O/T Kinda Sad............


Well-known Member
I ran into an old friend today after not seeing him for a couple of years. We once worked together at a newspaper for five years, he was an usher at my wedding, and we've remained friends over the years.

Today, after we shook hands, he said, "I'm sorry, I can't remember your name". It took me a few seconds to realize he was serious. I remembered my wife told me once he was having problems, but it has to hit you between the eyes before you realize it's for real. He's several years younger than I.

At age 75, in excellent health and with my mental faculties intact, I guess I can look around and see lots of cases where I can humbly and thankfully say, "There but for the grace of God go I".
(quoted from post at 23:19:39 05/02/10) I ran into an old friend today after not seeing him for a couple of years. We once worked together at a newspaper for five years, he was an usher at my wedding, and we've remained friends over the years.

Today, after we shook hands, he said, "I'm sorry, I can't remember your name". It took me a few seconds to realize he was serious. I remembered my wife told me once he was having problems, but it has to hit you between the eyes before you realize it's for real. He's several years younger than I.

At age 75, in excellent health and with my mental faculties intact, I guess I can look around and see lots of cases where I can humbly and thankfully say, "There but for the grace of God go I".
ou hit the nail squarely on the head. Life isn't a bowl of cherries. We almost never realize how fortunate we are.
(quoted from post at 00:03:06 05/03/10) Hey there Goose;
As I've told youngsters (ya know ,
anyone 10 years younger than yourself).
"Growing old ain't for sissies".
I'm just 77 and still kicking, and when
I'm asked how I'm doing, my reply is
I'm still vertical !!!
God Bless
usually say, "I'm still on the green side of the turf!"
Hey there Goose;
As I've told youngsters (ya know ,
anyone 10 years younger than yourself).
"Growing old ain't for sissies".
I'm just 77 and still kicking, and when
I'm asked how I'm doing, my reply is
I'm still vertical !!!
God Bless
I guess we are all going to face that sooner or later. Going to Wall Mart with the wife tonight. On the way there I couldn't remember the name of that store until we got there, and saw the big red letters. Stan
Used to have a neighbor when I enlisted and went off into the service. Probably about the same age I guess. Real friendly widow that used to bake our family pies and cakes and stuff, and we'd never send a dish or pan back empty, so I guess that we did the same. Anyway, I'm stationed at Ft. Hood in Texas and my family starts telling me how she's slipping and according to her daughter that lives across the road, she's got alzheimers. I come home on leave one time, she sees me, gives me a big hug, "Well Hi Mark...", bakes me a special pie and stuff. For the whole time I'm home I see nothing wrong, no difference in her and tell everyone, there's nothing wrong with her. Then I go to Germany, and again I'm hearing about how she's slipping and got alzheimers. I get home from Germany and the daughter sold her home to help pay the expenses of being in a managed care old folks home for her. I go to visit her in the old folks home, she doesn't recognize me or have the first clue who I am. That's where she died eventually. I wish her well and hope that she's in a much better place with her husband of all happiness these days.

Mark, You say you hope that she is in a better place, which is one of those "in" things to say these days. Perhaps you don't know her well enough to know. She and her husband may actually be in a far worse place. I and many others do know that we are going to a better place. How about you?
kind of have the same thing with my mother who is almost 85, some days she seems fine when i call her, [ im 1300 miles away] other days im not sure she knows who she is or where she is, she moved back to iowa after the dr's killed dad thinking her brother could see after her 10 years ago, [ he's now nearly 87, retired farmer, and so stove up with arthritis he isnt hardly mobile] but mom is just enough "there" that she wont here of us coming to bring her to live with us, both sister and i have room for her now that the kids are grown and gone, not sure what were going to do
Goose. Age ISN"T just a state of mind. When the mind goes, so does life.At age 75 I can say this with all certainty.I"m the oldest fellow living here on the lake,and I can say it is certainly lonesome when all the others I have known, and grown fond of has passed away. My Daughter who passed away in December ,use to say to me "LIFE GOES ON".That is so true.!!!!!I am truly blessed with what mind I have left,to share with my family. When one get OLD, new things and New ideas come hard to accept.I figure that what time we spend here,is so limited, that there has to be another time sequence for a return to get the schooling in life we needed. JMHO.
All you can hope is that one day you go off to live another life in somewhere that makes you happy.... however my friend asked me a good question the other day. Do you think they serve beer in hell?
Kinda like my MIL for three months she hadn't known anyone other than a non family care giver, though her three daughters visited daily and one of them spent the nite ever nite. The decision was made to go to the nursing home,well they took her to the home that day she woke up knew everyone by name and where she was and she was ------. But one day later she didn't know the girls.
My mother's younger sister, Aunt Jean, is 85 and and is also slowly "slipping" away.

She calls the farm house and asks to speak with my mother.

She has no problem remembering momma's name and phone number.

She just doesn't remember that momma passed away in 2000.

All I can do is cry.
My uncle 94 is in the dementia ward of the local
New York state Veteran's nursing home. It is the
most beautiful nursing home I have ever visited.
His ward is the saddest place I have ever
visited. Dozens of people with the lights on
and nobody home. And, who said hell is not on
Don't worry Goose, maybe he's just as bad at remembering peoples' names as I am. On the other hand, maybe I've been living with dementia since I was 12.
My wife runs an adult foster home in our home. We have 3 women who have no clue who anyone is. One of them says "hey kid when talking to my wife". Just glad I still have what little I have left.
Tim in OR
She and her husband are dead and I can't take it back. There aint a thing that I can do to change it. She's been dead about 15 years, and died about 5 years after her husband died. He retired after 20 years in the Navy and then another 20 years for the Post Office and then moved from California to live across the road from their daughter and watch the two grand sons grow up. Problem is that about two years after they moved across the road from their daughter and grand sons, he came down with cancer and went from playing basketball with the grand sons to not being able to walk around the house once, and it all happened within a month or two.

They're both dead, there aint a thing that you or I or anyone can do to change that, and when I say that I hope that their in a better place...your come back to me is that its some sort of "in thing to say or do"? Well, them I got to know pretty well, and I trust that they are in a better place. You, I'll never know, but if you were here I'd punch your face through the back of your head for even saying or suggesting such a thing, guaranteed.


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