Way,way OT-greed is bad


Well-known Member
For those not local, Our Famous Colorado quarter back (J El) is reported to have been taken for 15 million by a poncy con-man investor. No matter how much they have, they want better deals and more, more.
That how it appears to be with most, pure greed, but with Madeoff's company appeared to be a legitimate business.
Madoff? Good point- at the time Madoff was saying 10% return for sure , Soros was saying 30% return but chance of losing 90%. Soros hedge fund had to be bailed out by Bill Clinton when the hedge fund bet on wrong side of international currency and futures market, Barens Bank Hong Kong branch made losing bet on Japanese futures stock market and had to be sold. Madoffs claim of diverse investmants and reserving some extra from good years seemed logical to many investors at the time, his payouts seemed to be what he claimed. Goldman Sachs had a couple years better than Madoff then a lower return year. SEC warning by mid level accountant disregarded until later. RN
Well, it might be bad but it sure makes the day more interesting, and all I'm all for interesting because I'm greedy.

John Elway should have invested in safer things like......Bank CDs, or buying large plots of land in Colorado.....Go figure.
When only the swindlers profit all you'll have is swindlers. We condemn the victims and then praise the predators for being clever. We're doomed.
If he hadn't lost it that way, he would have spent it on cocaine, so no great loss.

I have always wondered how much the azzwhole jones who owns the Dallas Drug Monkeys, spends per year on drugs to keep his 'boys' up and running.

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