Must be nice to be a Canadian Welder


Well-known Member
Just read in the paper this morning about a Canadian welder who won 10.9 million in the lottery. He was already set for retirement so he gave away 10.6 million to charities.

Must be nice to be a Canadian welder. <g> < g >
Well, either THAT, or he was brought up as a Christian who believed what Jesus said to the rich man who inquired about how to inherit the kingdom.

[ my experience, most folks who believe in socialism are the ones who DON'T have the wealth; once they get the wealth, they become nnalert. And the rich nnalert are the ones who got rich, but don't have a clue how that happened.]
He must have handled his money in a responsible way through his working life. If only he could have given me some lessons! Jim
I just read about this. It seems both he and his wife are quite comfortable living within their means. They decided to look after family first, then distributed the remainder among different charities, including the hospitals who are treating the wife for cancer. The total winings were 11.2 million.
Might be just as lucrative to be an Arizona dairy farmer these days. I heard on Ag Day a week or so ago that they pretty much put a bunch of names in a hat and gave a large dairy there 6 million dollars in "stimulus money" for no real rhyme or reason. The guy said he was going to use it to build another 4000 cow dairy like the one that he already has.
Probably wasn't any income tax on that money either.
I would keep a few million to buy fuel oil, gas and food and keep on farming until it was used up.Welders are strange, must get flashed to often.
I read that the wife had batteled cancer and some of the money went to the hospital.also they wernt young,they said they had enough money to live comfortable
just read about them in the papaer today
older couple down east somewhere ? said they had enough already & wanted to do some good with the $$$$$$
wow ! nice to read something like that in the paper , as opposed to the usual crap
just read about them in the papaer today
older couple down east somewhere ? said they had enough already & wanted to do some good with the $$$$$$
wow ! nice to read something like that in the paper , as opposed to the usual crap
Interesting that this Canadian didn't take the money to the US to pay for "the best healthcare in the world" for his wife, rather than continuing to rely on the Canadian healthcare system that folks in the US say is total crap.
Refreshing? REFRESHING?!?!!! IT'S UN-AMERICAN!! This kinda stuff's seductive, insidous and contagious!! Where'll we all be if this infects Wall Street, it's greed is 60% of GDP!!! We'll all crash! CRASH!! CRASH!!!!
A few years ago a older farmer in WV hit the lotto for 10 or 12 mill. In his tv interview they asked him what he was going to do with all his money, he replied "keep farming till the money runs out". At the time i thought he was joking but as time goes on i see where he's coming from.
Buzz, you & I are often on different sides of the fence. Nothing wrong with that, just sometimes hard to make a good conversation. ;)

I hafta agree you have a nice little deal there in the brackets, agree with you.

Paul, I just call 'em as I see 'em...based on what I've experienced in this life.

Your mileage may vary, because your experiences probably vary from mine. Doesn't have to make us enemies; just makes us individuals, as I see it.
Pappy and Grand-dad ran a farm equipment business when I was growing up, and I heard a lot of conversations around the old pot-bellied stove at the shop.

One young farmer allowed as he may as well hang it up as a farmer, 'cause there was no money in it. An older farmer corrected him: "I KNOW there's PLENTY of money in farmin'...cause I put all of mine there!"
You would think all those Canadians would be dropping like flies instead of living five years longer than us with all that bad health care.
Every step behind a leader is a step in the wrong direction, what detainment camp?


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