
Well-known Member

Just got this information--Hope it is not totally true :x
Go to Snopes site and you will see that the bills were introduced but have apparently died in committee. Some even for lack of second. I think we dodged another bullet on these bills.
HR45 has been shot down so many times it has to look like a collander. Politicians bring it up once in a while when they want to score some cheap points with the gun control crowd.

Think about it. What would it take to disarm the population of the U.S.? In order to confiscate firearms, you have to find them. Then you run into the Fourth Amendment against illegal search and seizure. So, you're fighting against two amendments to the constitution, and the whole thing would be tied up in the courts for twenty years.

Next, think of all the combat veterans, and other veterans and people in the country who own guns and aren't afraid to use them. Sending officers out to confiscate guns would be tantamount to handing them a death sentence, and they would know it.

I'm not saying it couldn't happen, but it seems to me that trying to disarm this country would result in a Second Civil War that would make the first one look like a Sunday School picnic.
Goose is right and add to that.....There are over 300 million guns in the USA. Estimated number of course.

The national instant check system was instituted in 1999. Since that time the check system has been used 100 million times. (so more then 100 million guns have been purchased in the last 11 years. (thats a lot) and of course billions of rounds of ammo. Praise the Lord, and pass the ammo.
If this ever happens,one thing is for sure,in a couple of days the anti gun crowd will know they made a terrible mistake,and there will be a lot less cops.But one thing will be sure,they will finally have to shut up with the gun control crap!Plus if any gun control politicians try and pull anything they will get thrown out of office.The last election a whole bunch of new congress people wrote a letter to the gun control idiots and told them they were not going to vote for any gun control crap.
Second Civil War that would make the first one look like a Sunday School picnic.
Goose mentioned Combat Vets, and Vets. One thing I
think each of us learned to some extent while
serving, was how to improvise. It's not just the
Marines who teach things like that. Vets of all
types, are not the only one's who can do this, and
rest assured, there will be MANY who improvise to
protect, or to do bad... Taking guns is NOT going
to stop the crime, it will just make "some" of it
harder to commit. I'll give up the last of my
weapons when they pry the No.2 pencil from my cold
dead hands!!!
I am sure there were plenty of folks in England, Canada, and Australia that thought the very same way. Don't recall any Civil Wars over it. They just keep chippin away until one day you wake up and there is noting left.
Fortunately we can own guns in this country and will be able to do so for some time. Politicians trying to disarm the American citizen will always be a threat to our rights amd freedoms. But it seems to me we have lost a lot of freedoms over the years and it has not been due to communism or terroism but our own government; federal, state, and local. We all need to stand up when we see a group of people loose their freedoms. While that particular issue may not mean much to us at the time, sooner or later there will be a certain freedom you may loose that you cherish.
look around & try to find ammo....it's slowly getting harder to find NATO rounds ...a gun with no ammo is nothing but a piece of wood & steel....WAKE UP PEOPLE....

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