Hey Don-WI Get the corn in?

Bruce from Can.

Well-known Member
Few days back you were telling us how your hay crop was coming off , and that you had not been able to get the corn in because of all the rain , so how is it going now? We finished up are haylage on Friday afternoon, and put in some more silage corn on some hay stubble on Thursday. Now we are getting heavy rain. Bruce
Not a single kernal yet. Been raining the last 2 weeks almost constant, and we've got about 25 acres of hay still on the ground. Aint worth crap now but we gotta get it off for second crop.

It's been a frustrating start so far. Wasted time hauling manure when we should have been planting, and then a bad decision to not rent the bagger for 1st crop like we did the past 2 or 3 years. Coulda been less fussy about how wet/dry it was and I know we coulda got atleast 2x as much chopped if we had it planned better. Might only have 5 acres on the ground instead.

Oh well. Shoulda coulda woulda. Looks like we're gonna get a dry spell this week so we might be able to get the hay dry finally. If we don't bale it, we'll chop it off for bedding and they'll still eat it that way. It just isn't the nice haylage we were planning on I guess. Just another day on the farm....

Donovan from Wisconsin
Here in north-east Iowa we are getting rain every few days too. We planted all of our corn and beans earlier than we like but the ground was dry and warm. Learned a long time ago to take advantage of that when ever you can.
We haven't baled or cut the first bale of hay but all of the crops are sprayed. I don't milk just finish steers so I don't need the high quality hay the diary guys do. I would rather have late baled hay rather than rained on hay.
It seems that we have different challenges each years.
Sounds like you fellas are getting about twice the rain events we are . There is a lot of hay that was intended for dry baling laying on the ground getting washed around here this week end. As for my self, our round baler is still in the shop waiting for the new lower belts to be in stalled, hope to get it back next week as I have 50 acres of dry hay to make for dry cows and heifers. Usually get 400 - 500 bales 4x4 soft core. Only hang up is the weather and the fact the farm is a 60 mile round trip away, so it can be sometimes a challenge to know what the whether is like on that farm from the home farm.Sure hope that the whether clears up soon for you guys, as the crow flys you aren"t that far away, just a great lake or two. And those lakes can either make or break us depending on how the wind blows.

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