O/T Deer.........


Well-known Member
My wife and I were sitting out on the patio last evening enjoying a rare nice evening when it wasn't windy or raining, or both.

Three adult whitetail deer walked across the lawn about 50 feet in front of us. One was a buck with his antlers fully grown but still in velvet. Saw another buck same way night before last.

Having been around deer for years, and having shot several dozen over the years, I can't recall ever seeing any new antlers this early. I've always thought deer growing their antlers was more a late July and August thing. Does anyone know more about it than I do?
Dont know but saw the sam thing several days ago. Dont what area you are in but Im in Ashland VA just north of Richmond
Goose---they start growing antlers in early Spring--around my farm usually by the 3rd week in April....

Antlers are one of the fastest growing tissues in the animal kingdom and will sprout 2-3 inches of new growth each week....

They will continue adding antler growth until late summer when the tissue starts to harden and the blood/nutrient rich "velvet" starts to dry up and fall off or get rubbed off by the deer...

They sure are amazing animals and I never tire of them....

I'm in eastern Nebraska, and I didn't think they grew them this early in the summer. Maybe I just never paid any attention before. They're usually hid out in the corn fields till fall harvest gets under way.
These <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQVWrHKHRW4">deere</a> were on our farm last year.

Saw a doe last Saturday in the same location near the burnpile shown in the video.
First one I saw with visible antlers this year was the 3rd week of May...and they were allready 5"+. We just don't see them much early on in the year - they hide out while the antlers are growing. They are soft and can be injured fairly easily at that stage.
Well the fawns are late out here this year....ground up my first one today with the JD MX8....normally they are big enough to run, but this was a little one that couldn't make it through the swamp grass....I know deer are a nuisance, but that didn't make my day....

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