Finally heard of something to do with liver


Well-known Member
Talking to the septic pumping service dude this morning. He recommended tossing deer liver into the system to jump start the breakdown process?
First good use of liver I ever heard tell of.
Liver has long been a secret weapon of endurance athletes. It is full of "B" vitamins that give great stamina. Plus if you eat beef liver you will get a care package for your liver. The chemistry your liver needs to be healthy is in the liver you eat. MMM.......good!
You people are sick............ I always carried a plastic bag and saved the heart and liver out of everything I got. Deer, squirrel, rabbit, grouse (if my heart would ever start beating again and let me shoot). Wife gets discusted when I cook the ones in the turkey each year.

Prolly why I'm so healthy and good looking :roll:

Its OK if you smother it in sauteed onions and mushrooms- but then I discovered it was even better if you omitted the liver!

Did eat the liver from the young buffalo we bought cut and wrapped last winter- it was good.
(quoted from post at 12:14:05 11/02/10) I hear it's good for building people skills too!! :lol:

That could be....

I know I'm always in a good mood after a bowl of liverball soup, a prezel and a weissen or 3 :roll:


I's hungry now.........
problem with liver ya have to know how to cook it.

I like it fried or baked with a gravey. very tender and melt in your mouth.

you must cook it very slow or it will only be good for work boot soles.
I was in Tokyo in a a department store food floor and bought what I thought was grilled chicken on skewers. It was liver. As liver goes, it was pretty good, but it still was liver. I should have stopped and read the signs instead of just looking and buying. But I read Japanese so slowly.
(quoted from post at 13:34:32 11/02/10) I should have stopped and read the signs instead of just looking and buying. .

That's a lesson that you'll never forget...... I bought a beautiful golden fish filet sandwich once and bit into a mouthful of mushy/raw fish (just dipped in hot fat long enough to brown the breading). That was 20 years ago and it's a rare occassion that I eat fish now.

He just wants to pump out your tank more often. Take a good dump, That'll start the process.

By adding anything to the tank it just makes more solids for the tank to break down.

Never add anything to your tank.
Love liver!!! Too bad it"s not good for your cholestoral. After driver"s training in high school, my friend and I stopped and bought 1.5 pounds and ate all of it for lunch--fried of course. My wife makes better liver than my mom did, but it was great to patch old boots. LOL!

People either hate or love liver. I love it. A good ol country watering hole near us cooks it with bacon in a pan and and serves it with sautaed leeks or onions and peppers and garlic. The liver was locally supplied, especially during deer season. I never had opossum on a half shell though.
Growing up on the farm, hog butchering day was special. The liver was taken straight from the hog into the kitchen and Mom cooked it for dinner. Liver was never allowed to get cold. Best liver you can eat. Not that fond of beef liver, but I do eat it occasionally.

I believe he omitted the steps where you cook it and then recycle it to the septic tank... Gene
I's hungry, too, Grandma Bottner used to make what she called leberknedle soup, looks just like the picture, only she made the balls a little bigger, about the size of a baseball. Man that was some good eatin!
(quoted from post at 15:39:49 11/02/10) I's hungry, too, Grandma Bottner used to make what she called leberknedle soup, looks just like the picture, only she made the balls a little bigger, about the size of a baseball. Man that was some good eatin!

Exactly.... Leberknodelsuppe....Baseball size but any size is fine. Throw in some egg noodles and eat with soft prezels or sourdough bread and a nice beer or weissen. I cheat and buy it in the store in a can but the wife makes them fresh.

Never heard of Liver in the septic tank, Grandaddy Installed drain feilds for over 50 years, whats the matter with Rid EX?
As far as liver I love it but hardly get it because I am the only one to eat it, now you got me hungry for a lvierwurst sandwhich I don't even know if they sell liverwurst in VA? can't recall seeing it in the stores.
have to make a run up to Pencil-Tucky to get the real deal and some real horseradish also, Kilbasi while I am at it too.
(quoted from post at 16:01:23 11/02/10) You never fish for catfish?

cut a piece of pantyhose and make sack for the liver and you had a line full every morning (ran a lot of trot lines as a kid.

I too have not had liver in a long time. My dad would cook it once in a while when I was growing up, took years for my mom to be able to even be in the same house when liver is cooking.
(quoted from post at 10:07:32 11/02/10) Talking to the septic pumping service dude this morning. He recommended tossing deer liver into the system to jump start the breakdown process?
First good use of liver I ever heard tell of.

