Teens burn local church

Keith Molden

Well-known Member
This is sorta tractor related because our entire country was founded on the church. We really don't have crime here like they do in the big cities, but 4 teens ages 18 & 19 were arrested yesterday after they burned one of the oldest churches in Meigs County, Ohio night before last. A neighbor saw the car & got the license # & called 911. They didn't believe in GOD, now how sad is that? There was a 185+ year old bible in the church that they admitted to tearing up before burning the church. I'll bet the first one they call for when sentenced is GOD, & he'll help even them. I sure hope they send them away for a very long time, I'm not as forgiving as he is. Just my thoughts, Keith
I'm not a "thumper" by any means, but some parents should have aired those little bastages out long, long ago.

Isn't it interesting how people claim they don't believe in God, but the first thing out of their mouths when things go bad is "OMG".
These kids were either raised by non-believing parents or they had a really bad experience with clergy or a church. I can't condone that because they have a right to believe in what they believe whether we think it's right or wrong.

What bothers me is they were trying to destroy something that didn't fit into their way of thinking or believing. If this is the case the parents sure didn't bring them up right. Jim

Thing that really gets me is that at some point, they will probably get religon, superficially I mean. They will ask for forgiveness and get the sentence reduced or even wiped out. Our politicians are their role models.
You know in most schools you can't teach about God, you can't speak about God, you can't pray to God because of freedom of speach. If you do believe in God there is always someone out to take a stand against your freedom or try to destroy anything or anyone that has to do with God. It just don't make sense to me. If you don't believe in God, that's your right, and if he isn't real then why do things that will land you in jail, bring a lot of trouble to yourself. What are these people so scared of or intimidated by, why do they work so hard to hurt others ?
not believing in god is bad, but even if you dont believe in god, why do you have to burn a church? there are other ways to show your beliefs then ruining historical buildings.
Believing that it's okay to destroy other people's property is NOT a freedom our society condones.....and NO ONE has the right to believe it is.
Yes, no doubt parents share part if not all the blame for the acts of these kids....and parents should be liable in a great degree for the acts they have done. If parents were held largely accountable for the acts of their kids up to the age where the kids will be tried as adults there just might be more badly needed parenting done in this country.

We as society can punish them on earth but in the end they will have to stand before the Almighty and atoll for their earthly transgressions... They may not like the price they will have to pay for the free will they exercised down here...
Back in 1978, right after I got married, my wife was proceeding through an intersection in our car--no stop signs facing her. A kid on a bicycle came flying down the sidewalk on the intersecting street, and without stopping, stammed into the side of the front fender of our car. Thankfully, the kid wasn't injured, but even though I had collision AND uninsured motorist coverabe on my policy, my insurance company [State Farm, in case you're interested] told me I needed to fix the car out of my own pocket.

Since my car was hit by a BICYCLE, the uninsured MOTORIST coverage didn't apply...nor did my comprehensive, or any other coverage I had. And as to trying to make the PARENTS pay, the insurance company said that since the PARENTS weren't riding the bike, they weren't legally liable...and since the bike rider was 14 years old, there was a 'doctrine of diminished responsibility' that meant even if I sued, I'd never collect a dime.

In fact, the insurance adjuster told me that I was DARNED LUCKY that the bicyclist hit the SIDE of my car, instead of the front..or MY WIFE might have been declared liable for damages to the bike!

So it's not THAT recently that we haven't been holding kids liable for the damages they cause; this was 32 years ago, and the then-14YO cyclist would now be near 50, assuming they're still alive.
I really have no answer for your question, however
the first sentence alone contradicts that statement.

Freedom of speech is for only the people that change history to their liking.

God was good in my public schooling. we were taught we were being watched by a superpower above any man.
I guess that at that time put the fear of God in our heads.
We also had a principal that controlled our back sides if we got too far out of line.

Kids today are taught to call 911 if you speak to them the wrong way. they have no fear of anything.
so the inevitable happens.

I think since they are caught , and the church people decide to rebuild, their punishment would be to help physically as much as they can labor wise.
I'm sure the lesson they learn from Gods people will forever stay in their mind.
...if these hoodlums had burned a mosque or a Buddhist facility, would we even be having this conversation? I'd bet not, unless it was to congratulate the perpetrators.
If you want some eye-openers about State Farm Insurance, read some auto body trade magazines. They pull every trick in the book to get body shops to do cheap, shoddy work, and then throw the shop under the bus if they get caught.

