weed killer



What is the difference between:
CROSS-BOW and ROUND-UP and witch one has the best and longest kill on poison ivy and poisen oak.
What would happen if I mix"d the two and used it
on poisen IVY and POISEN OAK. Will this mixture work on the fence lines.
I have not used Crossbow. I have used a lot of roundup , in my Pecan Orchard and elsewhere. Poison Ivy can look like a plant, vine , bush or small tree. The plant or vine is easier to kill. Roundup mixed per it's instructions WITH surfectant should kill the poison Ivy so long as it is properly applied.That's all I know.Good Luck.
The LABEL on both would tell you. Thing to remember is that a systemic such as roundup should kill permanently, but under each PI vine is a bunch of seed, so the kill only lasts till the next seed sprouts, could be a year, could be 8 weeks, depending on weather conditions. The best time to spray is after a significant rainfall, when you know it is actively growing.
I have used Crossbow and per my recollection, it is a concentrated 2,4D. It works well on brush and the like but you need to wet the entire plant (leaves).

Crossbow is the Ester formulation so it is not too volatile.
Crossbow label
RU can be effective on most soft stemmed weeds, grasses. The "woodier" the stem, the tougher it is to kill. A strong mix of RU will probably work, but if it were me, I would use Remedy. Remedy is designed for woody stemmed vegetation and vines and it would probably take less to kill the PI/PO.

Remember, its the oil in PI/PO that causes the itch and even though the plant is dead, the oil will remain for months, even a year or two. So don"t handle it without gloves. Better yet, don"t handle it at all. Use a rake or other tool to pull it off trees, etc.

Whatever you do, do not burn it. The oil will be in the smoke and on whatever the smoke gets on. If you breathe the oil laden smoke, it will make you very, very sick. Most likely, you and every one else who breathed it will wind up in the hospital.

RU is good for fence lines if the vegetation is mostly grass and weeds.
I find that the dryer the weather the more effective. If the weed has not had much moisture/rain, then it will suck up the chemical so much faster. When there is a lot of rain, the formula is diluted.
Wrong, always try to spray when weeds are young and actively growing with plenty of moisture in the ground. The up take will be better. Mark
We use Crossbow on brush quite a bit. It knocks out woody plants (cedars, multiflora rose) better than roundup. You need to soak'em though.
Roundup - glyphosate really - will kill most any green leaf plant it contacts if you get it on strong enough. (Or into it's sap-flow.) It will not do a thing to the non-green stem or ground or seeds or roots - it must be applied to the green leaf part, and if it is a waxy leaf it needs something to break the wax a bit & soak in. It also binds up on clay particles or hard water particles - so soft water or a special additive is a must if you mix your own.

It will then translocate to the bottom of the root, and start killing the plant from the root up. So the plant may look good for a week even - but it is dying from the bottom up.

Crossbow is more of a 2,4,D, and works a little differently. It is designed for woody plants. It likely will mess up the 2 you mention. It's maybe not designed for them, but it will probably get them, and not be so hard on any grasses in the area. It's a broadleaf killer. I've not used it, so use my advice on this one with great caution.........

Glysophate is ised on grasses and broadleaf weeds, not woody plants.
Crossbow is usually used for woody type plants. Google "Crossbow" and read the label. It will tell if if it is approved for use on Poison ivy, etc.

if you have something you realy want to make sure is dead spray it with remedy. the stuff is expensive but we always have it anyway because we're battling mesquete trees. when we have a little poisin ivy we hit it with that to make sure it dies. but like i said its expensive so its not a great idea unless you have it on hand and dont have much posin ivy to spray. sorry just had to say :oops:

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