Heard of a whole chicken dropped into a tank to restart the bacteria,but never liver,always something new.Did he recommend cooking it first,LOL.
In the southern part of Missouri we have summer church picnics that serve liver dumplings. My wife said they were good, I thought they sounded horrible but ate some to make her happy and they were really good. I try to get some every summer now. Gerard
So, I'm thinking that you or one of your party got a deer?
I like liver. About half a dozen times a year.
And yes I do always keep both the heart and the liver from my deer.
Liver is wonderful food. Believe it or not, most of my children love to eat it and argue over who gets any leftovers. Of course the livers are from our own animals, so that might make a difference.

(My oldest daughter can't stand the stuff, though.)

Right now I had rather have a good pork liver than a steak! Just one good meal is enough. You cannot buy good liver. If it is in the store it is already too old.
That IS the first good use for liver I've ever heard.

Liver is nothing but a big ol filter. All the TRASH a body builds up finds its way there. Why would anyone want to EAT one of those things???

A few years ago I spent a couple months in Argentina working on some big cattle ranches. The Argentines eat EVERY eddible piece of an animal, EXCEPT the liver. It goes in the trash.
Smart folks.

Years ago it was common to throw a dead chicken into a new tank, to get it to start working. It rotted, and the bacteria went to work on the sewage. Same principle with the liver. Just need an organic source.
Didn't think liver was such a problem, throw it out with the rest of the offal.Unless lacking in vitamin A,
Grab a person off the street and throw them in, we are covered with bacteria.The good not the bad.
Do your own cooking,no deep fat. Canola or olive oil in the pan.Fish makes fine food if you can catch them.
(quoted from post at 19:09:48 11/02/10)
(quoted from post at 16:01:23 11/02/10) You never fish for catfish?

cut a piece of pantyhose and make sack for the liver and you had a line full every morning (ran a lot of trot lines as a kid.


Catfish isn't really pursued around here. Some European immigrants actually catch and eat carp. I don't mind a carp on the line for a fight but I'll be some awful hungry before filleting one of those things.
More into the trout, salmon, pickerel, perch, pike and the occasional bass. Water is too cold here except for those Chinese catfish that have taken over the Mississippi and trying to enter the Great Lakes.
(quoted from post at 07:15:59 11/03/10) Catfish isn't really pursued around here. Some European immigrants actually catch and eat carp. I don't mind a carp on the line for a fight but I'll be some awful hungry before filleting one of those things.
More into the trout, salmon, pickerel, perch, pike and the occasional bass. Water is too cold here except for those Chinese catfish that have taken over the Mississippi and trying to enter the Great Lakes.

Had a young secretary who grew up in the Czech Republic. She said as a kid, they would get a carp at Christmas and it would swim in the bathtub until they cooked it for Christmas dinner. This was pretty recent as well, not decades ago.

As for the liver, I loved it as a kid but my wife (a nurse) scowls at me if I even mention buying it. She says the same thing as a few posters: bad for the cholesterol, full of toxins because it IS a filter. However, if it's calf's liver and commercially grown, how many toxins can be in it? It's not like they're grazing the cattle on landfills and toxic sewage dumps.

Anyway, the poster who mentioned liverwurst has made me consider a trip to Kowalski's here in Michigan. Best polish kielbasa and such around.
(quoted from post at 05:33:25 11/03/10)
(quotedHad a young secretary who grew up in the Czech Republic. She said as a kid, they would get a carp at Christmas and it would swim in the bathtub until they cooked it for Christmas dinner. This was pretty recent as well, not decades ago.

As for the liver, I loved it as a kid but my wife (a nurse) scowls at me if I even mention buying it. She says the same thing as a few posters: bad for the cholesterol, full of toxins because it IS a filter. However, if it's calf's liver and commercially grown, how many toxins can be in it? It's not like they're grazing the cattle on landfills and toxic sewage dumps.

Anyway, the poster who mentioned liverwurst has made me consider a trip to Kowalski's here in Michigan. Best polish kielbasa and such around.

Guy in town here raises some in 6 ponds. He rotates and farms them like any other livestock. He's offered me one several times and I, with the best people skills I could muster, turned it down. We had a colorful name for carp where I'm from.

B & D, I think you're thinking of the Asian Carp- the ones that try to jump in the boat when they get agitated. Or is there a species of catfish that's making its way there as well?
BTW, we eat a lot of fish, and catfish is a favorite. But there isn't much around here, too far north.