I, at work, I once had a parking lot fender bender with a gal that had State Farm insurance. Even though I had witnesses willing to testify it was clearly the other gals fault, the State Farm adjuster insisted there was no way we could prove whose fault it was and we would each fix our own. She knew that I knew it would cost me a lot more than my $100 deductible to my insurance company to take State Farm to court over an $800 fender bender.
why is it that those who don't beleive there is a God try so hard to destroy him or any thing that belongs to him.If he don't exist, you can't fight nothing,can you?
I don't believe there is such a person,they say is never a athieest in a canoe on a fast moving river.
I don't know of anyone that harbors any ill will to Buddhists. There's a Buddhist temple that I drive past every day on my morning commute, very unassuming building, but nicely maintained. With our large Japanese population, it seems like just about everybody knows someone of that faith around here.
Yes, I still would have posted it. I don't care what religion or non religion for that matter. we have as a whole in the world have lost respect for the belongings of others. I don't care what religion you are or for that matter whether you're an athiest, you just don't do things like that where I come from. Keith
Are you referring to the <big>[b:654c4848f0]A[/b:654c4848f0]</big>nti-<big>[b:654c4848f0]C[/b:654c4848f0]</big>hristian <big>[b:654c4848f0]L[/b:654c4848f0]</big>itigation <big>[b:654c4848f0]U[/b:654c4848f0]</big>nit?
well if those lowlifes are 18, and19 years old i guess they would qualify them for adult court wouldnt it? I wonder how much other mayhem this bunch has caused I will bet that it isnt the first time the goof troop has wrecked something
Thanks for the news. I'm from Reedsville in eastern Meigs county. It is a special place. Hope the courts throw the book at these idiots.

Don't mean to start a big argument, buttttt, You state that this "entire country" was founded on the church. This country was originally founded by several groups who were seeking religious freedom to worship the way they wanted. They were not trying to set up any specific church or doctrine-they wanted religious freedom. Then we proceeded to poison and kill the Native Americans and steal their land. Then we start a war with Mexico so we can take their portion of this land. These are not real "church" doctrines it's just wat we did to have this "entire country" Now We and especially this board are fine with religious freedom as long as it is the religious freedom we accept and approve. Buddests, Hindus, Native americans are not welcome here on this board or in mainstream America because while we claim to be all about religious freedom we really don't want religious freedom for those who believe something different than we do. Even within the accepted religious community there is no tolerance for those who believe differently. We put God in a box and then ridicule those who aren't in OUR box with him. "We Baptists have the only way. The Mormons are the only way to God. Methodists are God's people" these are arrogant and exclusive and WRONG. We are ALL God's people. Even these stupid morons that burned the church. The boys who burnt the church should be sent to prison for arson and destruction of property(Knowing Meigs County politics they won't) But they should also be held acountable if it were a mailbox, or a barn , or an abandoned trailer. The historical aspect of this old chruch and the old Bible should increase the sentence, not the fact it was a church.
Question-those of you who claim YOUR religious freedom would you be just as outraged if this were not a church, but a shrine, or a mosque, or a temple or a sweat lodge. These are all recognized religious meeting places. I dare say you wouldn't bat an eye because they are not YOUR accepted religions. In my mind it makes you a hypocrite. But then that is between you and God. It really depends on what kind of relationship you have with Her.
Allan , You hit the nail on the head !! There are to many parents raising kids that cant raise a dog and do it right . And way to many kids raising kids . I have a neighbor that retired from teaching last yr. and she will tell you that most of the kids problems stem directly from there parents that dont have a clue .
Is that what the American Civil Liberties Union calls itself today.
They got my cousin out of prison. To thank them. He killed a man and raped his wife and left her for dead.
Guess that should qualify as a "hate crime"


I know where there are a few old abandoned churches. I think I could get permission from the landowners to burn them down.

Lets put these punks inside, chain them to the floor, then set the church on fire. Maybe they could "find" God then.

Call me cynical if you must, but I wouldn't hold my breath waiting for these perps to pay any real penalty for their misdeeds.

Probably nothing to do with whether they were religious or not. They say that actual quantity of religious people is less than 30% of the population, said people don't believe what their parents idea of religion was.
Everybody says "parents", I don't think there's all these bad parents all over the place. The ones of the killers running around rught now said if they show up he'll put a bullet in them.
I stand corrected it was for religious freedom. The one boy just got off probation & they aren't anybody of importance's kids, so they will probably go a trip----At least I hope so. At least they caught them. I don't think they've ever caught Howard Lawrence's killer. I did the auction of his store for his widow & sons a few years ago there in Long Bottom. Keith
Oh...I see. The constitution's Eighth Amendment, against cruel and unusual punishment, apparently doesn't apply in your world. And advocating murder in the name of religion places you SO far above the nnalert, doesn't it?
It's possible they were atheists, but it's more likely they don't even know the meaning of the word. At any rate, far more houses of worship have been desecrated by religious zealots than have been destroyed by atheists. I suspect this was just a crime of opportunity; if they hadn't burned down the church they might have done something else equally stupid.

A few years ago a local school was burned down by three teenage dropouts. They broke into the school, probably looking for something to steal to support their drug habits. After vandalizing the school, they got the bright idea to burn it down to cover their tracks. They succeeded in buring it down, but still got caught. All were convicted and served time in prison. They all owe a million bucks or so apiece in restitution in the unlikely event they ever get a paycheck. For the school district, however, the arson was a godsend. The school was well insured, and they needed to replace it anyway. The district ended up with a very nice new school several years earlier than they'd planned.
Some idiot burned down the elementary school I had attended. It wasn't totaled, but the district in question decided to retire it rather than repair the extensive damage. I don't live around there, but visit once a decade or so and would have liked to show my kids where I went to school.


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