My rant question for the day

Why are people so rude and self centered today??

Is it our city rush rush life style; being raised by day care because both parents work if we even have two parents; or just do not give a s##t attitude.

Went to the store this morning with my wife to pick up a few things. As we are leaving there is a young lady about 10 or 15 steps ahead of us with a baby in one arm and two bags of groceries in the other. She is trying to get the door open with out dropping anything so she can leave the store. I notice a guy in his late 20's to early 30's walking up to the store to enter. I notice that he has increased his walking pace; and I assumed he was doing so to try and hold the door for the lady with the baby.
Was I sadly mistaken. This guy is rushing to the door not to hold it for the lady but rather to squeeze in as the lady tries to get out.

While I try to keep my comments to myself I could not help it. I told the guy just what I thought of his actions as he walked up to us. My wife had to grab me by the arm and drag me out the store.
Neither of my son's would never let me catch them acting this way because they know their life here on earth would come to a abrupt end when I got finished with them.
Don't know what to say John except agreed, agreed, agreed.
Remember a couple of presidents ago there was a chorus of "character doesn't matter" ?
Hi John in La: I've seen what you describe but it has been happening for ages. 50+ years ago it was "All colored to the rear of the bus." 150 years ago is was "only good indian is a dead one." ..and on back in time. I don't like it either but I don't control much including myself once in a while. I don't think it will change too much untill Judgement day? Untill then about the only thing a person can do is to keep trying to improve things? ag
When approaching the entrance/exit of a store without an automatic door, I always hold the door for any women, children, or others who may need assistance. It's how I was raised.

But I totally sympathize with my son's reaction in the following case. While a new student at a local junior high, my son saw a handicapped student [one who had difficulty walking] approaching the door. So, doing as he was taught, my son held the door open for the handicapped student...who turned to him and said, "Look,I'm crippled, not stupid; I know how to open the f%$&ing door." At which point my son slammed the door in his face. I believe my son's actions were entirely justified.
Well John, it's all part of the "me" generations. He sees no reason to be courteous or helpful since he may never see her again. Apparently many people think they have no obligation to be civil to others.
Life in the 21st Century. Don't see anything anywhere to make me think it's going to get better, quite the contrary.
being one who needs help to open doors i find lots of people who will help me but never a young man whom you would think would be the person who should. I have been run over by some of them while in my wheel chair.
I soundly disagree. I walk slow with a cane and it is all most impossible for me to enter a store with out some one holding the door for me. Young, old, male, female, they all wait and hold for me.
Every where except Walmart ---
Some people are just plain self centered or havn't been taught manners. A few years ago while on the wheat harvest one of the guys on the crew had the hots for a young gal who was on the crew. He followed her around everywhere except to the ladie's room. We were at Sterling Colorado and the crew was entering the Burger King. She was following him and after he went through the door he just let it swing shut in her face. I felt like pulling him over to a corner and giving him a good talking-to about how to treat a girl, but he was just a self-centered type of guy and my words would have entered closed ears.

I grew up helping my crippled mother so assisting people is something I do naturally, but it does make me mutter under my breath when I hold the door for a woman who walks through with her nose in the air and doesn't even acnowledge my generosity. Jim
I've noticed that on "The Price is Right", very few contestants who win the final bunch of prizes turn and shake hands with the loser. It's like "get the hell out of my life, I won". Then they take off to jump up and down and celebrate with their friends on stage.

Looks like sportsmanship has left the building folks.
When I go to see my mom at the nursing home, I see a lot of sad old people witing everyday hoping their children will stop in and see them. My wife has all my moms favorite magazines and newspaper sent to the nursing home, When my mom is done reading them the other residents fight over who is going to get them, they all have children but none of them can order them a subscription, it is very sad.
I always try to hold the door for anyone, especially mothers with children, seniors, and young girls, even if I have to wait a minute for them to get there. The young girls look shocked, like they've never had that happen before. I think they all appreciate it, although a few never say "Thank you." Girls aren't learning manners either.

Not my story but I repeat it when appropriate.

A man holds the door for a woman who happens to be a women's libber. She tells him, "You don't have to hold the door for me because I'm a lady. I can open my own door." The man replies, "I didn't open the door for you because your a lady. I opened the door for you because I'm a gentleman."
I completely agree, there is a huge lack of common decency and respect in society today, especially in the youth.
As someone else has said, people look shocked and genuinely surprised when I hold a door for them.
We witnessed such a display while on vacation in the Dominican this past March. We got on the shuttle bus to the airport when we were leaving and it stopped at a few other resorts on the way. A large group of people (not all from the same family) were waiting to get on, amongst them an elderly couple. Two goons in their late teens barged on the bus and took the seats closest to the door which forced everyone else to squeeze past them, including the elderly couple. I said something to my wife loud enough that they could hear me but what really blew me away was that they were with their parents and they did NOTHING. The kids must have heard me because they waited until everyone else was off the bus before they left and they made damn good and sure they made room.
If that were my son he'd be getting a talking to. He's 9, but even he will get the door for someone. I have no faith that there will be competent care for me when I am old.
(quoted from post at 08:51:25 07/03/10) Why are people so rude and self centered today??

