How was your day??


Well-known Member
Start mine at 1900 yesterday.Had night shift and the natives were restless. Usually get so set back and just chillon the verge of napping. Busy all night.
Get off at 0700 and have to screw around til 0800 to pick up a rental trailer .
Get home and lay down just to get up for people looking at foals at 1000 hung out with them while they kicked tires and took them home to work out details.
While there, a couple johava's witness's show up and tried to mend my heathen ways. Told them in my best people voice that I wasn't interested, then told them to leave, one shoved past me thru the gate and said "what about your wife?" My people skills kicked in and me and the dog sent them out onto the street scrambling for the contents of their briefcases and coming real close to a combine.
Got rid of the people and had an hour to nap before going to pick up a water tank and trailer the wife got off ebay. And drop her off for an appointment halfway on the trip to pick her up on the way back.
Get laid on the couch and in a few minutes, the dogs bark and the bell at the gate rings. The 2 JW's were there with 2 cops because I assaulted them with a vicious dog. Called the dog, told them what happened (all on private property), and they asked if I wanted to press charges. Said no, they chewed on the JW's a$$ a while and were on their way.
FF, dropped the wife off and get to the address for the trailer, nothing there, phone number was wrong. Asked at a nearby house and they knew the person who lived just over there and pointed out the house.
Down the hill and thru several narrow streets I get to the house.
Tank is not there, it's about 3 miles away on a road that the trailer tires are are in grass on each side and a bank on oneside with about a 45 degree drop on the other side. Get to it and it is blocked in with a bunch of junk.
2 hours later, I'm on the way back to pick wife up and get home, unload, turn in trailer, eat, chores, and be at work again.
People driving like idiots, road construction, yada yada.
Back at work now and the natives are still restless.

Calgon........Take me away............

Done now

Got a call from my daughter in law at 12AM this morning. Headlights on her Volvo went out. Please come get me. Got there DPS was waiting on me to escort her home. Small town we all know each other,so he lets her drive the car home with me behind her. Pull into driveway lights come on radio went dead.Spent all day working on the electrical system.Reached in to check light switch. Hit turn signal switch. Headlights,radio and back up lights came on. Light switch is off. Taking a break and wondering how much gas I need to burn this car.
I was working mids a few years back. Sleeping one day, very hot, didn't have a/c here yet. All I have on is a very ragged gym shorts. Knock on the door, JW there, 2 women. Told them I wasn't interested, they kept talking. Meanwhile my 130lb lab / rot cross decides he doesn't want to be in the backyard. I run past the jw's, intercept Fred, wrestle with him, try to get them out, keep Fred off, and I feel a really cool breeze on the jewels.... The women left very quickly, not sure if Fred scared them or they didn't like the looks of Ralph and the twinns.!!!
Day was fine until my wife came home. Someone hit her van when it was parked so hard we can't open the liftgate. No problem... salvage yard has one for only $150.00 and I get to paint it. I tried to start the weedeater after I mowed to calm down, but it wouldn't start. I was so angry at it I busted it up against the concrete wall twice just to make sure it learned its lesson. Now I get to buy that Stihl. Then my daughter walked in and told me about an awesome tenor sax that she saw and needs for college...and it's only $1900.00! All I could do was smile and say I was sure proud of her. I don't drink, but today I'll have a beer. Life's good. Gerard
I got off work at 0630 and came home. Mole hills in the yard so go in mix a drink and back out to run water down said holes for about 30 min. Then in to bed. 1230 soon to be ex-wife calls and says she can't register the Explorer in her name cause she doesn't have a signed title. So drive to the county registrar only it's closed, call her and find out she's at a different licensing office. Go there sign paper, she really doesn't want to talk to me, so I leave. Go to the base, pick up 5 of the new pos gas cans and fill them cause base is having a 20 cent off per gal of gas sale this weekend. Get home and fill new to me F350 up with gas. Filler tubes leak so drill a 1/4 in hole in each so gas runs out better. Get tank filled to cap and smell gas, look under neath truck and its dripping gas. So Put a bucket under it and climb under to see whats up. Leaking out of the fuel line bung. Say to he!! with this leave bucket there. Go attack the moles again.

Lucky I'm off for the next 3 days.

I was having a great day brush cutting until a huge meadow spider with a egg sac the size of a quarter crawled up my pant leg.
Apparently everyone glossed right over the opening phrase of paragraph 6- "Get laid on the couch". . .

I think the story would have been more interesting if it had gone in that direction. . .
Would have been better with more rain. Had a quarter inch this morning,then it looked like a big storm was brewing an hour ago. Plenty of outflow wind,but it only rained for four or five minutes.
Got some maunre hauled,but that's nothing new. Have to take out at least 4 loads a week.
Not Good--Had to say good bye to an old faithful friend this morning. We had to have our 17 year old Chow put down. She was my wife's best buddy but both us & the folks next door had tears in our eyes. You can sure get attached to your animals, especially when you treat them like one of the kids. Keith
Slept in till 7:eek:o,cooked/ate breakfast,irrigated,sold/loaded 10 bales of hay,went to town for Susan's IV treatment,went grocery shopping,came home ate lunch,had company for 2 hours,cut more hay,drank a beer with my haying customer while we talked about draft horses,brought tractor and swather home,typeing this reply,cook/eat supper,irrigate,stack some hay before dark,collapse onto coutch with a beer,shower,go to bed,sleep.A good,average day.
Keith, Sorry about your dog.

I was headed to an equipment auction 130 miles away. Had a flat at 129 miles.
Sprayed 60 acres of hay ground that I'm going to dig up with Glyposate and Dicamba. Stuff was already nearly two foot tall in some places. To bad everyone is absolutely swamped with hay this year and there is no market for it or I could have cut a third crop. Damn foam marker quit again with ten acres left. Its going into the burn pile, going with GPS swath guide system next year. Then cleaned and winterized the sprayer and put it away.
I Needed to mow the lawn today,first thing of it broke a V belt on the mower deck,got,and put new belt on,it broke again,had to get an other one,then the engine quit,back to town for new points,put the points in,got the engine going,went mowing again and 20 min later the engine exploded(conrod trough the block)

Yes thank you i had a nice day.
(quoted from post at 15:58:04 08/21/10)
Testing pic thank you, have a great rest of saturday, burnsy
Very nice dog. Purebred? Tractor ain't bad either.. coukd use a little more red paint though :roll:


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