radiator flow


will a radiator flow all the water from a good running garden hose. I can run water freely from the hose thru the engine but the radiator will not let it thru. this on a 44 massey harris. thanks David B

My recollection is that the radiator should take the full flow. I flushed a radiator out on a tractor last year that had some obstruction. Got the radiator flush stuff, used according to instructions, drained and kept putting water in with a hose with the engine running. It worked, don't remember if I had to turn water off occasionally, did not have bottom hose off. I would say if yours dosen't handle the flow with the bottom hose removed you have a blockage.

try adapting the garden hose (duct tape?) to bottom of radiator and reverse flush. It has worked for me
i would say you need a rad. boil out. if your running water through it with the btm. hose off it should let all the water through.you have cores that are plugged.
Normal flow through a garden hose with city water preasure is only 4 to 5 gallons/per/minute, GPM. When your tractor was new the radiator flowed about 40 to 50 GPM. Yeah, radiator is plugged.

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