Goin on's next door......shake head....shake head.....

We (wife, cats, and dog) moved into our house this spring. Next door neighboor is good friend of mine.....now the shake head part....

As of lately, a girl from up the road seems to spend A LOT of time at neighboors house.....strange part....neighboor works with girls husband.....

Supposedly girls husband is all for it?????

Strange world these days.....
Insufficient data, as the man said...
Neighbor married?? Children?? "Girl" is married, so assume you meant "woman" or "young woman" if she"s much younger than husb neighbor works with..."spending time" could cover multitude of possibilities, from helping with neighbors wife, children, hh tasks, innumerable other possibilities, all legit, to other possibilities...
Of course, the thought comes up: some things that are often seen are generally considereed not observable...
insuficient data, had a teen girl hanging out here a few years ago , nothing more to it than she was intrested in old tractors, ended up married to a kid a few miles away im sure if the neighbors had lived close enough to see the house there would have been all sorts of conclusions jumped to
I help my buddies wife hay, ie do half of it for her, over all the time in the summer. He doesn't mind at all as he has allergies and hates horses and hay. Nothing sinister about it. He helps me out when needed.
My neighbor takes his kids 4 wheeling sometimes on weekends.Almost every time there's someone that spends the night with his wife.A few months ago he said his wife was pregnent,but he had a visectomy last summer,couldn't figure it out.There seperated now.
My wife and her girlfriends can talk for hours, and start right where they left off the day before.
Gonna need some pictures for verification folks...

I have seen worse. It's all fun and games until the third trimester!

Uh....the girl (I call her girl, went to school with her, & know her history ;) has three kids w/ her husband. Dont know where they are during these rondevous.....But seeing what she is wearing walking into my buddies house....well....Ill just say my wife dosent go to peoples house wearing a bikini.....
Years ago, my wife's boss was married to a young and foxy lady. He was on city council. One time, he went to a meeting, but it was cancelled by lack of quorum. He came home, caught them "in flagrante dilecto" (Latin for "while the crime is ablaze", ie, redhanded).

And that was the end of that. She didn't fare too well in the divorce settlement, either.

Not too much question whats going on if she shows up in a bikini.
You might want to spend more time on the opposite side of the house. That will give you more protection when the bullets start flying....
Does she walk like a duck? Does she quack like a duck?

Most of the stupid rumors in my small town seem to come true after a few months of denial.

If some folks had any idea of what goes on after the sun goes down they would all freak out.

A lot of the young girls don't realy care what older folks find upseting like they used too.

I also would like more information / pictures etc.

Probably a old man like me would be embaresed, and the young gal would be very disapointed.
As long as that bikini isn't made of whipped cream I would mind my own business.

(quoted from post at 17:46:22 09/28/10) We (wife, cats, and dog) moved into our house this spring. Next door neighboor is good friend of mine.....now the shake head part....

As of lately, a girl from up the road seems to spend A LOT of time at neighboors house.....strange part....neighboor works with girls husband.....

Supposedly girls husband is all for it?????

Strange world these days.....

Are you bored? It sounds like you have way too much time on your hands if you're more worried about nosing around the hood.
ONCE, I did the same thing your neighbor is doing. Ruined my life. Never made such a mistake. Your neighbor will probably end up same to lesser or more degree. Dont worry about it, dont even lose a moments rest over it. You can't stop it and cannot influence the way this will end up whatsoever. May as well try to change the weather. YOU CANNOT.
i know of a case where one neighbor A wife spent lots of time riding her bicycle she always went the same direction.
all went well until once when neighbor B's wife was cleaning bedroom when she found a pair of nnalert ( under the bed) that were several sizes to small for mrs B that when it hit the fan.
"Not too much question whats going on if she shows up in a bikini."

OBVIOUSLY your neighbor has a tanning bed and is letting her use it for FREE!
Your right, not much of my buisness.....however....we (I and neighboor) share a drive way that goes out back to both of our shops......the drive goes between our houses and both of the entrances to our houses are on the side....it isnt like I am peeking out the window blinds for this stuff.....walk out my front door....there it is!!!

I hassled my neighboor a while back, his reply...well she dosent have a computer, and likes to use his.....uh huh......
Fully understand why it would fall under the category oh "things that make you go hmmmmm". Not so sure why it would fall under the category of "I need to run in the house and post this on the World Wide Web".
(quoted from post at 15:16:10 09/29/10) Your right, not much of my buisness.....however....we (I and neighboor) share a drive way that goes out back to both of our shops......the drive goes between our houses and both of the entrances to our houses are on the side....it isnt like I am peeking out the window blinds for this stuff.....walk out my front door....there it is!!!

I hassled my neighboor a while back, his reply...well she dosent have a computer, and likes to use his.....uh huh......

I say enjoy the views of the girl in her bikini and let things fly how they are.
You know a few years ago, the nnalert spent $53,000,000.00 (yep 53 MILLION dollars) to find out whether Bill Clinton and Monica Lewinski had nnalert. I am a nnalert and I am ashamed! What difference does it make to the rest of the country??? As for your neighbor,, unless you are standing there in the room with them,,, what do you "REALLY" know? Unless something goes on in YOUR OWN HOUSE, I would consider it not your business, and if they get into trouble, they are grown-ups, they knew WHAT they were doing.

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