Nancy Howell

Well-known Member
Over the past year, we have sent several carbs off our JDs to K&K Antique Tractors to be rebuilt.

Shipped a DLTX-10 for one of the B"s last week. Got a call from K&K and they received an empty box.

Talked to them this morning and asked "In your opinion, was the box opened?" They said "Yes". I asked them to ship the box back to us.

Guess we shipped one too many and a postal worker decided to make some extra money at our expense.

It was insured and I have the receipts, but we have to wait 21 days before we can even file the claim. Then who knows how long it will take them to make good on it.

Worst part is we now have to try and find another carb.

sorry to hear about that nancy. give howard a hollar, nebraska cowman dot com over on the cowboard, i'll bet he has one laying around.

ps.....i wonder if kruser swiped it it for his oliver????/
The sad part of the whole loss, is the person who opened the box, hoping for something good, and didn't know what he had, and threw it away. I guess I am fortunate I have never lost anything from the mail. I have send some very hard to find motorcyle parts to be repaired, and would have been very upset, like you must be if the parts were stolen. Stan
I know that nnalert has them but boy do they cost a good bit. I got one years ago for my 1935 JD-B from them and it was around $500 Those DLTX-10s are hard to find and when you do find one they cost a good bit. As for the box if you shipped it by way of the postal service good luck getting any thing from them unless you insured it for around $1000 or so. I got an empty box a few years ago that should have had a starter for an Olive in it but it was empty and the postal service said fill these papers out and it proved to be a wast of time and ink
Good thing you had it insured. Thieves are everywhere. Someone scammed my wife's charge account number off the internet. Had to cancel the card. I've told her not to use that when purchasing online. Hal
A few years ago I mail ordered a VERY expensive pair of JD trademarked boots.

The retailer saw fit to ship the box without wrapping it or double boxing it, leaving the printed description and size clearly visible.

Upon arrival, it was obvious that it had been opened and retaped.

Inside was a mud covered, worn out pair of cheap K Mart boots and a thank you note.

It took awhile but I ended up with two pairs of the correct boots as both UPS and the seller decided to cover the loss. I still have one unused pair on the shelf.

Nancy, if yours never shows up and you want to purchase another one I have a pretty rough DLTX 10 and also a nicer DLTX 107 which is the universal replacement carb made in later years for the B tractor.

I even get down your direction every once in a while. I have a corn plot in Ferris, TX. I ate at a Whataburger there in your town. Think I had a "whatachikin" LOL.
Don't hold your breath waiting for the post office to make it right. About 6 months ago I bought a tractor manual from ebay, ~ $20. Guy sent it insured with the post office tracking info. The PO website showed that was picked up and headed for Houston, but it never arrived. The sender checked his post office, and I made two trips to the post office where it was supposed to show up here in Houston. They told the sender that the postal inspectors took over the case, but after two months of nothing, the sender just refunded my money and I guess he just ate the loss. Real frustration is that there is nobody to call, or at least they won't answer the phone. You can get phone numbers for the post office branches here in Houston from the internet, but when you dial the number, nobody ever answers or you get a recording that it's not a working number! You go stand in line and they look at the same internet tracking site as you and that's all they know.

I agree - the PO kept telling me to "check the site"...

A package from California showed to be in their tracking system - for three weeks! I had given up on getting it when all of a sudden, it showed up...

When you insured it did you write tractor carburetor on the description? NOT!
Be vague when describing contents of packages.. SOmething like farm parts, is good enough.

No description. But when you have a package addressed to K&K Antique Tractors it doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out its a part from an antique tractor and is probably valuable especially if the package is insured.
Sorry to hear of your problem! When I drove for FedEx Home Delivery, I had an insured package (computer part, I believe) which the shipper claimed was lost and wanted his money back. I left a note with my cell phone at the house where it was delivered, and they called me back saying they had the part AND the box it came in! I asked if they would be there for awhile and I would be right there with a form for them to sign. They signed for receiving it AND gave me the box! I think the seller was trying to 'work' the system. Never did have a claim that stuck against me! The Post Office, I know nothing about, as far as claims go. Greg
Not that other options are perfect, but the day the post office goes under will be a great day for me. Worthless. I am getting to the point where I am so sick of 95% of the stuff in my mailbox being cr@p I don't want or need. Maybe I should tip the mailbox over and pay all my bills online....hrmmmm
A problem with the US Postal Service? Hard to believe. Those people seem like such dedicated, hard-working, honest folks who love serving the public.
I once worked in Customer Service in a large printing plant that printed magazines, catalogs, etc.

On subscription magazines, we would label the mags and mail them right from our plant by the truck load. Naturally, this involved our getting large quantities of empty mail bags from the post office. It was amazing what all we found in these supposedly empty mail bags. Personal letters, bundles of what were obviously checks from a retirement program, etc. Once about a month into the college football season, we found several large bundles of envelopes with the inscription, "Here are your University of Utah season football tickets".

You might want to be watching Craigs list , ebay , or any other place that might sell . ..
A carb. ...

Just a thought .... Mark
I like my Post Office, they are friendly and always helpful. Postmaster wrote a personal letter to the state license board for me to straighten out my business license info. Yes it is a small town, but they still work long hours.
I deliver bulk mail to the PO here in Indy and have to deal with these kooks on an almost daily basis. Just like most other government employees, they don't care what kind of service they provide, they just show up, punch a clock, and do as little as possible until break time.
Everybody is quick to blame the PO. I havent dealth with K&K, but do you truct them enough to be telling you the truth about it!? (not accusing K&K, just have had this happen before!)
Keep on them like glue. I had a claim that I had to file once for a mag being broken and it was like pulling teeth to get anything done. After I submitted all my paperwork they said that I had bought the cap after the package was shippped so claim was denied. I called them up and gave them an earful that it was pretty dang hard to buy the cap before it got broken. DUHHHHH. UPS is a royal pain to deal with when it comes to getting insurance paid. I am 0 for 1 with them.

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