pickers tv show

I kinda don't like that show at all. Seems they're dealing mostly with old people, "talking" them out of their treasures. Maybe these people have kids and grandkids somewhere who were planning on inheriting that stuff? Maybe for profit, but maybe for sentimental reasons, too.

After my grandma's passing, my grandpa let his "friend" the antique dealer in his house and basically loot the place for a pittance. My grandpa was so "out-of-it" he didn't even know what the guy took. My mom knew nothing about it until it was too late. Then the antique dealer died 2 weeks later of a heart attack! Maybe poetic justice, but that sealed it - my mom wasn't going to get any of that stuff back now.

The thing I miss most was a Luger my grandpa took off a German POW in WWII...that would have been an heirloom to pass down.

So that's why I don't like that Picker's show.
they got 2 old gas pumps .the tractor was not for sale the man said it was an old steam roller but it looked like an old steam tractor to me , but I dont really know thought someone on here might know.
If they show it again, pay real close attention when they're leaving their shop at the very beginning of the show... I could swear that the gas pump in front is the same one they supposedly sell to the guy later on, before they even make it home. I like the show, but I think there's alot of "artistic license" happening.
Now they are probably doing it for the show, but it seems at each location, they might get 1 good pick, with a nice profit, the rest is marginal to say the least, sure they had better maintain a fair demeanor amongst the sellers they visit, for the audience, but if this is how they are in reality, look at it the other way, this is what you do for a living, you need to make a profit, a paycheck, pay your overhead, payroll, taxes, refurbishing, marketing, keep a van roadworthy and stay out on the road, and so on. At first I was thinking the other way, but look at the numbers, they won't become wealthy off this, unless I am missing something here, it does not add up. At best, a good paycheck, with ups and downs, nothing wrong with that.

Allegedly, that '39 plymouth was not worth the trouble, $5500, if true, the seller did well on it.

I enjoyed the places they have stopped, amazing some of the collections, things people keep, hoard or whatever you want to call it.

I will agree, no one likes the snake that takes advantage of an elderly person, coerces, intimidates, or otherwise, maybe they shine for an audience here, but word travels quick, that show would be short lived if they were doing that to people, deals seem fair enough, and if the seller wanted to, they most certainly could spend the time to find that buyer and sell full ticket, instead they just wholesale to these guys, and it's quick money, have to wonder how many will be getting a visit from the IRS !!!!
All I know is if I pulled into my mom's drive and a couple guys were pawing through her house and buildings the show would get real exciting real fast.
I agree with you. I watched the one show. Where they pulled a trailer out of the field with bad tires. One guy warned them about the bad tires. He was told pull it until something happens. Trailer was loaded and the guy has no reguard for highway safety. Plus I did not like the way they treated the older gentleman.Never watched is since. Just two more crooks running around.
Well said. It is a business, the people that they are buying from have the right to say no. It's also well rehearshed with multiple takes of each shot since nobody stumbles over saying a line, even the homeowners when first approached. Plus it takes time to set up the cameras to get good clean shots. It's not filmed live with a single hand held camera.

I also find it amusing that us tractor collectors grumble if there is a fence row find or a barn find that the owner won't sell and we know the tractor will rot away or the kids will inherit it and send it to the scrap yard, yet they find the pickers offensive. Let's face it, at times we're all pickers. They just have developed it as a business model.

At least the pickers are saving some of our heritage. A lot of the places that they pick at will probably see a scrap man hauling the stuff off after the owners pass away because the ratio of good stuff to bad stuff is too low. They've been to some real nice places and they been to some real dumps.
woudn't let them look at nothing--around here things have a habit of walking off after someone looks at your collections
I enjoy the show and this is coming from some one who's grandparents were taken advantage of by a "picker".

To me it's like most businesses, some folks are crooks and some are not. I think it's very easy doing this sort of thing to take advantage of someone who doesn't know what they have. Think of it this way, item X cost them .50 cents back when the bought it, some one offers them $10.00 bucks for it...the seller thinks the buyer is nuts and takes the $10.00 dollar bill but in truth is worth a lot more.

These two, while a little loony, seem to do a good job. They don't press hard unless they're working on a high ticket item that the seller knows better then to sell it for pennies. I also like the fact that they shoot them being rejected at the door, I'm sure that happens more the the show likes to let on.

You also have to realize that they're doing it to make a dollar. Yeah they may double the price on somethings but they have to go out and find it, store it then find a buyer. I think it's sister show "Pawn Stars" does a great job driving this point home. They bring a expert in who say the item in question is worth X, Rick then asks the seller what they want for their item and 99% of the time they say "He/She said it was worth X, that's what I want". It doesn't work that way, there has to be some profit in there. What blows me away is what people will sell to a pawn shop at a discount, seems like they could have done much better in a private sale...


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