Snake time in the chicken house


Well-known Member
Went out to check for eggs and either a black snake or spotted king snake was in checking also. He measured 57 inches long and he got a swimming lesson to boot. Yep I do not kill them unless I have to or if they are copper heads
Yep they will slip right under a hen sitting and eat the eggs as she sits there. Of course depending on the hen if she stays or if she starts to raise Cain. Also have seen snakes get ripped apart by a bunch of chickens if they make the miss take of being seen in the open
yep a good number of them here. Most are like the black snake and no problem other then to things like chicken but then there are the copper head and they say we have them but I have yet to ever see one rattle snakes. I see snakes off and on all the time but few that ever worry me
I did not notice until it was to late and ran over what we call a black racer with the brush cutter last weekend.
I really do not like them because they will charge at you but still do not kill them.

We have three snakes common to my yard; the black racer; spotted king snake; and cottonmouth. While it is not normally aggressive I will kill the cottonmouth on site.
My trusty dog( Weimaraner) takes care of any snake on the place.He shakes them untill there dead.He Killed a chicken snake last week that made the mistake of making it,s self visible. He hates any snake.Think he may of gotten bit once or something.
That snake better be bigger than a chicken's beak, or they'll eat HIM, before he gets out. I've seen 2 hens, each suckin up a snake, kinda looked like the spaghetti scene in Lady and the Tramp. Never did see which one won!
My 3 acre garden is THICK with bull snakes. I see at least 4 every evening. Biggest one so far was about 4 1/2 feet. Was a little one in the basement of my house last week too. I try to leave em alone because they eat rodents and will eat rattlers. It is a bit un-nerving to stumble acrost one when your mind is on other things though cause they look so much like rattlers, and them boogers are around here too...

Found this little devil in the front yard near the front door, cats were giving it fits. It was about a foot long, and I'm sure just a baby. Been watching for momma, but haven't seen her yet.
Can't recall the old saying to see if this was really a coral or a fake, anyone know? Needless to say I didn't take the time to verify, I just stomped it...........story over.
Found this on wickepedia:

The bite of a coral snake may soon become increasingly more dangerous, ironically because of the relatively few bites each year. Production of coral snake antivenom in the United States has ceased because it is not profitable. The current antivenom stock is scheduled to expire in 2010, after two consecutive expiration date extensions approved by the FDA. Foreign pharmaceutical manufacturers have produced coral snake antivenoms such as Coralmyn, but the costs associated with licensing them in the United States have stalled availability

I do not know which is which but if your wrong and the right/wrong people find out it is a $10,000 fine not questions ask in Missouri. In this state there are a few snakes protected by law so because they believe people are stupid ALL yes ALL snakes are protected but they do look the other way for a few but only a very few the others if they know will cost you big time
Not sure what you mean other then the sobs that keep trying to slide in on me and one of these days the worng one will do the wrong thing LOL

Ah but the bull snakes do not rattle but the one you need to worry about do rattle so unless your hard of hearing you should not worry much, if your hard of hearing you better look 3 times LOL
Don't know about where you live, but around here Cottonmouths are aggressive and will come after you.

James has had two incidents with them while mowing a portion of our farm. They took exception to him mowing and coiled up to strike. He introduced them to the bush hog. End of snakes.
We used to have a big bull snake in our chicken house. My wife used an old ceramic door knob to encourage some of her chickens to "lay".
We knew the snake ate a few eggs once in awhile, but we never saw him again after the door knob came up missing.

I bet that knob plugged him up pretty good. LOL

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