Perpetual Complainer

Roy Suomi

Well-known Member
Am I getting old or does this sound wrong ?? Went to get diesel fuel for my pick-up truck, The sign stated ; reg $2.65 diesel $3.19.. W-T-Heck is going on ?? Diesel was only around 10-20 cents more than regular gas...Is there a national shortage of fuel now ?? or , are they getting ready for winter heating oil rush ??SHEEEESCH , I'm sounding like my father..sorry
Hello Joe,
What year was that! It has to be 1/2 century ago or better. At least im my neck of the woods.
Roy, This fuel thing to me is a constant slap in the face reminding me how helpless and reliant on fuel we really are. At one point this summer diesel was cheaper than gas by a few cents. Every time I buy fuel I get steamed by the way we are getting screwed! This is just my opinion and I know it is not worth much, but I think that crazy fuel prices that we had to pay a couple of years ago was a major player in where we are at with the economy today!!!!!!!
Has a lot to do with supply and demand. Any more there are a lot more cars/trucks and all that use diesel so supply is getting lower and demand higher so the cost then goes up. At one point in time about the only things that used diesel was the big rigs and a few farm tractor so there was more then enough to go around and it was very cheap compared to gas but now days there is more of it used so the cost in turn has gone up
If I remember right, in the late 60's home heating oil was $12/gal and gas was around $26/gal. You could fill up a VW for $3 and a Honda 305 couldn't hold a $1 worth. Does this make you feel any better? I also remember after the oil imbargo in the early 70's. A president said our country would be energy independent and we would never be held hostage to opec again. Our government spent billions on alternative energy research. Which ended in the 80's because the price of gas went down. Isn't it something how history repeats itself? I find it amazing how people forget things. Like gas was just south of $5/gal 2 years age and you think gas at $2.65 diesel $3.19 is too much. People also think the gas companies are ripping us off when the profit they make is probably less than half of all the taxes on a gallon of fuel.

People don't mind wasting gas by using drive up windows and leaving the car running. Many parents think their kids are too good to ride a school bus, so they waste gas take them to and from school. I have to drive a truck to carry my tools, but many people drive big trucks and big SUV's instead of a car and waste gas. Do I sound like I'm VENTING??? SORRY! Ride a bike and save fuel.
Guido, I think he's saying that gas cost twelve cents more than diesel per gallon rather than that diesel was 12 cents a gallon.
I totally agree with you animal.My wife owns a antique shop and 2 years ago there were older people calling here to buy there antiques so they could have money for heat.Is there some thing WRONG with that picture.We need to get more independent--wheather it is hydro,wind,solar,or nuclear.Just my opinion.
I totally agree with you animal.My wife owns a antique shop and 2 years ago there were older people calling here to buy there antiques so they could have money for heat.Is there some thing WRONG with that picture.We need to get more independent--wheather it is hydro,wind,solar,or nuclear.Just my opinion.
I totally agree with you animal.My wife owns a antique shop and 2 years ago there were older people calling here to buy there antiques so they could have money for heat.Is there some thing WRONG with that picture.We need to get more independent--wheather it is hydro,wind,solar,or nuclear.Just my opinion.
Highway diesel is $3.35 per gallon here in Central NY. And, the low sulfur diesel has a bit less energy then the old diesel did. So, not only are you paying more, you're getting less BTUs in each gallon for fuel.

If won't be too long that even heating oil will be cooked, sulfur content lowered, BTUs lowered, and price raised.
Regular here is US $2.57 and diesel is around $2.00, Last butane I bought in July was $1.53.

Seems like I remember diesel price passing gasoline in the US when all of the diesel pickups showed up on the market.
Some people don't seem to mind the price. I have seen a F450, crew cab, custom pickup at our local IGA. Nice tonneau cover, fancy wheels, it is purely a grocery getter. Lots of F350's around that aren't work trucks, but that is the 1st F450 I've seen set up like that. Who needs a 1 & 1/2 ton truck to run into town for some beer and twinkies? I don't even know what engine is in the beast, except that it is a diesel. The fuel bill every month on that beast is probably more than my house payment was.
Regular here in southern MO is around $2.37 and diesel is about $2.79. It has been about that spread ever since the big jump in price a few years ago. Before that diesel was a little cheaper.

Probably that little Cummings that Dodge used.

My 650 box truck with 6 speed on a good day and a tail wind got 12 MPG
I use the link below to check out prices before fueling up and it sure pays. The station closest to me is currently 6¢ per gallon higher than the one down the road owned by the same company.

What burns me is how the distributors and stations will take advantage of visitors and will raise the fuel prices just before and during NJCAA Basketball tournament, State Fair, trade shows, rallies, or other large events, etc.

The KS State Fair starts tomorrow and I'm betting that fuel prices will be going up promptly and will stay up for at least the next 10 days while the fair is on.
What is your local area fuel price? MSN pricing info.
Fuel prices are actually pretty consistent with inflation rate. Increased 10 times in 40 years. Same with houses, cars, etc. Blame your "representatives" for that. Devaluing the currency.
As I recall, the excuse is the ultra-low sulphur diesel that is now federally required in the US. The claim is the removal of the sulphur requires more refining. Personally, I think they just figured out plenty of people have to pay whatever the price is, so why not?
$2.37 for regular gas sounds soooo good. Here in S.E. Ohio (60 miles from Ashland Marathon refinery in Ashland, Ky) $2.79 and has been all summer. I can drive 30 miles & get lower prices, but just can't figure out why it's so high in our area. Guess it just all comes down to the fact that we're just too dumb & keep on paying the price.
As others said, a lot of the price of the fuel goes to taxes. And our representatives in Washington along with the eco-nazis at the EPA don't give a lick about what their decisions, mandates, regulations cost the American consumer. They raise the CAFE regulations and the automakers have to put more and more expensive gizmos in our cars to meet them. That cost gets rolled into the price of the car/truck. They mandate the oil companies change the fuel makeup for summer driving or sulfur content and don't care what cost impact that has on the guy at the pump. And then they have the nerve to tell me not to mow my lawn or fill up my car on certain days because of an ozone alert. I live in SE Michigan, not California or Colorado, where smog is a real concern.

I, too, remember when diesel was cheaper than gas. It was in the early 80's and I bought several GM diesels (remember THAT fiasco of a design?). All of a sudden, diesel fuel started getting more expensive.

Now, everyone is screaming at BP. This company and others provides us with the fuel to make our daily lives easier. 11 men lost their lives so we can drive to our jobs, supermarket, etc. instead of taking the family horse and buggy to town.

Sure the companies are trying to make as much money as they can, that's their objective and all the low-hanging fruit (cheap oil) is gone. But it's politicians who mess up the system with all their regulations and decisions that are not market based but designed to win them votes. That's ALL they care about.
Keith I live About 3 miles "East in WV" as the crow flys from the Ashland Marathon refinery in Ashland, Ky. & gas is allways about 10 cents cheaper about 50 miles away from refinery than here. I live In Wayne CO just south of Kenova.
I would bet the F450 Diesel made over into a pickup would not use more fuel used a a grocery getter that a F250 Diesel grocery getter. Most likely as good as a F450 gas grocery getter. I get in the low 20's with my 94 F350 just driving back and fourth to work. If it is decked out and he has installed a chip it could get even better.
I got 18 with an empty trailer going down to Bouncers close to the Ohio river from close to the Michigan line a few years back. Don't under estimate that 7.3.

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