Lets not forget that the people that are rude and self centered today were taught and trained by the people that were rude and self centered yesterday.

Very True
my wife is in a wheel-chair { 26 years now }
We notice theres 2 kinds of people out there...

1St will go ahead of you and HOLD the door for you ...

2Nd will HURRY around you and get thur the door and NEVER look back .. letting door go CLOSE ... that GUYS and GALS ....
Some just can't stand to behind you ...

That's what we [ my wife and I ] have found out ...

The problem we have today is the selfishness of most people. The "me first" attitude with no care for anyone else. We have that problem because these same people have never been taught the word of our Lord as written in Mark 12 v 30 where it says You shall love your neighbour as youself. What it really means is that we are to treat others as we treat ourselves.
ELEMENTARY School lesson ...There Are More LIBERALS Than EVER before, Wanting Someone else to Be Responsible, do all the work, And give the LIBERALS the profits. and the Govm't Backs it up By LAW,,. So , .. Naturally Over time No one wants To be the Worker Anymore , So Everyone Slacks And The abundant GETS pizt because No one Wants to give Him FREE ICE CREAM ANYMORE,, FREEDOM ISN't FREE ,, Being free Does not Give anyone the RIGHT to do Whatever they Wish , It Only gives Them The Right To CHOOSE how they Want to live .. With a Handshake Or A FIST ...To live With Their neighbors AND ON WHAT TERMS they might endure , To enjoy Perfect Freedom , Everyone Must EXERCISE RESPONSIBILITY and ALWAYS DO the RIGHT THING
I"ve been in a wheel chair for over twenty years and these are some of the things I have learned.

Years ago I drove a wheel chair lift van and while at a local mall the following occurred. I very carefully looked for a parking space where my side lift could come down and not be blocked in when I came back out. I found a spot where I could park along side of a bike rack thinking that nobody would park between me and the rack. Much to my dismay someone had squeezed there Cadillac between my van and the bike rack. Mall security came by while my wife moved the van so I could get in. Security refused to do anything about the situation. Strangely once security left and I drove away the Cadillac apparently needed four new marker lights, as they had been smashed out.

I"m an average white male who doesn"t look like any stereotypical ethnic group so it"s not my "look" but white people tend to be the rudest. I’ve been offered help from every typical ethnic group even people who speak little or no English yet try to help.

It"s obvious, that since I’m in a chair I must be deaf. People will talk louder or talk to the people I’m with instead of addressing me directly.

Little kids are honest and inquisitive adults tend to be rude. Kids tend to connect to the chair since it’s not unlike a stroller. They tend to want to push it around, adults scurry away like I’m contagious.

Once at a gas station during bad weather the cashier could see me from her window yet she wanted me to prepay inside before she would turn on the pump. I had no idea how much I would need so I would have had to push my chair across the lot once to prepay and again to get my change and receipt. My adult son happened into the station to make a purchase at that point. He went inside the station and chewed her out for her lack of consideration. He asked her if she thought I was going to drive away without paying. He suggested that maybe she get off her dead A$$ and pump for me.

One of my vehicles is a large diesel pickup truck, in the winter I frequently park it locked and running so that it’s warm when I come back out. While in a store once some old busy body called the cops because my truck was in a handicapped stall and he didn’t think it belonged there. While I was in the store he had tried to get into it to move it. I came out of the store to find the officer who happened to know me trying to get the busy body to mind his own business. The old guy didn’t seam to get it even when the cop told him it would have been breaking and entering.

These are just some of the things I have learned……
At a younger age of 27, i was brought up to be a gentleman and traet others the way you would like to be treated yourself, the otherday i held opened a door for a young lady with her arms full, (who did say thank you) but was suprised to her from a couple of older people just how much of a gentleman i was, seems like there just not as many people doing the same thing these days. Rather sad i think
We the people created it, First when I grew up the adults ate at big meals first, after the adults got finished the kids were fed, now it is put the kids first, take the paddles out of school and homes, forget all about manners(because the ones raising children don't have any). My boys have manners to this day and so do their children..I tell my grand kids there is no CAN in my house, MAY only lol they forget till I look at them..As I have said before and will say again

I can agree with you on Wal-Mart. I have bone cancer in both legs. So I don't walk very fast. Went to Wal-Mart to buy my groceries a little cheaper being short on money this month.

I lasted about 45 minutes in the store before my nerves were shot and couldn't take it anymore. Left my cart half full and walked out.

People are rude and have the me first way of thinking. Not the way I was brought up.
I'm confused - are you calling the door holder the abundant?

Or is it the door holdee who is the abundant?


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