terry Wagner said Tuesday that a wave of scams could hit the area in an effort to capitalize off the legitimate effort.

Wagner reminded residents to be wary of people posing as census workers. Scammers would be asking for too much information, he said.

Specifically, they'd be asking for financial information.

No US Census worker will ask you for your Social Security number, he said. They don't want your bank account number, or even your email, either.

Wagner said census workers contact people in person, by the phone or through the mail."
Got a letter --official --from the Cencus folks that NEXT WEEK...I"d be getting the from to fill out!!! NO WONDER we"re BROKE!! What a JOKE!! Charles
I got that letter too- My first thought was wouldn't they save a lot of money to skip the "warning" and just send out the real census forms?

I got the letter, then the form a few days later.. Filled that out and sent it in. Last week I got another letter saying in a few days I would be getting a form to fill out..

No wonder the census is costing us 10 billion dollars. Just sending out two forms to everyone has to be costing us twice as much as it should be.
They passed out Census 2010 coffee mugs at my grandson's H.S. What a waste. I think it is for the idiots who are NOT farmers, cops, fireman, or any one in that category that doesn't need Uncle O to wipe their nether regions for them.
After the millions they spent on stupid superbowl ads, this was chump change...tell me again what is broke with this country????
it this the time to fill in the blanks? number of persons living at this address- define "living" on "race"? using "other"- japanese/ native american born in 1921 always gets 'em might as well have some fun

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