
Well-known Member
this is a picture of my mom passing out vegetables to all the people that help take care of her at the nursing home . It cheers up my mom to pass them out and give the ladys tips on how to cook them.



Oh , that's so sweet . It's scarry to think about it ; but some of us aren't very far behind her . I'm only 65 & for the past 8 yrs , my girls have been trying to get me to sell everything & move into a small apartment or a local caring place . For Petes sake , I'm disabled not dead . Too many memories in this home & I'm not ready to give up yet . I prefer they have to carry me out in a body bag . Enjoy what years your Mom can give you yet . I sure miss my Mom . God bless
I see a guy there every day, he is 67 and has some health problems and has no wheres else to go , he is so happy to see me everyday because he is surounded by old ladys talking about the same things all day. When I stop in after work I talk with him
You're a good kind hearted man Larry.You make that old man's day.Your mom's day is made by the interaction she has with those around her due to your caring. My mom died from Luchemia in 1971,my dad physically quit farming in march 1981,piddled around for about 4 weeks,sat down in a lounger on the front porch one day in april and died.The farm hands drove back and forth for 6 hours before some one noticed that he was not moving.We still have not recovered from the loss of our parents.JH
thats loyd
in the red sweatshirt drove a tractor trailer delivering gas for 35 years He has told me some good stories He had several studebaker cars, but never had any farm tractors
Hello Ken: If you read this, Tell your girls that when I was 65, I bought a Hobby Farm and moved out to that farm from a metro area where there was not much to do. After 4 years and lots of physical work, I feel better now then when I was in the city... So don't give in to your girls. That has been told to me from other old people who lived out on a farm most of there life.. Take them away from their long time daily life on a farm and put them in a so called "Home" is not good for many. I was born on a farm and grew up there so getting back to a Hobby farm has been mostly good. Like today I spent half day up on a latter painting the home and the day before I was on the rood fixing the flashing around the chimmney etc Nice to get some physical work if the weather is good too.
So don't give up the farm too quick.
Take care.. ag
your right do as much as you can and you will feel better. My mom is 83 and has ms She has had it for 30 years and is not giving up. She does all the activitys she can do and trys to help those that are worse off than she is.
Thanks ag . But they wouldn't care what others know about that or what I know from working as an apartment manager & maintenance man for 25 yrs . I couldn't stand not having anything to do . I told them if they forced me out of my home, I'd probably commit suicide . I'm diagnosesd with severe depression from my childhood anyhow . So having chores & projects to do , helps to keep my mind occupied . My oldest wants me to get papers made up making her power of attorney . I'm not sure that's what I want yet . Especially knowing they want me out of here . I sure miss my Mommy to talk to . God bless
God bless her.I am sure it is the highlight of her day when you come to see her.


There is a Rest home on the back side of my farm. There is a small field right against the property line. I plow about two acres there each spring. We put in several gravel paths last year. Any of the people there can have their own garden spot free. I have several of the local nurseries that donate seed and plants. The local 4H volunteers to assist in planting and on going care. Many of the people have lived on farms in their earlier days. It sure helps keep them going. Plus they get some good fresh food too.

Last June a family friend that was fighting a battle with Cancer, was living there. He was 87 years old. That man had a green thumb. He could grow a green garden on a paved road. LOL His son called me and said his dad was not doing well. He wanted to see me. I took off from work right then and went. He was on his last legs. He did not want to die in that room. So I got two sleeping bags and a one of the nurses gathered up several blankets. His son and I carried him out into his part of the garden. We had made a bed on the ground so he could set up but still feel the dirt. He spent the last several hours of his life setting in that spring sun and his hand in the earth he made his living from for so many years. THAT IS HOW I WANT TO GO!!!!!!!!!!!

The head nurse and the administrator about had a cow. I ask him what was the problem??? He said that it endangered the old man"s health??? HE WAS DIEING how can you endanger his health???? My friend"s family told those two to take a flying leap.
that is the nicest story I have heard in a long time thanks for telling it. I wish I could bring my mom home, but she has ms and is 82 and getting to weak to travel thanks again for that touching story larry
don't do it my m-i-l gave power of attorney to b-i-l now he has her shoved in a place she doesn't want to be and no say at all about how her money is spent.
we think b-i-l has it figured out he is going to get everything when she is gone.
she is not happy about any of it.
something needed to be done as she was not doing well taking care of herself. this is not the answer however
When I was a teenager dad farmed some ground right across the road from the county poor farm. It was a big brick two story building with a big porch across the front. Them old timers could raise a big garden. Early in the morning you would see 5 or 6 of them out there in the garden working. In the afternoon when it was hot would see them all setting on the porch. I thought it was pretty neat. It has since closed.
PS My mom turned 94 in April

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