Tried to save some pieces from scrap


Donkey scrap man refused to sell me an IH 58 planter and 4 IH Super Chief bottoms. I offered cash and carry with no work on his part, but no luck. The donkey then turned to the torch man, pointed at the planter I wanted, and told him "Cut this one." Unreal. I couldn't believe it. He would've made more money selling to me, but he didn't even want to talk. Unreal. I think they've cut a little on everything there just so guys like me won't want their stuff. I just don't get it. He'd get paid regardless, either from me or from the scrap yard when they haul it. So it would've been cash now, or cash sometime next week from the scrap yard.
Dealt with my share of scrappers. They look at
you as compitetion. You may get to the next
lot of old machinery before him.
I don"t think the term jerk even begins to describe the guy. Personally I like the term that our kids are being taught in school nowdays is a "bad word"...He just plain STUPID.... I guess that is one of the problems nowdays, too many STUPID people too STUPID to know their STUPID......SAD........
There were so many things I really wanted to say to him (and call him) but didn't. I really restrained myself. There was a bunch of decent stuff there that somebody like me would have gladly dragged home to fix up and put back in use - some looked to need very little work. 3 planters, 2 chisels, manure slinger, etc., etc. It still boils my blood 12 hours later. I told him I farmed on the side, so he knew I wasn't another scrap bum. Didn't matter I guess. Burns me to think that some of that stuff got cut up needlessly and will probably get shipped overseas only to come back to the USA as a Maytag door. Still gets me!

You know I see that very thing in my area: and that is what makes it hard harder for old die hard
tractor men to buy old tractors, and save them from the torch. I guess each to there owne.
It makes a person wonder why:
A guy that I know was at the scrap iron yard waiting in line. The trailer ahead of him had front end weight, over fifteen, and two front brackets for the 856 type Ih tractors. He wasn't sure, but offered double scrap price with cash in his hands. He was refused, but he got the last laugh. The guy asked about some trailer rims my friend had on his small trailer. They would fit the butt heads trailer, and still had decent rubber on them. My friend suggested that the butt head had a real close relationship with his mother, and said no.

At auctions I handle the scrappers by shotguning the bid. The first actual bid is for twenty dollars, I holler fourty righ away--no other bids usualy follow. If they climb by one dollar incerments they would go to seventy five.

I have also at times given the competing scrap bidder the rest of the pile after I get my treasure out, and refuse any money. Those guys often remember at the next sale to be kind to me. They are no different than the cross section of our country, some good and bad.
There is a scrapper in my area that will destroy anything. I told him I would buy any good tractor tires he has and have the tires taken off or if rims where good I would pay him above scrap price. He said no, he doesn't want to mess with it so he just burns the rims out with a tourch and it destoys the tires. I told him I would buy from him any tractors and pay him above scrap price and he wouldn't have to touch them, and to this he said no, don't want to mess with it. Now I point him out to buyers at auctions and I will burn him any time I have the chance to keep him from buying, he is so stupid. He says anything he has is for scrap, not for sale. There was an estate auction with three Olivers, (60 or 66, 77, 88) and he bought all three plus some decent equipment. One guy offered him more for the 88 then he paid for all three tractors, plus others tried to buy the other tractors and some of the equipment. He wouldn't have to touch any of it and he would make a profit, nope not for sale. I wasn't able to make it to the auction before the tractors and equipment sold. This clown and a few other scrappers in my area are in my opinion scum suckers.
Alot of scrap guys get their attitude from people
buying items from them for a little over scrap price and then going around bragging about how much they made off the stuff they bought from the dumb scrap guy.I have a good working relationship with a few scrap guys and I'll pay
them $100 for a piece I'd pay anyone else a $100
for the same piece not expect them to sell it to me for $5 over scrap price.Sometimes I'll take their stuff and sell it and we split the $$$.Then sometimes I go pickup where ever they are cleaning up a farm,just tell the owner I'm working for the scrap guy if they ask not try to hone in on his deal.
I was told by a local scrapyard that once something came into the yard it was not supposed to leave. He said it was because they had no way of proving whether the items they take in are stolen or not.

I hated to hear it worked like that, but it makes senses to not put their business in a position to be liable for something.

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