How did your day go?


Well-known Member
Well today I decided I've had too much seat time, so I loaded up the wife and took my sisters new camper and drove down 160 miles to the river for a few days of R&R. Just to find out the A/C won't cool. So guess what we did? Yup! we drove back another 160 miles to the house, spent $100. in diesel to pull the camper. Had one GREAT DAY. "NOT!!!" Should of stayed with the tractor would of had a better day. Sorry for the Rant, blue skies are ahead. Mike
Drove back today from erie, after a 3 day getaway with the wife and daughter., had a great time and good ride home, till a coal truck went past the other direction, something flew out of his truck and got my windshield. Didn't let it ruin the trip though, jstpa
About 20 minutes into disking a field this morning, blew a oil cooler hose on the tractor. Fortunately, it was a low pressure hose, 41" long, held on with hose clamps. Sent the wife to town and got a new one which will try to install in the morning. Had to abandon the disking project and help son harvest wheat for the rest of the day, quitting about 11:00 p.m.
I voted for a day off today, such as farmers get since it meant a trip to town for banks, lawyers, and paying off last weeks 864 diesel delivery. It was 95 with a heat index in the 100's and my round baler is down until tomorrow and rain forecast.

All I planned on doing was mowing the yard and checking/salting the cows. Ended up short one at one farm. Found her, and a premature calf dead. She was due to calve August 15. Must have slipped the calf and in the heat never got back up. She was fine last night and with the rest of the herd. So I spent the evening burying her. Not my idea of a day off.
Couldn't find anywhere near, Menards, Walmart, something to buy a couple of window fans?

My day yesterday went ok, even though it was rainy, and hot, very hot. Got home, called my sister about 6 PM I figure, just as another storm rolled in and knocked out the power until 10 minutes until 4 AM this morning. Was pretty hot in the closed up house when I got home, and sure didn't have a chance to cool off when lost power. Felt pretty good when all of the window fans fired up a few minutes until 4 AM this morning, instantly sucking the hot air out one side and blowing a crosswind of cold air in from the other. Fresh air, well, as fresh as air is anymore that is. All of those fans starting up did make it sound like I was at an airport, but it was cool fresh air, not like out of an airplanes exhaust pipes, and it was time to get up anyway. Its pretty cool in here right now, but its time to go to work. I'm pretty sleepy though. Got some sleep, not much though.

Are you sure there weren't any Lowes or somewhere near where you could've bought a few noisy, but cool window fans to use in the camper down by the river? Not expensive.

I think the heat and weather is getting to a lot of us.

James and I have started reclaiming a part of the farm that has gotten very overgrown. Hot and very humid. Tough going, but the area will make a good bahaia field.
Mark. What I didn't tell you was the camper was only a 16', It would of been tough to have any place to put any fans. It wouldn't of been much of a vacation. It will be better today! :>) Mike
Hit the road at 3:00 AM with the wife, grown up daughter and her 3 kids and headed north to Portland OR, 700 moles away. Had a great trip swapping stories and corny jokes. Got to my son"s house at 2:30 PM and chillaxed on my bobo with his family and had a GREAT BBQ. Today, we"re headed Northeast to Spokane to my other daughter"s house, (385 miles) to attend one of my grandaughter"s wedding on Saturday. Then on Sunday, we"re heading home to Oakdale and home, stopping at Bend Oregon for the night on the way.

Kinda looking forwarrd to getting back towork so I can rest.
Ahh, I was just funnin with ya. That stuff did happen to me, but I wouldn't wish it on no one else. That, and when its a vacation day or few in a camper, it oughta be vacation. I hear ya Mike and don't blame ya. I like and appreciate my downtime too, and like you or anyone else, not so appreciative of downtown that aint that.

Good luck.

(quoted from post at 00:10:52 06/24/10) Well today I decided I've had too much seat time, so I loaded up the wife and took my sisters new camper and drove down 160 miles to the river for a few days of R&R. Just to find out the A/C won't cool. So guess what we did? Yup! we drove back another 160 miles to the house, spent $100. in diesel to pull the camper. Had one GREAT DAY. "NOT!!!" [b:38069c67f4]Should of stayed with the tractor would of had a better day.[/b:38069c67f4] Sorry for the Rant, blue skies are ahead. Mike

That's assuming the AC on the tractor works.......... :(

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