What to do? What to do?


I planted about 8 acres of sunflowers 2 weeks ago. It was pretty dry when I planted and didn’t rain a drop since, until yesterday when we got about a ½”. It’s been unseasonably hot as well with some days in the 90s. Probably half or even less came up a week ago and are still OK now that it rained. The rest never sprouted so far as I could see. Its sporadic over the whole field but I’m sure the planter wasn’t skipping. Seemed slightly better in areas that are normally wetter (but aren’t wet this year). Looked it over again tonight but see little evidence of any additional plants sprouting since the rain. Maybe a few but not many. I hate to scrap the whole field and replant. Guess I will wait another day and see. Wonder how I could fill in the gaps? I plan on harvesting them.
I don't know the first thing about sunflowers.
But if you scratch away the soil and look at the seed. If the seed didn't germinate sprout and die and the seed should not of rotted as dry as you say. And not a chemical issue I would just wait for more rain to bring them up. Mark
How tall are the ones that are up? If your planter will put the seeds into moisture (and cover them), I'd probably just replant.........without working up a seedbed. Have done it a lot of times with soybeans (with both planter and drill) way back when, in places that drowned out or didn't come up to a stand.
Sounds like we're neighbors. Same weather patterns, same time frame , with the overnight shower, same problem, except was beans in the garden rather than sunflowers. I dug around in the rows and couldn't even find a dry or rotted seed. Just a very few healthy plants. I replanted last night, but a garden is easy compaired to your field.
I did scratch around in the dirt a bit last night and that was the strange thing. I did find a couple seeds that were sprouting but yet to emerge but the majority I couldn’t even find. Maybe I just didn’t look close enough. I would think the planter had skipped if I hadn’t just gone through it all and made sure everything was working properly. I checked multiple times while I was planting and the seed spacing was the best I ever had. I was finally looking forward to a nice stand this year with no skips and now this. Frustrating! Guess I better keep my day job!
The ones that are up are only an inch or two at this point. If I plant in the same rows, I'll lose them. If I offset the new row I wont be able to cultivate them. We are getting a little more rain today so I will check them again tonight and dig a little deeper in the soil. If they don’t come up I was trying to think of a way to just replant the gaps but nothing easy comes to mind.

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