Way O/T rider kills horse

Nancy Howell

Well-known Member
Last night when we got home, my neighbors called me over and told me this.

Saturday afternoon there was a group of riders headed down the street. They had been riding their horses hard even though the heat index approximately 107.

One of the horses collapsed in the street. The rider began cussing and beating the horse to try to make it get up.

When he refused to stop beating the horse, my neighbors called the police. They also got their water hose and tried to cool the horse down.

Long story short, the horse died. Turns out it didn"t even belong to the idiot who was riding it.

I don"t understand how people can be so stupid!!!
A few years back, an "old" horse pulling a buggy collapsed and died along the road close to my farm....

After 1 day and a few threats by the local law enforcement, another neighbor with a truck, trailer, and winch was asked if he would haul it to the farm of the owner of the dead horse.

He said he would do it for $65....and is still waiting payment...

Made me wonder about 2 things....

1) If nobody would have made a "stink" (no pun intended) would the owner have just left the horse on the side of the road and not have had it removed?

2) Are owners of horses, cows, and other large animals required to dispose of the carcasses some way, or can they just haul them off to the back 40 and let them decompose?

well the man should have been beat,but spraying cold water on an over heated horse probably didnt help,might have went into shock,sorry to hear about it.
Jail time at the minimum for the cruel ba$terd. No animal deserves treatment like that, yet it goes on all the time. I would feel less remorse for the person had they subsequently stroked out and fell down right there.
Actually, soaking with cool water is exactly what needed to be done. You have to get the body temp down quickly. This is true for people and animals.

When people or animals get overheated, much of the blood rises to the skin in an attempt to cool. This means the blood flow through the heart becomes light and the heart beats very hard to circulate what blood it can.

If possible, ice packs should be applied to the arteries to cool the blood. The "cooled" blood then lowers the body temp and internal organs.

Also if possible, electrolytes should be given.
I thought he should be made to run around a track under the same heat conditions until he collapsed.

Then beaten to until he got up.

This is a prime example of why I don't let other people ride my horses.
The horse collapsed on the street and that street is heavily traveled, so leaving the carcass laying in the street was not an option. Since the police were called and this was inside the city limits, the carcass would have to be hauled off at the owner's expense and not the the "back 40".

To my knowledge, city ordinances prohibit disposal of animal carcasses (cat, dog or otherwise) within the city limits.
hey Nancy,not disagreeing with you,we had a load of pigs being shipped to market years ago very hot day, the trucker thought the pigs were over heating and turned a water hose on them,10 minutes later they were all dead,had a vet look at them he said they went into shock,who knows for sure,maybe pigs are a little different?
Yes pigs are different. You can use cold water to cool them but you have to water their snouts first. Their snout helps them to get used to the temperature change.
not to take sides with a idiot, because that is what he is if he beats a horse.my brother had a horse go down like that and it died in about 10 min. we had 14 horses and we didn't think we had over road them(a trot at the most).That horse just happened to have something wrong with it that didn't show till then.We were all told we road them to hard,it was to hot,etc.We have ridden many hot days before and after that and never had a problem. Sometimes these things happen and you can't always blame the ridders.Now if 2 or more of that group had horses do this diffrent story.But to often the riders get blamed and harased un nesasarily.

That is still no exuse to over work or beat a horse.I do beileve the guy should be jailed or something.There is one thing I can't stand is misstreating animals wether physical or starvation or even people who can't shoot there dog when it gets hit by a car and they spend months trying to heal it up until it dies anyway.
I hope the owner of the horse presses charges along with the proper authorities. The idiot should get a good jail stay and also a huge fine. Maybe all the other idiots riding the horses hard in the extreme heat should also be charged. Who's ever idea it was is just as much at fault. Dave
Yes, pigs are different. They don"t have sweat glands. They can become overheated and die very quickly. If they died withing 10 minutes, I would be skeptical of the vet"s diagnosis. Most likely they were too overheated by time he sprayed them.
I agree that sometimes these things just happen, but I've seen these people ride before. I've seen them come by with their horses running sweat and lathered. Just not a good practice especially if you don't own the horse you're riding.
I can remember my father farming with horses in hitches of 5 or 6. These horses started in the spring and they got hardened in but even then Dad would stop after plowing about eighty rod and let them as he said, "Wind out". Alway started them out in the spring hauling manure. Would load the spreader, hich up the team and make thempull the load to the other end of the field and unload the spreader coming back. The were usually ready to stand after that. He always limited the amount of water at one time and preferred they drink warm water out of the stock tank.
Here, we're "supposed" to either have a rendering truck come pick up a dead critter or bury them to a least a certian depth(forget just how deep). That's what's supposed to happen.

However, in reality, with over 1000 head on over 10,000 acres 40 miles from the closest town, the deceased just get drug up into a pocket in the hills someplace. Coyotes and other scavengers make short work of the remains, and within a month or so, all that's left is bones, and even the bones are eventually consumed by bugs.
Sounds like the owner should go to jail. Leave your animal in the care of an idiot and you have only yourself to blame.
I called the PD and they said all four officers had filed a report and it had been turned over to an investigator.

I also contacted one of the tv stations and they are interested in interviewing my neighbors. I hope they do. Otherwise, I think this will be swept under the rug.
I sure hope they do something.

Really stupid of this Idiot to treat a live animal as a machine.

I suppose he don't even realize that the horse had a mind and heart, responded till he dropped.

I think that fellow needs to be driven till he drops so he can feel some of the horses pain.

I'm just thinking of my Mother (least that's what he said ) in the service SGT Diez he had a boot that would connect every time ya slowed down.
I was taught to cool a horse down slowly with a hose from the feet up.Now with this horse already down,dont know what the situation would be.Im sure beating it wasnt the answer.

around here where there are Amish the police know all the animal laws. I have seen teenage Amish get charged with Overdriving an animal.
Years ago I drove a truck from farms to stockyards, East St. Louis. One early morning with hogs that had been in truck all night. I drove them out and several died as they came in contact with cool air. None died in truck. Took about 20 seconds from the time they fell until they stopped kicking.
That is one method for cooling a horse down from "normal" work. What happened here was not normal or reasonable for even a "conditioned" horse.

When an animal or person collapses from being overheated, the body and internal organs have reached a temperature that the body cannot tolerate very long and survive.

If the body isn"t cooled quickly, the horse, dog, person, will die as this horse did.

This poor animal suffered for over 2 hours before it finally died.
I had to find out the hard way that spraying cold water on hogs will kill them. After that one time I ran the water on the cement feed floor and let them lay down in it if they were overheating. Never had a problem after that. Jim
The local tv stations around here would be fight'n for the first interview on this deal. The local CBS station will show up and get vidio and do an investigation every time a chicken jumps off a truck onto the side of the road.
Wow, people can be mean and stupid all at once, yesterday, it was hot and humid, though the temp was 91, not like it was in early July, which was in the 100's, I brought our oldest mare in, under the fly sheet she was soaked around the shoulder area so after some cooling time in the stall, gave her a nice steady soaking, sheesh they kinda depend on us to treat em right now don't they ? Often times during the heat/humidity we have to take the time to cool em down when they come in from just turn outs, let alone ones being ridden and worked.

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