after 30+ years, the cat's out of the bag.......


Well-known Member
Dad would come home after a 12-16 hour day and get on the tractor and mow the yard whether it needed it or not. Always kept the snow cleaned from our drive , most of the neighbor's and the lane we lived on. If the neighbors yard was a little too tall and it was still light out, it'd get mowed too "so it didn't make ours look shabby". Never would let us kids help out unless it was with a push mower or a snow shovel. I mowed for about 2 hours today and spent an hour or so removing some topsoil with a back blade.
Know just how the old man felt now.

Ain't it funny how as we get older the things our fathers did seem to make sense,and surprised at how much we are like them,like it or not. sometimes you just have to keep yourself busy to survive the day. been there done that too.
Understood fully.
Can't much anymore myself, but do what I can and have some good meds from the VA to help me not climb the walls the rest of the time.
Here's hopin nobody else gets to that point, lol.
Take care
I remember my dad saying (when he was about my age- 62) "I'm not the man I used to be, and maybe never was." I think that's one reason we like to do "seat time" on equipment- I can still do manual labor, but my "reduced capacity" makes it more irritating than satisfying. But I can drive a tractor or mower as well as I ever could, and its satisfying to be getting something done. And a lot easier, physically.
Consider yourself lucky not to have to work as a kid. My dad had 6 kids for cheap labor on the dairy farm. We never got time off. Even had to get up early and feed the cows before catching the school bus. Couldn't play sports after school, because we had to get home to work. It didn't take me long to learn what I didn't want to do for the rest of my life. However, I did learn how to properly spread BS. Make sure you are driving into the wind before you turn the spreader on. I guess you could say I had a BS degree before I graduated high school.

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