opps...who shot a missle????


Well-known Member
seems somebody fires a missile west of la yesterday evening and nobody seems to know who done it. not the thing everybody has laying around in the shed tho. i'm thinkin its either kruser of those darn howells in texas up to something.
poke here
I suspect Kruser- he's even got some missiles named after him, doesn't he?

Actually, I suspect Nancy's right- "Lucy, you got some 'splainin' to do. . ."
That type of $hit pizzes me off.

A missle is launched, no one in the Pentagon or the Navy knows where is came from,-----Or they arent saying. Was it is a submarine? A surface ship? Whack-job terrorists? When the Pentagon finds out who pushed the wrong button that person/or persons need to have their ball$ hung from a lamppost.
Very irresponsible.
Spent some time in the Air Force flying a jet and never quite got over the urge to fly again.

Been doing a lot of research on the web and have compiled a collection of possible "flight" projects to attempt later in my retirement years.

Here's the <a href="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVFEDccid_A&feature=related">best video</A> I've found to accomplish my goal of flying again.

Should be really easy with all those tractors and horses for propulsion.
Sounds good, but if you watch the video at the top of the trail you can see the orange glow from the rocket engine. I'm with the idea of some Navy Captain being in real deep doo doo.
Yeah the government says they don't know who shot but there was to danger to anyone. So if they don't know who shot how do they know there was no danger?
Sounds to me like someone is talking from both sides of their mouth.
rerember TWA 800? a lot of people said they saw a missle hit it. sounds similar. just missing the plane.
I would suspect there hasn"t been a missle submarine (with weapons) within 500 miles of LA, EVER.

Jim S, Commander, Ret., USN Submarine Force
as my son's active duty in the navy for the last 9 years, id say it was probably a test firing, the navy doesnt think its any of the public's business what it was, it probably hit on a gunnery range off limits to the public and they dont feel like commenting on it , any betters?
Exactly. The government publishes NOTAMS (notice to airmen) to warn pilots about such launches, and if you bother to look them up, you'll find one that pretty much covers this launch without much of a search. I suspect the Navy was just testing the news media to see if any of them can think.

They failed.
I won't mention who said it today, but someone asked the most obvious question. We have spy satellites, and we have defense satellites, and we even have satellites that go on the offensive, and NOT one of them detected that? Not one? In this time when we have satellites that can show the nail heads in roofing shingles, that stuff about "Oh, it was a weather balloon or something" doesn't get it anymore. Our defense and spy satellites missed it? Really?

Remember a couple of years ago when Israel flew into Syria and blewup their brand spanking new, top of the line, state of the art made in China anti-aircraft system? It really happened and the Israeli jets were in and out of Syria before anyone even knew that they blew that stuff up. The funny thing is that Syria and China didn't want to admit it because they didn't want anyone to know how bad it failed. Israel on the other hand didn't want to admit it because they didn't want to take credit for it. All of them admitted that it happened, but no one wanted to say anymore than that. I kind of wonder if something similar didn't happen here with China testing our defenses. We know that they've tested their anti-satellite weapons on our communications satellites and have shut them down and disrupted communications more than once. I wonder if that's what happened here, and no one wants to talk about them testing us again. No one will admit it in my lifetime.

The russians got a heckova lot closer to the east coast than 500miles with their Boomers.. What makes you think somebody couldn't get within 500M of the west coast?
Jack, (Also former USN Submariner)

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