Whats up with grain prices???

Dave from MN

Well-known Member
Some one fudge the numbers a couple weeks ago to drive up prices, and then all of a sudden found some extra bushels?? Wow , were they down friday and sounds like today will be just as bad. Little over a week ago they were predicting $6 corn this winter/spring, ow they are saying to lock in future prices because the bottom is supposed to fall out. Geesh!
Yup, the life of a farmer.

Town folk will sure let you know on those rumors of $6 corn; but no one says anything when it's closer to $2.... Hum.

We are seeing a real swing in output field to field. I would say that it will be 10% off of last years crop in Eastern Iowa.
I think USDA "found" 3 million bushels last Thursday/ friday. I don't know where they found them but thats what was reported on Farm radio. gobble
learning from my past experience (2008) I was smart enough to sell some 2 weeks ago...All good things come to an end, you know.
Sounds like you havent heard any farm broadcasts on radio or tv or you would have the answer. As a farmer nowdays needs to be kept abrest of whats going on or you aint going to last very long.
I keep up on things pretty good, was very busy this weekend and did not hear that the Govt adjusted inventory. I have about 2/3 of my crops future priced, would have grabbed some of the very nice prices a few days ago, but I want to get my contracts delivered or in a bin before I sell any more.
Nothin' up with grain prices...only down the past few days!!LOL...USDA report on Thursday morning showed ending inventory of corn 300 million bushels greater than previous report...w/ so much of the trading done by computer programs now, the market tends to move violently when something unexpected happens.
I am helping out a friend that is recovering from back surgery. I have been driving his semi for him. He hauls feed and corn. I know two of his customers that have over fifty thousand bushels of old corn still in their bins,each. One is damaged from heating and he is going to have to blend it with new crop corn. The other just was holding it until it hit $5 again. I bet he did not sell any this time around either.
I have been hauling for him the last few weeks and have only hauled a few loads of new crop. Most is guys cleaning out their bins. This early harvest caught quite a few not ready this year. Plus it seems that after we get high prices many forget marketing skills.

So are yields as poor as the government stated,which caused commodity trading to go haywire friday.....Or is this report some kind of pre-election scam?

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