Doing my part to help the unemployeement rate


Well-known Member
I was talking to a buddy the other day and we came to a conclusion...if you want to help with the current rate of unemployeement then don't pay your bills........ I mean this as a joke, of course, but at the same time think about it. Having been self employeed for nearly 12 years and making good money I never had a late bill. Now after being basically put out of work for so long because of custmomers failing to pay for work already performed (usually because they did't get paid themselves) or simply because they didn't have the work to do to break their macines to need me to work on them I got behind on somethings. Having been underemployeed for close to two years and not being able to find anything else it was a struggle. Fortunately I got on full time about a month back with a place that has been in business for close to 30 years with no layoffs, so I'm once again getting a steady, albeit smaller paycheck every week. In the mean time my phone typically starts ringing around 8:15 in the morning until, typically, just before 9 at night. Some times they leave messages, sometimes not, but for every call placed I expect I'm putting at least one person to work. Given that, I tend to have on average to 10 calls plus a day show up on my caller ID. Given that, and knowing that sometimes I can tell it's same person calling and leaving a message and sometimes it's not, I figure I am directly responsible for at least 5, maybe more people having a job to do every day.

Given thatstatistic, if all of us would just quit paying our bills for a month or two and rather spend that money on beer, new toys, etc, etc than think about all of the people we could put to work....I mean between the 5 plus bill collectors, the brewery employees, the mfgs making new 'toys' for us, etc that would put alot of people back to work.............

Again I mean this as a joke... but statistically it ought to work...LOL
Do you work for the Federal Reserve, perchance? You seem to have the economics down.

Don't laugh too London, Charlie Bean, who was the Bank of England's (trumpets in background) chief economist, and is now it's Deputy Governor, is railing at the old folks there to get off their duffs, stop expecting to live off interest income, pull out their retirement savings and for God's sake, spend them, now!, now!, before it's too late to save Charlie's ...oops, no, sorry, save England!! (more trumpets).
Maybe y'all can vote in Jeb Bush or Pallin, we would've been in good shape with McC/Pal
(quoted from post at 20:27:57 10/01/10) I was talking to a buddy the other day and we came to a conclusion...if you want to help with the current rate of unemployeement then don't pay your bills........ I mean this as a joke, of course, but at the same time think about it. Having been self employeed for nearly 12 years and making good money I never had a late bill. Now after being basically put out of work for so long because of custmomers failing to pay for work already performed (usually because they did't get paid themselves) or simply because they didn't have the work to do to break their macines to need me to work on them I got behind on somethings. Having been underemployeed for close to two years and not being able to find anything else it was a struggle. Fortunately I got on full time about a month back with a place that has been in business for close to 30 years with no layoffs, so I'm once again getting a steady, albeit smaller paycheck every week. In the mean time my phone typically starts ringing around 8:15 in the morning until, typically, just before 9 at night. Some times they leave messages, sometimes not, but for every call placed I expect I'm putting at least one person to work. Given that, I tend to have on average to 10 calls plus a day show up on my caller ID. Given that, and knowing that sometimes I can tell it's same person calling and leaving a message and sometimes it's not, I figure I am directly responsible for at least 5, maybe more people having a job to do every day.

Given thatstatistic, if all of us would just quit paying our bills for a month or two and rather spend that money on beer, new toys, etc, etc than think about all of the people we could put to work....I mean between the 5 plus bill collectors, the brewery employees, the mfgs making new 'toys' for us, etc that would put alot of people back to work.............

Again I mean this as a joke... but statistically it ought to work...LOL

I appreciate your post. It made me smile. Unfortunately the two racist morons who also felt the need to post are going to cause it to be lost.

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