Winter is over!!

72 degrees here in Kentucky yesterday. It's been dry for a couple weeks too.

Still, don't bet on good weather being here to stay just yet.
We are presently getting snow in Kansas, although no predicted accumulation.
Not counting on spring until after Easter.

Having said that... it's raining here in north Ga. with temps between 40 and 70 ... and looks like a week where we'll stay there. Should be good for all the grass overseeded last fall.
well if birds know more than us they say winter is over red wing blackbirds at the feeder this morning and robins wont be far behind thats in south west ontario mike
Spring has definitely arrived in north central & northeast Tx. Bradford pear and peach trees are just about in full bloom, daffodils are blooming, other trees are showing buds & blooms. Even on chilly mornings, the air has lost that cold bite. Saw bluebirds last w/e at the farm. Spring is definitely here in Tx.
Hopefully this spring, if and when the weather cooperates. I haven't forgot about it.
Like Nancy said...... Spring has arrived in the south. The trees are getting leaves and there is flowers everywhere.

Big flocks of geese are heading North. They must know something too. Hal
PS: It's in the 50's here this morning getting close to 60 F (33.3C). I spread fertilizer on the front lawn. One month age we had this.
The sap is running ,the geese are flying and the motorcycles are on the road here in Ottawa Canada. Last week we got 30cm of heavy wet snow and its gone now.Ther is some snow on the ground but its leaving slow with the cold nights and warm days. Suppose to hit 10celius here today with no sun.
Nonsense. This is just a lull between snowstorms. We will get more snow that needs to be plowed. Bet on it. The oldtimers here in NY always said we get nine months of winter and three months of poor sledding.
Here in central Wisconsin there are some snow piles slowly melting, the water fall this morning is soft water instead of the white hard water. HOWEVER- We've been known to get snow as late as may, April has had some more incidents, end of March going out like a lamb means a thick white coat on ground happens a lot. The local ground hog said 6 weeks- has a couple weeks to go before we can call him a lier and go after him with a flaming grill and grinder (make him a real 'ground' hog) to turn him into sausage patties. Garden is mud yet, no buds on trees yet-spring is close but not quite yet. RN
Currently 55 here in Mich. going to 63 they say. I don't believe winter is over yet. We lost a hole garden 2 yrs ago ,because we thought the cold was over. And that was in May.
Still ice fishing here, but the ice is starting to retreat, getting honeycombed and poor, probably only a couple more weeks till ice out though.
Spring moves north at the rate of 30 miles per day. If Spring just arrived in southern Texas, it should be here about the first of May. Hang in there!
D.B.where you in michigan just got off phone with my brother in marlette he said 55 it is 74 here on the texas gulf coast and the cows wouldn't come for feed so it must be spring here
D.B.where you in michigan just got off phone with my brother in marlette he said 55 it is 74 here on the texas gulf coast and the cows wouldn't come for feed so it must be spring here
My guess is that Spring will arrive on March 20, right on schedule, as usual. They probably should define what they mean by "spring".

I am much less certain about the end of Winter-type weather, since I have seen it snow a bunch here, Southeast of Spokane at 3000 feet of elevation as late as the middle of June. And hardly ever can we plan to be done with frost until well into June.

Since most of Canada is farther North than Spokane, I wouldn't be putting away the heavy coats just yet.

We have had an unusually mild Winter this season. I haven't had to plow snow even once, and temperatures have been quite a bit above average most of the time. On the other hand, it has snowed a little today, and we could still get severe Winter weather. The chains are staying on the plow tractor!
(quoted from post at 14:39:40 03/11/10) D.B.where you in michigan just got off phone with my brother in marlette he said 55 it is 74 here on the texas gulf coast and the cows wouldn't come for feed so it must be spring here

I am in Jackson county. 50 miles south of Lansing.I think it did get upto 62* here today.Had a few sprinkles , but a good rain is forcast for tonight and tommorrow.

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