Fact or Fiction??


Well-known Member
Statics always are correct. Correct answer will be posted tomorrow based on a statics Professor, and his many years of teaching statics.
So what say you yes or no and why yes or no. Please keep this nice
Did you mean "statics," as opposed to "dynamics" ?? Or did Vern interpret correctly when he said "statistics" ?
(quoted from post at 21:39:19 05/06/10) Statics always are correct. Correct answer will be posted tomorrow based on a statics Professor, and his many years of teaching statics.
So what say you yes or no and why yes or no. Please keep this nice

Correct? Yes. Accurate? Not always?

Correct because they reflect what was collected.
Not always accurate because they depend on the honesty/integrity of the person or group (or sponsor) collecting the info.

Do a pole to see if (pick a city) prefers Chi Chi's, KFC, Hooters, or Red Lobster...You can sway the statistics by which part of town you ask the most people.


"Statistics" is a branch of math used to analyze data. "Statics" is a branch of physics used to analyze forces on bodies at rest. Having taken both courses over thirty years ago, I can say that to say either one is "right" or "wrong" is absurd. You might as well say "two plus two equals four except when it equals seven". The mean, median and standard deviation of a set of numbers are what they are; they aren't "right" or "wrong", but rather known quantities.
(quoted from post at 03:57:53 05/07/10) Huh?

"Statistics" is a branch of math used to analyze data. "Statics" is a branch of physics used to analyze forces on bodies at rest. Having taken both courses over thirty years ago, I can say that to say either one is "right" or "wrong" is absurd. You might as well say "two plus two equals four except when it equals seven". The mean, median and standard deviation of a set of numbers are what they are; they aren't "right" or "wrong", but rather known quantities.

Are ya trying to dazzle us with brilliance or baffle us with BS???????????
appears we are both right. after checking it seems to be a real popular line. seems everyone from disraeli to twain to erwin have used it including myself.
"Statics" (as in Statics and Dynamics) is akin to Physics and well settled, proven and accepted. "Statistics" is a mathematical science thats also well settled HOWEVER its no more accurate then the data upon which it is based which may or may not be accurate. i.e. the science is fine its just that the answers are no more accurate then the data collection process and its integrity.

Ive also studied both and believe in both SUBJECT TO an understanding that goes sort of like the old saying "Figures dont lie, but liars figure" which pretty well answers Olds question.

John T (PS Being an Electrical Engineer, Statics and Dynamics, more of a Mechanical Engineering subject, wasnt my cup o tea)
So then in statistical terms you would be an outlier. An outlier is a sample point that does not fit inside the population. The reason for outliers is that the process somehow produced a drastic variation from the norm. There is usually a reason for this to occur and therefore the outliers must be studied almost more than all the others in the population to determine why they occcur and if they can be eliminated.
"Statics" (as in Statics and Dynamics) is akin to Physics and well settled, proven and accepted. "Statistics" is a mathematical science thats also well settled HOWEVER its no more accurate then the data upon which it is based which may or may not be accurate. i.e. the science is fine its just that the answers are no more accurate then the data collection process and its integrity.

Ive also studied both and believe in both SUBJECT TO an understanding that goes sort of like the old saying "Figures dont lie, but liars figure" which pretty well answers Olds question.

John T (PS Being an Electrical Engineer, Statics and Dynamics, more of a Mechanical Engineering subject, wasnt my cup o tea)
Depends on what kind of statistics you're talking about. If you looked at every car in Bugtussle, Oklahoma, and discovered that 54% of them were white, the "statistic" that the majority of cars in Bugtussle are white would be correct, because you proved the conclusion in the gathering of the data. But if you say "The citizens of Bugtussle prefer white cars", that may or may not be correct- white may have been the only color available, or they bought white to reflect the hot sun but would have preferred black, etc.
Numbers are good liars and I'm a good liar with numbers.

This <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Bfq5kju627c">math tutorial</a> will explain it completely.

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