Bought a good looking piece of fish in the supermarket, called Basa Swai. Seemed a lot like catfish. Googled it, and found it is catfish, exactly the same as our domestically raised, but its imported, usually from somewhere in SE Asia. They had to rename it, because Congress decreed many years ago that only domestically raised catfish can be called "catfish".

Doesn't seem right, somehow, that you can change Mother Nature by congressional decree. But then again, a lot of what they do doesn't seem right. Looking forward to better times, after last night.
> Some European immigrants actually catch and eat carp.

I'm not an immigrant, but I sure do! You can't fillet them, but what you do is gut them, take the head off, and cut them in half. Then clean them up and paint them with a little brown sugar. Next, you put both halves in the Weber grill filled with a little bit of charcoal under some green hickory branches. Close the vents so it just barely smokes and about a day later you have delicious smoked carp. It's a fairly common tradition around here in Minnesota along the Mississippi. I know of some people who get a whole smokehouse of them going.
Bagged two deer last night. A 2-1/2yr doe and her veal button buck fawn. The livers are in the pail of tripe to get dumped.
I like liver.Some do, some dont.Many people have strange ideas about food.Some say they dont like turnips or swiss chard,Broccoli and brussel sprouts.I think they are nuts.They must have been raised on frozen dinners or peanut butter sandwiches.String beans from the garden are best but canned beans are ok.Pork rib meat makes a good stew cooked on the wood stove.Brown the meat with some olive oil, dump in a can of string beans water and all.You need some liquid for your stew,Add rutabaga, onions,carrots,potatoes,celery and a beef and chicken bullion cube.Add turnip if you have them.Add the spices you like and let it cook slow.A tablespoon of sugar helps a stew.A shot of hot sauce and some Worcestershire sauce are good.If you dont have pork a rabbit or gray squirrel will do.Pork ribs have been selling for a buck a pound here.Leave the 4 buck beef for other.Chicken leg quarters make a good stew.Hard times are here,get used to it.White rice can be had for 18 cents a pound,Instant rice is 1.80 a pound.Use chicken or beef stock to cook rice.
(quoted from post at 09:19:47 11/05/10) I like liver.Some do, some dont.Many people have strange ideas about food.Some say they dont like turnips or swiss chard,Broccoli and brussel sprouts.I think they are nuts.They must have been raised on frozen dinners or peanut butter sandwiches.String beans from the garden are best but canned beans are ok.Pork rib meat makes a good stew cooked on the wood stove.Brown the meat with some olive oil, dump in a can of string beans water and all.You need some liquid for your stew,Add rutabaga, onions,carrots,potatoes,celery and a beef and chicken bullion cube.Add turnip if you have them.Add the spices you like and let it cook slow.A tablespoon of sugar helps a stew.A shot of hot sauce and some Worcestershire sauce are good.If you dont have pork a rabbit or gray squirrel will do.Pork ribs have been selling for a buck a pound here.Leave the 4 buck beef for other.Chicken leg quarters make a good stew.Hard times are here,get used to it.White rice can be had for 18 cents a pound,Instant rice is 1.80 a pound.Use chicken or beef stock to cook rice.

While I do like the pricey cuts too. There is some sort of comfort food in a slow simmered dish. My Father dislikes "stew" and told us as kids never to let folk know we ate it on occasion because of what people would think. Then again he was a kid during the depression.I always thought it was good eating on a cold winter's day.
Moose here ends up slow roasted with tomato, onion etc. Then the juice,gravy and bits are the base for stew the next day.
First load down the pipe will start things fine.Once the septic tank is in you can put an out house over the pump hole.Then you have a place to go while working on the house.
Food likes and dislikes tend to be regional.I have a friend will not eat pea soup,on fish he will only eat trout.Another friend wont eat lasagna,yellow potatoes or colored swiss chard,green stems are ok but refuses colored stems.He does like chicken liver and tripe.I call these food fetishs.Eels are good eating,i remember when I was 12 or so years old everyone would go fishing and have a fishfry at the camp ground.My Uncle Bud did most of the cooking.I didnt think many of the campers would eat eel.Bud said he cut up the eel so no one would know and most would have downed many beers before the fish was ready.I have not caught an eel since that time but would eat one with no problem.I like rutabaga better than turnips and will eat turnips.Since I ate liver growing up I eat liver.I remember food rationing in the 40s.

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