Never Saw Hail Stones This Big!!

Adirondack case guy

Well-known Member
Well maybe their not hail stones. If not they must be Adirondack Marshmallows. We did get our first all day rain to day. Heard on the news last night that a local resivoir was at a 60 year low for this time of year.

Cousin was trying to put up some of those- we've had a lot of rain, he decided he just needed to "do it" to get it off for second crop.

Was going through a swale, got distracted when he flushed 4 ducks- MoCo went into the water, bogged down (so to speak), he got the disc bar lifted just before tractor died. Tractor was in 4WD, he managed to get out without sticking it.

Second crop should be good, if it will ever stop raining.
Abominal Snow Man Poop! See any tracks? Better call Monster Quest! They are out there we just never see them.

Must be the new Ice Age comming on Ive never seen evidence so far South!!!
I don't know if you guys over there are familiar with Foam Bout Markers over there? usually mounted on the end of the sprayer boom, it is basically a device that puts little blobs of foam onto the ground so you can see where to drive on the return run. I was using one on a fertilizer spreader in a grass field and some friends of mine were astonished to see " Thousands of mushrooms growing in straight lines" until of course they went into the field and saw for themselves what they actually were, so they did not get any mushrooms for supper that day.
I did hear about some idiot phoning the R.S.P.C.A. (Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals ) to complain because "This nasty farmer was killing hundreds of seagulls with his sprayer". When the officer arrived at the farm it was those same blobs of foam again, not lots of white birds all managing somehow to die in lines!
Bout Marker
When I fly over the countryside, the marshmallows really stand out. Also the long white caterpillar worms located in many barnlots... Gene
MY wife's relatives are all in Norway and over there they call 'em Tractor Eggs! I figure they must be.... I've seen 'em coming out the back end of a tractor!
I saw those in a movie called Invasion Of The Body Snatchers. They're martian people pods. RUN!!! RUN AS FAST AS YOU CAN!!! And don't call the sheriff cause I saw the movie and he's one of them.


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