VIRUS WARNING!!!!!!!! USPS Package shipped notice


Well-known Member
Hey folks,
If you have an email from USPS telling you your package has shipped with a link to click on to track it. DO NOT OPEN IT......

The US Post Office doesn't even keep your mailing address on record much less your email address. If you open it (click the link) it will first hit your address book and send itself to everyone in it then start to work disabling your programs and computer.

People have entirely too much time on their hands...

Our IT dept. sent this list out. If you get an email from the list, delete immediately. It contains a virus.

You have got a new message on Facebook!
You have received A Hallmark E-Card!
Thank you from Google!
Your friend invited you to Twitter!
Laura would like to be your friend on hi5!
Shipping update for your order
basically, if you didn"t do anything related to the subject line, just delete. If it"s obviously from someone you don"t know and the subject sounds too good to be true, like gibberish, or a commercial; delete it--better yet mark it as spam/block sender. of course you miss important messages once in awhile but usually they got your other info or "know" you from yt or your other favorite website--they"ll get you another way, although late.

facebook and myspace and twitter and the next new thing will always be havens for virus and malicious software. chatrooms used to be the it thing, now it"s social networking. I tend to ignore the messages from facebook, even though i have an account. I just delete without reading and log into my fb account once in awhile. just using facebook seems to cause issues--i have antivirus and spyware removal tools.

I have a few different email accounts that are used for different purposes. for example, If i see a facebook message on the wrong email account, i know it"s garbage. Only one of my email accounts is a paid isp account, the others are freebies thru hotmail, yahoo, etc. one freebie is used for friends and family just incase i switch isps.

just be smart out there. And be secretive/vague about your kids and grandkids on the internet.

karl f
Does anybody really need the warning, most of those are obvious like "Here's you million". UPS, USPS and others never tell you about anything via email, they don't even tell you when they leave your package at the neighbors.
Exactly, and the virus email looks just like the standard UPS tracking notification email so it's easy to have reason to open it if you have recently shipped something.

It's been around for a couple of years. In another variation, the headline reads "Your package could not be delivered".
I've never got one from UPS, the business sends me a tracking # and I go to the UPS site.
So does it work like I say or you?
(quoted from post at 11:52:25 10/21/10) I've never got one from UPS, the business sends me a tracking # and I go to the UPS site.
So does it work like I say or you?

I get email notices from UPS Quantam all the time, informing me that a package has been delivered. Most of the time I already knew the package had been delivered because I saw the UPS truck, and saw the driver place the package in my shop. The U.S.P.S (post office) sends a one-time email notice to the intended recipient with tracking info etc., and I get a second email notice informing me that the package HAS been delivered and informs me of the date and hour of the day. I have never recieved an email from either USPS or UPS that was a scam.
Only reason I know about it is my wife clicked on one (had a blonde moment). Took her several hours to fix the damage and she caught it right away. Just thought I'd pass it on. What anyone does with the info is their own business. If I were some of you, I'd just start opening attachments just for spite.

UH OH ! Who is the "Nnacy Howell" below? Here every one is beefing about e-mail virus and etc. and a not known in this form poster shows up.Could it be?
Whenever I get viruses, I just save them up into a folder that I keep filling until it almost explodes, then what I do is ZIP it into one nice little neat file and sell them on Ebay with a notification of when they were opened, but I never call them bundled viruses. I usually call them "Classic Treats" something or others.

USPS something or other you say? Wow, sounds like I'm going to need a pretty big storage folder for that one. Thanks for the heads up. Better update to the latest Linux to accomondate its size.


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